Trump’s Boxes and Clinton’s Sock Drawer


And you can't claw back the information once a document has been declassified.

Wrong again, pup.

Consider this: If Trump were President, are you saying he couldn't reclassify something previously declassified by another authority?
Wrong again, pup.

Consider this: If Trump were President, are you saying he couldn't reclassify something previously declassified by another authority?

His position defies what Trump himself claims which is he had a standing order to declassify anything he took with him outside the WH, and then it would again be classified when he returned it.

Trump has never said each and every piece of material he ever took outside the WH or other secure areas all remains declassified forever and thus open to FOIA requests.
His position defies what Trump himself claims which is he had a standing order to declassify anything he took with him outside the WH, and then it would again be classified when he returned it.

Trump has never said each and every piece of material he ever took outside the WH or other secure areas all remains declassified forever and thus open to FOIA requests.

He only says that because Trump told him to believe it. Even when the courts rule against Trump, Trump's sheeple will continue to follow their shepherd.


And you can't claw back the information once a document has been declassified.

Being CIC of the military is a power granted by the Constitution to the president. I didn't see any limiting of that authority in article 2 section 2. Maybe YOU can find it.

Ooops. I guess you just lost that argument.

“RFK Jr. portrays Dr. Fauci as “cracking down on HCQ [hydrochloroquine] to keep case fatalities high.” (Page 30.) Speaking of federal decisions not to authorize Hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment, he says:

Most of my fellow Democrats understand that Dr. Fauci led an effort to deliberately derail America’s access to lifesaving drugs and medicines that might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and dramatically shortened the pandemic. There is no other aspect of the COVID crisis that more clearly reveals the malicious intentions of a powerful vaccine cartel — led by Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates — to prolong the pandemic and amplify its mortal effects in order to promote their mischievous inoculations.”

The Real Anthony Fauci, p.19

Fauci haters have had select politicians and Internet loudmouths on their side almost from the pandemic's onset. They lack merely science and history. Studies on masks and vaccines are both many and positive but mean nothing to true believers who have, as always, conspiracies and blind faith also on their side. In looking up some research for this I see The World Health Organization is a "Chinese puppet" in Right wing lore, but here's a link anyway.
Fauci haters have had select politicians and Internet loudmouths on their side almost from the pandemic's onset. They lack merely science and history. Studies on masks and vaccines are both many and positive but mean nothing to true believers who have, as always, conspiracies and blind faith also on their side. In looking up some research for this I see The World Health Organization is a "Chinese puppet" in Right wing lore, but here's a link anyway.

The Fauci haters are in the same category as racists, authoritarians and conspiracy theorists. Notice that the vast majority of them are elderly, Euro-American males suffering from dementia, mental illness and/or stupidity.
Being CIC of the military is a power granted by the Constitution to the president. I didn't see any limiting of that authority in article 2 section 2. Maybe YOU can find it.

Ooops. I guess you just lost that argument.

You can't claw back information once it has been declassified is a statement of fact.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just to side bar from the OP:

Fauci did indeed do his job...which entailed perpetuating the FALSE narrative of using the PCR test to determine viral cause of current illness in a patient. Made a HELL of a lot of money for pharma companies, made medical careers (like his).

It was a false narrative when he did the SAME thing regarding HIV nearly 40 years ago. The man who INVENTED the process and won a Nobel Prize for it, the late Dr. Mullis, spent YEARS explaining to peer reviewed colleagues and medical academics just that. He routinely challenged Fauci to debate the issue among such...Fauci never did with him or anyone else.

That's just for starters.....Fauci's false claims and misleading narratives regarding Covid have been well documented. THIS contributed to the death rate. Period.

Now, back to the Orange Oaf and his document BS.

Fauci's and the rest of the medical establishment's "claims" prompted most Americans to wear masks and get vaccinated. The statistical result was far less death and far less serious illness among Americans who took that advice than among Americans who
shunned it, not that it has made a whit of difference to Right wing ideologues.

Wrong. At the end of 2022, it was revealed that the majority of deaths from Covid were among the vaccinated. Look it up if you don't believe me. What followed was the most amazing bit of convoluted logic from the pro-vac media and special interest to minimize this fact and justify continuation of the vaccine regimen. Bottom line: the more negative side effects (short & long term) that come to light from any of the Covid vaccines is minimized by the medical status quo by saying "the overall benefits out way the potential risks" and/or "further study is needed to determine direct causes" allegedly associate with the vaccines.

"Further study" results in more people getting sick or injured or dying from vaccines THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION before "emergency status" was declared.

That's F.U.B.B.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?
Wrong. At the end of 2022, it was revealed that the majority of deaths from Covid were among the vaccinated. Look it up if you don't believe me. What followed was the most amazing bit of convoluted logic from the pro-vac media and special interest to minimize this fact and justify continuation of the vaccine regimen. Bottom line: the more negative side effects (short & long term) that come to light from any of the Covid vaccines is minimized by the medical status quo by saying "the overall benefits out way the potential risks" and/or "further study is needed to determine direct causes" allegedly associate with the vaccines.

