Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are ‘Poison’

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
I think everybody knows this but TV won't let anyone say it. Fauci and Biden both belong in prison for forcing this on americans.

aug 14 2024 Leading independent news reporter Tucker Carlson has warned that Covid mRNA shots are “poison.”

During a wide-ranging two-hour-plus interview with comedian Dave Smith, the conversation turned to the “toxic” Covid mRNA injections.

“I think the vaccine is poison,” Carlson declared , He continued by adding that he personally knows a couple who had their lives “destroyed” by the injections.

I think everybody knows this but TV won't let anyone say it. Fauci and Biden both belong in prison for forcing this on americans.

Yep, that's where I get all *MY* medical advice -- from some desperate idiotic very poorly-educated science-denying-but-only-if-it-pays-well propangandist moron. I hope all you MAGATs listen closely to him and follow his medical advice. Please!
Tucker desperately trying to stay relevant because the boomers that kept him at the top of the ratings still can't peel themselves away from their TVs.
You lie your ass off.

Very highly rated + talked about constantly is the definition of relevant.
Yep, that's where I get all *MY* medical advice -- from some desperate idiotic very poorly-educated science-denying-but-only-if-it-pays-well propangandist moron. I hope all you MAGATs listen closely to him and follow his medical advice. Please!
Take a breath there booster shot before you throw a clot.
Tucker desperately trying to stay relevant because the boomers that kept him at the top of the ratings still can't peel themselves away from their TVs.
But you can't show that he's wrong. Fauci is a lying piece of shit that should be in prison
HAHAHAHA. The board notes all you have is namecalling. Even you know i'm right. Sorry i ruined your day.

You lie your ass off.

Very highly rated + talked about constantly is the definition of relevant.
For something to be relevant to me, it must be true. Nothing you say is true. No source you have ever posted is true. You lie constantly, except when you are drunk posting, when you lie AND make no sense.
Tucker Carlson is vaccinated. Therefore he knows that he is once again lying to his uneducated, ignorant, lazy audience. Last time he lied to this extent, it cost his employer 787 million dollars, and cost him his job. Tucker Carlson is beneath contempt, because he KNOWS he is lying, and he KNOWS that his lies kill people. He does not care.

There are mountains of evidence that prove that the vaccine is effective in preventing Covid and reducing the risk of hospitalization. Anyone who suggests otherwise believes in idiotic conspiracy theories. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that there are any side effects other than those identified during testing. Pushing this lie continues to be dangerous to the public health.
The ignorant mass formated sheep will be getting their combo-mRNA Flu/Covid shots this fall.

I will get mine because I believe in science and medicine, and I can read and understand studies and statistics. Those who do not are science deniers who do not understand statistics, efficacy, or transmittable diseases. It is the difference between the ignorant and the educated. The anti-vax demographic has bought into a vast conspiracy theory fueled by some bizarre need to deny science.

I will get mine because I believe in science and medicine, and I can read and understand studies and statistics. Those who do not are science deniers who do not understand statistics, efficacy, or transmittable diseases. It is the difference between the ignorant and the educated. The anti-vax demographic has bought into a vast conspiracy theory fueled by some bizarre need to deny science.
You're a fool.