Tucker Carlson: Covid Shots Are ‘Poison’

Tucker Carlson is vaccinated. Therefore he knows that he is once again lying to his uneducated, ignorant, lazy audience. Last time he lied to this extent, it cost his employer 787 million dollars, and cost him his job. Tucker Carlson is beneath contempt, because he KNOWS he is lying, and he KNOWS that his lies kill people. He does not care.

There are mountains of evidence that prove that the vaccine is effective in preventing Covid and reducing the risk of hospitalization. Anyone who suggests otherwise believes in idiotic conspiracy theories. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that there are any side effects other than those identified during testing. Pushing this lie continues to be dangerous to the public health.
Hey lying made Tucker millions before he got busted, certainly ain’t going to give up his schtick now, actually all he has
What did you say about name calling again? Remind me. I guess you aren’t ready to engage on this subject either. Troll on.
I said vile name calling. To call someone a fool or foolish is not vile.

mRNA and viral vector vaccines are among the most deadly vaccine platforms ever created. There are many studies and statistics that are damning. Next you will say prove it. I say open your eyes to more than just the MSM. The MSM is supported via Pfizer and other big pharma advertisers.
They won't report the truth. But this is all you base your research on.... main stream sources.
Just so you know I am sitting at my community pool with my Allysaurus t-shirt. Just thought you should know, Joey.
If I had an inkling wtf you’re getting at it’s possible I might care.

Sadly that is not the case.
I said vile name calling. To call someone a fool or foolish is not vile.

mRNA and viral vector vaccines are among the most deadly vaccine platforms ever created. There are many studies and statistics that are damning. Next you will say prove it. I say open your eyes to more than just the MSM. The MSM is supported via Pfizer and other big pharma advertisers.
They won't report the truth. But this is all you base your research on.... main stream sources.
That mRNA promoters had been working on them for decades, but kept running up against the problem that they kept killing the animals they were injected into is something to notice.
That mRNA promoters had been working on them for decades, but kept running up against the problem that they kept killing the animals they were injected into is something to notice.
It takes a little more to kill a human but they're getting there.
It takes a little more to kill a human but they're getting there.
Did you see the report that the Moderna is 2-3 times stronger than the Pfizer, thus more toxic?

Then of course there is the shitty manufacturing....I am not sure which one is worse on that.
Do pay attention to the fact that this bug was built in China....and the Chinese refused to use mRNA jabs.....you might wonder why.
They are not suicidal?
Maybe.....or they are doing a controlled implosion of the West to rub out the current world order, as they replace it with the next flowering of the Chinese Empire.

I am over 60, my biggest failure has been over optimism....reality keeps turning up much darker than I ever would have imagined it could during my lifetime.

The failures of the West with COVID cant be accidental as Bret Weinstein points out....monkeys randomly poking at a board would have done better..... they would not have gotten everything wrong.

AND we injected this stuff into kids when there was no possible upside, and tons of possible downside....which has to be assumed to be demonic.....almost never (or never) in the history of humans have humans been willing to do such a thing.....but we did it.
AND we injected this stuff into kids when there was no possible upside, and tons of possible downside....which has to be assumed to be demonic.....almost never (or never) in the history of humans have humans been willing to do such a thing.....but we did it.

And that was the work of democrats led by Joe the Pedophile Vegetable. Just like democrats are mutilating kids in the name of transgender rights!!! Democrats are psychopaths.
And that was the work of democrats led by Joe the Pedophile Vegetable. Just like democrats are mutilating kids in the name of transgender rights!!! Democrats are psychopaths.
Our overlords are demonic psychopaths, which is why the West is in collapse.....is dying.

It is not just those who put a D by their name, those with an R are at best complete failures, but more generally are complicit.
I said vile name calling. To call someone a fool or foolish is not vile.

mRNA and viral vector vaccines are among the most deadly vaccine platforms ever created. There are many studies and statistics that are damning. Next you will say prove it. I say open your eyes to more than just the MSM. The MSM is supported via Pfizer and other big pharma advertisers.
They won't report the truth. But this is all you base your research on.... main stream sources.
You set ‘em up, I’ll knock them down. Show me your studies. Preferably peer reviewed but let’s see what you’ve got . The default position is the clinical trials. Show me why those trials are completely wrong.
I think everybody knows this but TV won't let anyone say it. Fauci and Biden both belong in prison for forcing this on americans.

The ignorant mass formated sheep will be getting their combo-mRNA Flu/Covid shots this fall.

But you can't show that he's wrong. Fauci is a lying piece of shit that should be in prison

MAGA morons really going apeshit right now. Kamala must be going up in the polls.

Ahhh...the world is a beautiful place. Birds singing, sun shining. I'm really enjoying the moment. I gotta acknowledge that I am feeling a tiny tinge of guilt that I am enjoying their agony as much as I am.
Maybe.....or they are doing a controlled implosion of the West to rub out the current world order, as they replace it with the next flowering of the Chinese Empire.

I am over 60, my biggest failure has been over optimism....reality keeps turning up much darker than I ever would have imagined it could during my lifetime.

The failures of the West with COVID cant be accidental as Bret Weinstein points out....monkeys randomly poking at a board would have done better..... they would not have gotten everything wrong.

AND we injected this stuff into kids when there was no possible upside, and tons of possible downside....which has to be assumed to be demonic.....almost never (or never) in the history of humans have humans been willing to do such a thing.....but we did it.
We've seen things in the last 8 years we would never have envisioned happening in the USA.
You set ‘em up, I’ll knock them down. Show me your studies. Preferably peer reviewed but let’s see what you’ve got . The default position is the clinical trials. Show me why those trials are completely wrong.
I've seen the studies, I've seen the peer reviewed journal articles. Many. If I had them handy which I no longer do, I'd dig up a couple for you.
But truth be told, if you want to kill and/or maim yourself and your children and loved ones, go right ahead.
I'm not your servant and I think you've heard the parable about pearls and swine.