Trump’s Boxes and Clinton’s Sock Drawer

So none of what you posted is a quote and you take full credit as the author? ...
Why are you making shit up? I never said. I asked you clarify what "QUOTES" you are asking for.

If i say to you now provide some info on the quotes you have provided, do you know what i am referring to and can you answer it without asking 'which quotes'?

If you can please do right now. I want information right now on quotes you have referred to? And don't tell my 'none of what you posted ever in this forum is a quote and you are taking full credit as an author' and just explain them to me NOW.
..." As the new ABA Legal Fact Check notes, the extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court."

"More than two months after FBI agents seized boxes of materials at former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, known as Mar-a-Lago, the federal investigation continues amid conflicting legal interpretations of a president’s authority to declassify sensitive information."

Despite you asserting that it is settled law, the ABA does not agree with you. I guess they don't know about those "3 cases". :dunno:

Your problem with the above, is not what it says, and is your ability to COMPREHEND what it says.

What you are quoting is speaking to his "AUTHORITY" to declassify. No one can challenge his authority. If he wants to say anything (outside a few restricted areas) is declassified, no one has the authority to stop him or defy him on that. BUt as the link from ABA CLEARLY SAYS that you provide, In PART 2...

...In all cases, however, a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized. A federal appeals court in a 2020 Freedom of Information Act case, New York Times v. CIA, underscored that point: “Declassification cannot occur unless designated officials follow specified procedures,” the court said.

So stop you lying nonsense when your own citation backs up EXACTLY my point.
So none of what you posted is a quote and you take full credit as the author?

" As the new ABA Legal Fact Check notes, the extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court."

"More than two months after FBI agents seized boxes of materials at former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, known as Mar-a-Lago, the federal investigation continues amid conflicting legal interpretations of a president’s authority to declassify sensitive information."

Despite you asserting that it is settled law, the ABA does not agree with you. I guess they don't know about those "3 cases". :dunno:

Maybe you should read the indictment and your source. The indictment lists at least one document that contains nuclear secrets.
From your ABA source:
Some secrets, such as information related to nuclear weapons, are handled separately under a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act. Those secrets cannot be automatically declassified by the president alone and require, by law, extensive consultation with executive branch agencies.

19. Undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of the United States
Why are you making shit up? I never said. I asked you clarify what "QUOTES" you are asking for.

If i say to you now provide some info on the quotes you have provided, do you know what i am referring to and can you answer it without asking 'which quotes'?

If you can please do right now. I want information right now on quotes you have referred to? And don't tell my 'none of what you posted ever in this forum is a quote and you are taking full credit as an author' and just explain them to me NOW.

Yes, when I quote from an article I give attribution. Don't you?
Maybe you should read the indictment and your source. The indictment lists at least one document that contains nuclear secrets.
From your ABA source:

The science is "settled", the law is "settled", ... these are not arguments, they are symptomatic of tantrums.

To you and Qpi, this is the final summary from the ABA ...

" As the new ABA Legal Fact Check notes, the extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court."
Your problem with the above, is not what it says, and is your ability to COMPREHEND what it says.

What you are quoting is speaking to his "AUTHORITY" to declassify. No one can challenge his authority. If he wants to say anything (outside a few restricted areas) is declassified, no one has the authority to stop him or defy him on that. BUt as the link from ABA CLEARLY SAYS that you provide, In PART 2...

So stop you lying nonsense when your own citation backs up EXACTLY my point.

Being CIC of the military is a power granted by the Constitution to the president. I didn't see any limiting of that authority in article 2 section 2. Maybe YOU can find it.
Trumpers are assuming, in effect, that Trump's absolute entitlement to both determine what Presidential Records are and take them as his personal property would legally entitle him to deliver the nuclear codes to Vladimir Putin.
Trumpers are assuming, in effect, that Trump's absolute entitlement to both determine what Presidential Records are and take them as his personal property would legally entitle him to deliver the nuclear codes to Vladimir Putin.

Not "in effect". That's exactly what they are pushing. These dumbasses are pushing the old "Let Trump be Trump".

Why? My guess is because they like the idea of a single leader, a President-for-Life, to run the country the way they want it to be, the "white heritage" way...and they'll run over anyone who gets in their way. Corporate examples: Budweiser and Target.