"Further study" results in more people getting sick or injured or dying from vaccines THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION before "emergency status" was declared.

That's F.U.B.B.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?

When Covid returns, you should do the healthy thing and refuse the vaccine.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Wrong. At the end of 2022, it was revealed that the majority of deaths from Covid were among the vaccinated. Look it up if you don't believe me. What followed was the most amazing bit of convoluted logic from the pro-vac media and special interest to minimize this fact and justify continuation of the vaccine regimen. Bottom line: the more negative side effects (short & long term) that come to light from any of the Covid vaccines is minimized by the medical status quo by saying "the overall benefits out way the potential risks" and/or "further study is needed to determine direct causes" allegedly associate with the vaccines.

"Further study" results in more people getting sick or injured or dying from vaccines THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION before "emergency status" was declared.

That's F.U.B.B.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?

When Covid returns, you should do the healthy thing and refuse the vaccine.

Actually, like all viruses, Covid never truly "leaves", it just mutates and/or is rendered harmless by herd immunity AND vaccines that actually have been properly vetted to limit the number of negative side effects.

Until Covid, I weathered all flus and viruses without getting vaccinated or having to be hospitalized as an adult. There are alternative ways of dealing with Covid (homeopathic, etc.) like a blending of traditional and "alternative" medicine. Nothing is perfect, but to stick one's head in the sand regarding the poor responses to this particular virus is foolish....your response here being a typical example of that foolishness.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?
Actually, like all viruses, Covid never truly "leaves", it just mutates and/or is rendered harmless by herd immunity AND vaccines that actually have been properly vetted to limit the number of negative side effects.

Until Covid, I weathered all flus and viruses without getting vaccinated or having to be hospitalized as an adult. There are alternative ways of dealing with Covid (homeopathic, etc.) like a blending of traditional and "alternative" medicine. Nothing is perfect, but to stick one's head in the sand regarding the poor responses to this particular virus is foolish....your response here being a typical example of that foolishness.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?

You're only correct if covid is natural.
Wrong. At the end of 2022, it was revealed that the majority of deaths from Covid were among the vaccinated. Look it up if you don't believe me. What followed was the most amazing bit of convoluted logic from the pro-vac media and special interest to minimize this fact and justify continuation of the vaccine regimen. Bottom line: the more negative side effects (short & long term) that come to light from any of the Covid vaccines is minimized by the medical status quo by saying "the overall benefits out way the potential risks" and/or "further study is needed to determine direct causes" allegedly associate with the vaccines.

"Further study" results in more people getting sick or injured or dying from vaccines THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION before "emergency status" was declared.

That's F.U.B.B.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?

I assume that it is the logic that explains why the vaccines worked when more covid deaths occurred among the vaccinated, the logic being that although 80 per cent of Americans by then had received at least one vaccination, the vaccinations had become ineffective over time requiring a second dose of vaccine followed by boosters, and those a majority of Americans did not receive. Overall, therefore, it became accurate to say that more vaccinated than unvaccinated Americans died of Covid, but looking within the numbers the safest group by far was the group that received all recommended doses.
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I assume that it is the logic that explains why the vaccines worked when more covid deaths occurred among the vaccinated, the logic being that although 80 per cent of Americans by then had received at least one vaccination, the vaccinations had become ineffective over time requiring a second dose of vaccine followed by boosters, and those a majority of Americans did not receive. Overall, therefore, it became accurate to say that more vaccinated than unvaccinated Americans died of Covid, but looking within the numbers the safest group by far was the group that received all recommended doses.

Anti-vaxxers are also the people who think bleach and HCQ were better COVID cures.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Wrong. At the end of 2022, it was revealed that the majority of deaths from Covid were among the vaccinated. Look it up if you don't believe me. What followed was the most amazing bit of convoluted logic from the pro-vac media and special interest to minimize this fact and justify continuation of the vaccine regimen. Bottom line: the more negative side effects (short & long term) that come to light from any of the Covid vaccines is minimized by the medical status quo by saying "the overall benefits out way the potential risks" and/or "further study is needed to determine direct causes" allegedly associate with the vaccines.

"Further study" results in more people getting sick or injured or dying from vaccines THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION before "emergency status" was declared.

That's F.U.B.B.

Now, back to the topic of the OP. Any further thoughts on that?

I assume that it is the logic that explains why the vaccines worked when more covid deaths occurred among the vaccinated, the logic being that although 80 per cent of Americans by then had received at least one vaccination, the vaccinations had become ineffective over time requiring a second dose of vaccine followed by boosters, and those a majority of Americans did not receive. Overall, therefore, it became accurate to say that more vaccinated than unvaccinated Americans died of Covid, but looking within the numbers the safest group by far was the group that received all recommended doses.

You "assumed" should have paid attention to what I wrote instead of creating a narrative that ignores it's content and is loaded with apologetic supposition and conjecture to come to a preconceived conclusion. :palm:

The POINT of my previous post was to point to the FACT that there are serious side affects to the vaccines (short & long term) that have and are occurring more frequently than the MSM and CDC/Pharma are letting on. Now this man has had a serious hatchet job done on him, but damned if what he says is NOT true:
