Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

Yeah, as noted by the "if you really believed that the election regularities existed you'd go to the capital and do something about it" thread. Did you change your mind on that, or do you still think they really don't believe it?

I believe many of the less intelligent actually believed it.
That's because you didn't think, dumbass. It's not going to get any better from here.

Y'all ain't gonna fuck America up on this watch. Sorry.

Its already a lot better, many of those people are in jail and have apologized and begged for forgiveness.
That's because you didn't think, dumbass. It's not going to get any better from here.

Y'all ain't gonna fuck America up on this watch. Sorry.

Nothing happened after this, and most of the fat ass MAGA rioters begged and groveled for mercy as soon as they were dragged before a judge.
It was a sad day for America.

It is a sad time for America, that people have lost faith in our government, a government outlined by our great founding document the US Constitution.

I don't really see what they think would be any better than our Constitution.

America is excellent. Wonderful. Great.

Perfect? No, of course not. But what is?

Can America stand improvement? Of course we can. But that won't happen unless we can agree to end all this hostility. It is OK to disagree. It is not OK to hate. It is the hatred that hurts us the most.

If we had a high sense of respect for one another we'd be able to talk about things and get things done.

But that can't happen because we are so dysfunctional.

So we are stuck. Right where the super rich and powerful want us. Unable to unite on much at all. Perfect for them. We are certainly not about to unite against the rich and powerful. Forget that. That's the whole point of getting us so divided!

And don't kid yourself about why it is like this. If the rich and powerful really wanted to break down some barriers and get us more on the same page they could do that.

We could still have our disagreements; we would simply have a better way of creating policy out of all our individual concerns. And people would understand they can't get everything they want. Extremism and refusing to talk creatively would go back to being the rarity. Understanding, agreeing to disagree, working together positively would be the norm.

I could envision us being that nation. But then I like to be a dreamer sometimes. Dreaming is good. You don't always get what you want, but you do need to try.

And along the way you might find some other pretty cool stuff too, about ridding your life of hatred.

One thing's for sure.

We have got to do better than January 6th, 2021. That needs to be the low point. We don't want to sink any lower than that ever again.

And wouldn't it feel nice treating people like people again? Doesn't the hatred get old?

Hatred doesn't go away all of a sudden one day. It goes away one person at a time, whenever that person decides to end it.

If you've got hatred in you, maybe you should think about moving away from that.

Couldn't hurt. And I gotta tell ya. A life without hatred is a wonderful life.

Each person has to decide for themself when they have had enough hatred.

I did a long time ago. And I am so glad I did. It's fabulous. There is a wonderful life, without hatred.

You can do it too, if you need to and you want to. If you do, you'll totally thank yourself.

And you might then want to share it. As I am trying to do with this post.

And that would be fabulous for America if that got to be a trending thing!

That would make America greater.
Haters gonna hate.

All the idiots seeking to overthrow the US government haven't a fucking clue on what comes next. Ask them. They don't know. They only want to tear it down like the French did to their government in 1789 and the Russians did to theirs in 1917....undoubtedly with the same results because the fucking morons have no plan for after.

there would probably be a lot less hate in this country if the majority of two political parties enhanced rights and freedoms instead of trying to take them away to make everyone 'safer'..................
Nothing happened after this, and most of the fat ass MAGA rioters begged and groveled for mercy as soon as they were dragged before a judge.

That's but a drop in a big bucket compared to how many are pissed off about the theft of the 2020 election by Democrats.
Assaulting police and storming the Capitol is just "excersizing" a right to protest?

Convenient how you overlook the riots in cities across America, caused by Antifa and BLM, who attacked cops and innocent bystanders, and pillaged and looted. Both groups are funded and supported by Democrats.
Haters gonna hate.

All the idiots seeking to overthrow the US government haven't a fucking clue on what comes next. Ask them. They don't know. They only want to tear it down like the French did to their government in 1789 and the Russians did to theirs in 1917....undoubtedly with the same results because the fucking morons have no plan for after.

Where have you been? The US government has already been overthrown.