Two ways a nation falls apart.

Let's be real, instead of living in a dream world.
Shall we be real, in the real world of the real text of the Constitution?

The number of times Congress could over ride a presidents veto is tiny,
The number of days that Congress can override the President's veto is ... all of them. It's entirely up to Congress. When Congress speaks on matters of legislation, the President doesn't get any say whatsoever.

US Constitution- Article I, Section 1
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Where did you get the idea that the President somehow gets a vote in making legislation, or somehow gets to strongarm Congress into making the legislation he wants?

hasn't happened in years, and surely isn't a defense for the $8 trillion deficit Trump ran up.
Now I get it. You want to blame Trump for Democrat overspending. You should have stated this up front.
Shall we be real, in the real world of the real text of the Constitution?

The number of days that Congress can override the President's veto is ... all of them. It's entirely up to Congress. When Congress speaks on matters of legislation, the President doesn't get any say whatsoever.

Where did you get the idea that the President somehow gets a vote in making legislation, or somehow gets to strongarm Congress into making the legislation he wants?

Now I get it. You want to blame Trump for Democrat overspending. You should have stated this up front.

Presidents have the right of veto, trump never tried even once, so every dollar of debt belongs to him.
Presidents have the right of veto, trump never tried even once, so every dollar of debt belongs to him.
Exactly. You have TDS. You need to blame Trump for the myriad of ways that the Democrat party screws the country.

The Democrat Congress owns every piece of legislation they passed.
Exactly. You have TDS. You need to blame Trump for the myriad of ways that the Democrat party screws the country.

The Democrat Congress owns every piece of legislation they passed.

How about the 2 years in which trump had a republican congress?
Why didn't Trump just simply veto spending legislation?
Presidents have the right of veto, trump never tried even once, so every dollar of debt belongs to him.
Irrelevant. The Executive Branch is not the Legislative Branch. Doubly irrelevant because any attempt by Trump to veto would've been overridden anyway, and if that would've happened you would now be attacking Trump for "vetoing a bill that helps needy people". TDS sure is a bitch like that.

What you will also notice, upon doing a bit of research, is that whenever the national debt increases by an exorbitant amount, it is typically Democrats who are in control of Congress at the time.
How about the 2 years in which trump had a republican congress?
Why didn't Trump just simply veto spending legislation?
... because the Uniparty that controls Congress would've joined hands and passed it anyway. A veto only works if there isn't a 2/3s majority in Congress to override it.

I suggest, if you are truly bothered by recent spending legislation, that you should stop voting for Uniparty members for Congressional races and start voting for America First (MAGA) ones instead.
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... because the Uniparty that controls Congress would've joined hands and passed it anyway. A veto only works if there isn't a 2/3s majority in Congress to override it.

I suggest, if you are truly bothered by recent spending legislation, that you should stop voting for Uniparty members for Congressional races and start voting for America First (MAGA) ones instead.

Big daddy MAGA, Trump, ran up an $8 trillion deficit. You want more of that?
Irrelevant. The Executive Branch is not the Legislative Branch. Doubly irrelevant because any attempt by Trump to veto would've been overridden anyway, and if that would've happened you would now be attacking Trump for "vetoing a bill that helps needy people". TDS sure is a bitch like that.

What you will also notice, upon doing a bit of research, is that whenever the national debt increases by an exorbitant amount, it is typically Democrats who are in control of Congress at the time.

Such lies my dear, you cant speculate on what may have happened, only what actually did happen. With this divided Congress, you will never get 2/3 to support most anything.
Such lies my dear,
Yes, you are a dishonest POS. That's already been established.

you cant speculate on what may have happened, only what actually did happen.
I'm not speculating anything. I'm referring to official voting records. You can look them up for yourself.

The CARES Act (eff: 03/27/20) passed in the Senate unanimously (96-0) and passed in the House almost unanimously (419-6). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is a veto-proof majority. Trump couldn't've stopped it.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (eff: 12/27/20) passed in the Senate almost unanimously (92-6) and passed in the House overwhelmingly (359-53). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is a veto-proof majority. Trump couldn't've stopped it.

