Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

So one of the things fascists need are scapegoats, and "untermensch" if you will. Here you are lying, suggesting I am a disagreeable person based upon the false labels you wish to bestow on me to justify your hate. Here you are, displaying fascist like behavior.

ironically, calling me a nazi in the process.

Do you or do you not support Fuhrer Trump? If you want him tried, I withdraw the accusations of being a trumping nazi. :)
Do you or do you not support Fuhrer Trump? If you want him tried, I withdraw the accusations of being a trumping nazi. :)

1. I never voted nor would I vote for trump.

2. if he committed crimes he should face charges, just like hillary clinton should have. politicians should not be above the law.
1. I never voted nor would I vote for trump.

2. if he committed crimes he should face charges, just like hillary clinton should have. politicians should not be above the law.

I imagine, given your vicious extreme-right, that if Mrs Clinton had done anything which gave the slightest chance of a conviction, they'd have been in there, no expense spared. If you would never have voted for Trump, however, I apologise. I must have misunderstood something you wrote. It's been known.
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I imagine, given your vicious extreme-right, that if Mrs Clinton had done anything which gave the slightest chance of a conviction, they'd have been in there, no expense spare. If you would never have voted for Trump, however, I apologise. I must have misunderstood something you wrote. It's been known.

1. Is it legal or illegal to keep, store, disseminate classified information on a NONSECURE system? hint, you or I would be in prison.

All people should be equal under the law.

2. Extreme right wing? my vicious extreme right? There you go again with that fascist scapegoat labeling thing again. don't be such a nazi. I am not an extreme right winger, I am a true libertarian. I want to take over the world and leave you the fuck alone. I want gay married couples to be able to protect their weed farm with ar-15's. I want the US military out of all foreign lands and an end to all wars of choice, I want all non violent drug offenders released and their records expunged. I want to end corporate welfare. I can go on and on and on. but you seem prejudiced.
1. Is it legal or illegal to keep, store, disseminate classified information on a NONSECURE system? hint, you or I would be in prison.

All people should be equal under the law.

2. Extreme right wing? my vicious extreme right? There you go again with that fascist scapegoat labeling thing again. don't be such a nazi. I am not an extreme right winger, I am a true libertarian. I want to take over the world and leave you the fuck alone. I want gay married couples to be able to protect their weed farm with ar-15's. I want the US military out of all foreign lands and an end to all wars of choice, I want all non violent drug offenders released and their records expunged. I want to end corporate welfare. I can go on and on and on. but you seem prejudiced.

Not illegal, as far as I can gather, if ill-advised. To talk about any kind of liberty under capitalism is of course total bullshit - capitalism requires a police state in case we should take our property back from the thieves. Still, I suppose it is all McCarthy left for you to believe over there (and please don't send me bullshit about Stalinist State Capitalism. It is more like a duck quacking than even the Stalinists themselves used to be.
Not illegal, as far as I can gather, if ill-advised. To talk about any kind of liberty under capitalism is of course total bullshit - capitalism requires a police state in case we should take our property back from the thieves. Still, I suppose it is all McCarthy left for you to believe over there (and please don't send me bullshit about Stalinist State Capitalism. It is more like a duck quacking than even the Stalinists themselves used to be.

actually illegal.

felonies actually with each count carrying up to 5 years in prison:

1. Violated Federal Records act by not turning over subpeonad emails.
2. Destruction of evidence (bleach bitting servers)
3. Improper storage of classified information on a nonsecure system
4. Improper dissemination of classified information via nonsecure channels
5. Conspiracy to violate classification laws by instructing aid to strip classification headers from a secure fax and to send "nonsecure".

She clearly violated the laws here.

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

46 CFR § 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information. persons any classified information.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
actually illegal.

felonies actually with each count carrying up to 5 years in prison:

1. Violated Federal Records act by not turning over subpeonad emails.
2. Destruction of evidence (bleach bitting servers)
3. Improper storage of classified information on a nonsecure system
4. Improper dissemination of classified information via nonsecure channels
5. Conspiracy to violate classification laws by instructing aid to strip classification headers from a secure fax and to send "nonsecure".

She clearly violated the laws here.

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

46 CFR § 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information. persons any classified information.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

I disagree: I think her main crime was being female over there. It's not something I lose sleep over, however.
I disagree: I think her main crime was being female over there. It's not something I lose sleep over, however.

You can't disagree with facts.

this is another thing nazis do, they ignore crimes they and their compatriots engage in. Obvious crimes while accusing the other side of dubious crimes.

I've proved my case, you saying "I disagree" simply means you are a tribalist and are ok with your side doing crimes.
Hillary was not held above the law. It was specifically and authoritatively found by the law that no prosecutor would
have charged her for "emailgate." Her conduct was at most, negligent, as it was with Colin Powell and others who were equally
negligent with respect to text and emails.

But when your diet in large measure is a healthy side of Fox tale every day, you really can be forgiven for hyperbolic fantasy speech.
Hillary was not held above the law. It was specifically and authoritatively found by the law that no prosecutor would
have charged her for "emailgate." Her conduct was at most, negligent, as it was with Colin Powell and others who were equally
negligent with respect to text and emails.

But when your diet in large measure is a healthy side of Fox tale every day, you really can be forgiven for hyperbolic fantasy speech.

who said "emaigate"? she kept and stored classified information on a NONSECURE system. She directed a staff member to remove classified markings from a classifed document and email it nonsecure.

those are felonies for you and I.

I don't watch fox news, but have DOD contracts and am very familiar with the rules on classified materials.
You can't disagree with facts.

this is another thing nazis do, they ignore crimes they and their compatriots engage in. Obvious crimes while accusing the other side of dubious crimes.

I've proved my case, you saying "I disagree" simply means you are a tribalist and are ok with your side doing crimes.

What crimes, in this case? Anti-female prejudice is, unfortunately, not yet a crime. I don't know what case you imagine you have proved - you sound a bit like Trumpf, so take care. :)
What crimes, in this case? Anti-female prejudice is, unfortunately, not yet a crime. I don't know what case you imagine you have proved - you sound a bit like Trumpf, so take care. :)

literally gave you the title and code as well as examples.

the fact she may have a vagina is only a thing in your mind.
you were warned, many sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors at dismissing and disrespecting an entire group of people because you lost an election 4 years ago.

I'ma sit back and enjoy the show.

hey, why don't you go and restore the government.

I am enjoying watching many of them go to prison. It is a good show.