Two ways a nation falls apart.

[floridafan] [is] totally missing the point. There are no longer two separate political parties in an adversarial relationship. What we have had since the Obama administration (and possibly before with Bush, but I believe it began with Obama) is that the Republican Party simply capitulated to the Democrat Party and the two became the Uniparty, the Republicrats, the Demoblicans, meeting behind closed doors to decide on the roadmap now that they were one unified, unopposed oligarchy.

Once the closed doors open, they pretend to bicker and argue in a completely scripted manner in order to give the false appearance of two adversarial parties at each other's throats.
Bingo. What one who is freshly learning about this dynamic will notice, upon looking closer at it, is the fact that the Republicrats/Demoblicans LOOOOOOOOVE to stir/stoke/fan the flames of "culture wars", as that is a main thing that they use to keep people distracted and to keep up their kabuki theater that they are supposedly "two separate parties" who "oppose each other".

One of the "tells" that the Republicrats/Demoblicans are actually 'one of the same' is examining their national economic/energy policies as well as their identical foreign policies, as both of them (in the case of the Uniparty) are ultimately pro-globalist/pro-elitist rather than pro-nationalist/pro-commoner. Another "tell" is that they both identically deny that any election fraud took place in what was supposed to be the 2020 election.

It should also be blatantly obvious that the Democrat wing of the Uniparty is always lock step with each other and that the Republican wing of the Uniparty, especially on very key bits of legislation, always seem to have juuuuuuuust enough defectors in order to advance the Demoblican agenda (the remaining R's of the Uniparty then pretend to be opposition in order to "keep up appearances").

So, to answer your question, you watched it just as I did ... both the Republican Congress and the Democrat Congress dedicated all of their efforts to thwarting Trump. The Republican party is under orders from the Democrat party to HATE Trump every waking moment of every day. I'm sure you noticed that the Republican Congress would not give Trump the mere pennies he requested to build the wall. The Republican party has as much TDS as you do, at the command of the Democrat party.

Which reminds me, I need to include the Republican party logo in the following graphic as well. I might just end up redoing it.

You should.
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Party line vote to censure Mr Schiff, a Democrat.
Look for Schiff's reward from the Democrat party to be a Senate seat. There are never any guarantees, but the Democrat party will do what they can for him for taking a major hit that should have gone to the party. He took one for the team.
Look for Schiff's reward from the Democrat party to be a Senate seat. There are never any guarantees, but the Democrat party will do what they can for him for taking a major hit that should have gone to the party. He took one for the team.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

The people of California decide who their next senator is.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
... because you have the English comprehension of a mollusk.

The people of California decide who their next senator is.
Yes, you are stupid. You have only one job to do, i.e. watch for the DNC to get Schiff into the Senate seat. Then, watch yourself rationalize it as NOT a payoff for taking one for the team.

Let's reengage when the time comes. There is nothing else you need to do but watch.
... because you have the English comprehension of a mollusk.

Yes, you are stupid. You have only one job to do, i.e. watch for the DNC to get Schiff into the Senate seat. Then, watch yourself rationalize it as NOT a payoff for taking one for the team.

Let's reengage when the time comes. There is nothing else you need to do but watch.