Now this is where you're gonna get "big mad" at me:

The American Rescue Plan Act (eff: 03/11/21) passed in the Senate juuuuuuust barely (50-49, Kamala casted the tie breaker vote) and passed in the House just barely (219-212). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is NOT a veto-proof majority. BIDEN COULD'VE stopped it.

Maybe you should be "big mad" at Biden for refusing to veto the almost $2T spending legislation that Congress passed under his regime instead of raging on and on towards Trump for being absolutely powerless at vetoing the other two over $2T pieces of spending legislation that Congress passed........ Of course, your TDS precludes you from seeing reason.

With this divided Congress, you will never get 2/3 to support most anything.
... except for the first two rounds of "COVID" spending, of course...
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Yes, you are a dishonest POS. That's already been established.

I'm not speculating anything. I'm referring to official voting records. You can look them up for yourself.

The CARES Act (eff: 03/27/20) passed in the Senate unanimously (96-0) and passed in the House almost unanimously (419-6). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is a veto-proof majority. Trump couldn't've stopped it.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (eff: 12/27/20) passed in the Senate almost unanimously (92-6) and passed in the House overwhelmingly (359-53). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is a veto-proof majority. Trump couldn't've stopped it.

Now this is where you're gonna get "big mad" at me:

The American Rescue Plan Act (eff: 03/11/21) passed in the Senate juuuuuuust barely (50-49, Kamala casted the tie breaker vote) and passed in the House just barely (219-212). In case you failed basic grade school mathematics, that is NOT a veto-proof majority. BIDEN COULD'VE stopped it.

Maybe you should be "big mad" at Biden for refusing to veto the almost $2T spending legislation that Congress passed under his regime instead of raging on and on towards Trump for being absolutely powerless at vetoing the other two over $2T pieces of spending legislation that Congress passed........ Of course, your TDS precludes you from seeing reason.

... except for the first two rounds of "COVID" spending, of course...

Less than 7% of all presidential vetos, are over ridden!
Less than 7% of all presidential vetos, are over ridden!
Yup, you are definitely "big mad". Is that darn truth getting in the way of your delusions once again? Do you need your poopy-diaper changed?

You are mad at Trump for something that he didn't do and couldn't stop. Yet, you are NOT mad at Biden for something that he didn't do but could've stopped if he wanted to.

Sometimes it's just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too easy with you liberals.......
How about the 2 years in which trump had a republican congress?
Why didn't Trump just simply veto spending legislation?
You are totally missing the point. There are no longer two separate political parties in an adversarial relationship. What we have had since the Obama administration (and possibly before with Bush, but I believe it began with Obama) is that the Republican Party simply capitulated to the Democrat Party and the two became the Uniparty, the Republicrats, the Demoblicans, meeting behind closed doors to decide on the roadmap now that they were one unified, unopposed oligarchy. Once the closed doors open, they pretend to bicker and argue in a completely scripted manner in order to give the false appearance of two adversarial parties at each other's throats.

So, to answer your question, you watched it just as I did ... both the Republican Congress and the Democrat Congress dedicated all of their efforts to thwarting Trump. The Republican party is under orders from the Democrat party to HATE Trump every waking moment of every day. I'm sure you noticed that the Republican Congress would not give Trump the mere pennies he requested to build the wall. The Republican party has as much TDS as you do, at the command of the Democrat party.

Which reminds me, I need to include the Republican party logo in the following graphic as well. I might just end up redoing it.

The Elite Class betrayed us, they sold us and America out, it was always all about them, how much they could accumulate for themselves.
Party line vote to censure Mr Schiff, a Democrat.
Scripted. The Democrat party feels that it will wonderfully promulgate the appearance of "fighting" between the parties. Besides, Schiff will be compensated for playing the "scapegoat."

Watch, the House will still vote to support all the Democrat overspending ... and no one will notice. Everyone, including you, has their eyes fixated on the theatrics. Don't worry. I'm watching the complete collusion for the both of us. I'll keep you posted.
Scripted. The Democrat party feels that it will wonderfully promulgate the appearance of "fighting" between the parties. Besides, Schiff will be compensated for playing the "scapegoat."

Watch, the House will still vote to support all the Democrat overspending ... and no one will notice. Everyone, including you, has their eyes fixated on the theatrics. Don't worry. I'm watching the complete collusion for the both of us. I'll keep you posted.

Lost interest in your babbling.