They've proved they do not believe all human beings have unalienable rights. They rank people by sex, gender, economic status and political beliefs. If you agree with them, then you are "okay". If not, then they'll take you down. With violence if necessary.

Violence is not always necessary to fight the Pedo Nazis, but, IMHO, it's important to prove to them they will meet violence if they rape a child....or attempt a coup. Whichever comes first.
It is such an awesome bind that he is in.

his lawyers will have no defense they can offer than arguing against the statutory obligations of the Espionage Act. They will need to somehow try to convince the jury that Trump did not violate the elements of the Espionage Act and thus did not break the law...

- The law exists and is enforceable so that part cannot be denied.

- They will be stuck arguing the material does not meet the standard of being able to 'injure the US'. Good luck with that, especially given Trumps recording where he admits how serious the material is.
- They will be stuck arguing that Trump did not "willfully' keep it from the archives. Good luck with that with him engaging in 'hide and go seek' game, and lying via affidavit in response to the subpoena so that he could keep it.

I am looking forward to what Trump wants most: attention on him. LOL
Not "in effect". That's exactly what they are pushing. These dumbasses are pushing the old "Let Trump be Trump".

Why? My guess is because they like the idea of a single leader, a President-for-Life, to run the country the way they want it to be, the "white heritage" way...and they'll run over anyone who gets in their way. Corporate examples: Budweiser and Target.

They've proved they do not believe all human beings have unalienable rights. They rank people by sex, gender, economic status and political beliefs. If you agree with them, then you are "okay". If not, then they'll take you down. With violence if necessary.

Violence is not always necessary to fight the Pedo Nazis, but, IMHO, it's important to prove to them they will meet violence if they rape a child....or attempt a coup. Whichever comes first.

Yes, of course. "In effect" was sloppy.

The "single leader idea" doesn't go beyond the cult of Trump.
Being CIC of the military is a power granted by the Constitution to the president. I didn't see any limiting of that authority in article 2 section 2. Maybe YOU can find it.

You think QP! is a Constitutional lawyer like Obama? Are you one, pup?

Being an ex-CiC entitles what privileges, Counselor?

For me? I'll wait for the trial. :D
Everyone blames Fauci - but Fauci DID HIS JOB. His job was making sure lives were protected. There were a dozen other considerations for how we should have approached every aspect of COVID, and he should have had a REAL task force, with experts on education, childhood development, senior health, business, technology, et al., to formulate a comprehensive plan and address COVID more effectively and intelligently.

Instead, he sent mixed messages on everything, downplayed the virus repeatedly (by his own admission), and gave confusing messaging on everything from distancing to masks to the shutdowns. The country was all over the place and no one knew what to believe because he could not provide a coherent vision for the country to understand and follow.

The proof is in the pudding. Many of his own supporters will still not get the vaccine his efforts helped to accelerate - something that could have been a real accomplishment for him, but he blew it by spreading doubt about everything.

He was a mess. It was like a clinic in how NOT to lead.
Fauci went around the law to fund gain of function research at the very same lab that gave us COVID Then when it looked like he would be exposed he began covering his tracks by spreading misinformation. We have the emails .That certainly was not Fauci job. You should stick to mixing booze cause you sure don’t know medicine,
Yes, of course. "In effect" was sloppy.

The "single leader idea" doesn't go beyond the cult of Trump.

Agreed on most Republicans. While a few claim they favor Meatball Ron, the majority of Republicans favor Pedo Don. Their desire for a dictator is clear.
Trumpers are assuming, in effect, that Trump's absolute entitlement to both determine what Presidential Records are and take them as his personal property would legally entitle him to deliver the nuclear codes to Vladimir Putin.
Actually PRA would. Hunter is far more likely to sell them to Xi though.
Being CIC of the military is a power granted by the Constitution to the president. I didn't see any limiting of that authority in article 2 section 2. Maybe YOU can find it.

Based on that reading of the law and Constitution, if the CiC can just think and poof documents are no longer classified then the reverse must also be true, the CiC can just think and poof documents are classified. If Biden had a such a thought then it would make Trump guilty of retaining classified documents since Biden can make any document held by Trump classified.
Fauci went around the law to fund gain of function research at the very same lab that gave us COVID Then when it looked like he would be exposed he began covering his tracks by spreading misinformation. We have the emails .That certainly was not Fauci job. You should stick to mixing booze cause you sure don’t know medicine,

Are these the emails the dead guy claimed to have but failed to turn over before he disappeared?
Are these the emails the dead guy claimed to have but failed to turn over before he disappeared?

Fauci shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, emails show
Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner Jan 11, 2022

Fauci shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, emails show

Scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed COVID-19 originating from a lab in Wuhan, China, was possible or even likely, but Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to shut the hypothesis down, according to several emails.

The emails were revealed Tuesday in a letter from Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on House Judiciary Committee, and GOP Rep. James Comer, the ranking member on House Oversight Committee. Some of the emails included notes from a Feb. 1, 2020, conference call in which at least 11 scientists theorized about the virus's origin, with many leaning toward the lab leak theory.

"[The emails] reveal that Dr. Fauci was warned of two things: (1) the potential that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute Virology (WIV) and (2) the possibility that the virus was intentionally genetically manipulated," the lawmakers said.

Republicans said the Department of Health and Human Services made the unredacted versions of the emails available only behind closed doors, and so, committee staff hand-copied them. The emails appear to show that although Collins, the now-former head of the National Institutes of Health, and Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, worked behind the scenes to cast down on the lab leak possibility, they had good reason to believe it was plausible.

Dr. Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust, sent an email to Collins, Fauci, and Lawrence Tabak (then the principal deputy director of the NIH and now its acting director) on Feb. 2, 2020, summarizing the conference call and indicating that some of the scientists believed the lab leak theory was viable. Farrar noted, for example, that Mike Farzan (dubbed the "discoverer of SARS receptor" and a professor of immunology at Scripps Research) found a key aspect of the virus "highly unlikely" to have developed outside a lab.

"So, I think it becomes a question of how do you put all this together, whether you believe in this series of coincidences, what you know of the lab in Wuhan, how much could be in nature — accidental release or natural event? I am 70:30 or 60:40," Farrar recounted Farzan saying on the call.

Another scientist on the call, Tulane Medical School microbiology professor Robert Garry, said he could see no "plausible natural scenario" for key amino acids and nucleotides to have been inserted into a bat virus to make it the virus that would go on to kill more than 5 million people worldwide.

But in another email from the same day referenced in the lawmakers' letter, Ron Fouchier, the deputy head of the Erasmus MC Department of Viroscience, seemed to embrace the theory that the virus occurred naturally and warned that lab leak discussions could "do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular."

Collins sent an email back to Farrar, Fauci, and Tabak that day, saying he was "coming around to the view that a natural origin is more likely" and alluding to the lab leak hypothesis as a "conspiracy theory."

"I share your view that a swift convening of experts in a confidence inspiring framework (World Health Organization) seems really the only option) is needed, or the voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate, doing great potential harm to science and international harmony," he wrote.

Yet another email, this one from Collins to Fauci and others and dated April 16, 2020, showed him trying to push back against reporting from Bret Baier of Fox News on the lab leak theory. Baier cited multiple sources who had been briefed at the beginning on the origins of the virus and believed it had sprung from the lab.

"Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy, with what seems to be growing momentum," Collins wrote. "I hoped the Nature Medicine article [casting doubt on the lab leak theory] on the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would settle this. But probably didn't get much visibility. Anything more we can do? Ask the National Academy to weigh in?"

A day later, Fauci replied to his boss in an email released by the GOP lawmakers.

"I would not do anything about this right now," Fauci wrote. "It is a shiny object that will go away in time."

Fauci continued to insist as recently as November that it is "much more likely" that COVID-19 originated in nature rather than from the Wuhan lab.
Based on that reading of the law and Constitution, if the CiC can just think and poof documents are no longer classified then the reverse must also be true, the CiC can just think and poof documents are classified. If Biden had a such a thought then it would make Trump guilty of retaining classified documents since Biden can make any document held by Trump classified.
If at the end of his term a President sets aside some of the documents in the Executive office to be taken with him upon his departure. Those documents are deemed to be his personal documents and the remaining documents go to the National Archive.
If at the end of his term a President sets aside some of the documents in the Executive office to be taken with him upon his departure. Those documents are deemed to be his personal documents and the remaining documents go to the National Archive.

If you believe that is how it works, you are truly stupid.

44 U.S.C. 2202