Uh oh - Palin invokes God for military missions

I'm not ignoring them at all.

I just know what Dems have to say to win an election (and even with that, it's iffy). He's already getting hammered for being a lightweight on terror & the war; Hillary was the same way.

I'm not excusing that; I just know the reality of the situation. When elected, I think Obama will be MUCH less likely to pursue aggression & stick with the Bush doctrine.

Why are you ignoring what McCain & the GOP are saying?

You're wrong on this one. Wrong as you could be.

I don't support McCain either and I've called him a warmonger as well .. but M<cCain's evil doesn't excuse Obama's.

What am I wrong about?

Afghanistan? Pakistan?

I know you to be way too intelligent not to see the dangers there.

You are ignoring them because of your support for Obama. I supported Obama, but I will not ignore needless warmongering from anyone. That's when I jump ship.
I don't get it. Sounds like she is asking them to pray that our leaders have done the right thing or that ultimately good will come of it.

Exactly what I was thinking.... seems like they are trying to paint her as whacko, but that attitude will backfire if it keeps up.
Exactly what I was thinking.... seems like they are trying to paint her as whacko, but that attitude will backfire if it keeps up.

An actual rational thinker would realize that that explanation begs the question "what is the right thing?". Why can't you spot that obviousness?
An actual rational thinker would realize that that explanation begs the question "what is the right thing?". Why can't you spot that obviousness?

Who isn't spotting the obviousness? She is encouraging people to pray to God for direction on this issue. She isn't trying to say that the War is good because God said so, which is what these doofuses would want us to believe. She encouraging people to pray that we did the right thing, she seems liek she is on the fence about it and I got that feeling in other statements she has made as well.
I don't support McCain either and I've called him a warmonger as well .. but M<cCain's evil doesn't excuse Obama's.

What am I wrong about?

Afghanistan? Pakistan?

I know you to be way too intelligent not to see the dangers there.

You are ignoring them because of your support for Obama. I supported Obama, but I will not ignore needless warmongering from anyone. That's when I jump ship.

I understand that in the America we actually live in – not the one I wish we lived in – a candidate has to run to the center. I understand that in the America we actually live in – not the one I wish we lived in – no candidate running on a platform of “I will end the war on terror” could be elected. I’m willing to give him some leeway, and I will take the known fact that he was against the invasion of Iraq, as a very good sign as to his actual, eventual actions.

And your claim that Obama is more pro-war than McCain, frankly bac, is absurd on its face.

I am also up to hear with doctrinated leftists informing me I’m not allowed to like a candidate without being a “hypocrite”. I also am in the position, as a woman of child-bearing years, of having to take into account the
McCain/Palin war on women that will be waged, should they take office.

That matters to me. And I make zero apologies for it. To anyone. From SF, to you.
An actual rational thinker would realize that that explanation begs the question "what is the right thing?". Why can't you spot that obviousness?

It does not beg that question at all, because the explanation does not express any certainty on what the right thing is. Most Christians would not claim to know for certain what the right thing is or in their jargon what is the will of God. The prayer makes it clear.

You are way off on this, as usual.
It does not beg that question at all, because the explanation does not express any certainty on what the right thing is. Most Christians would not claim to know for certain what the right thing is or in their jargon what is the will of God. The prayer makes it clear.

You are way off on this, as usual.

Her son's being sent off to war. She was encouraging people to pray that this war was within God's plan so that our troops are fighting for SOMETHING, because what is obvious is she has no freakin clue what's going to come of this war, and she doesn't seem to sure it was the right thing. But nevertheless, her son might die in it.
Listen, this is a woman who believes the end times are coming, within her lifetime, and is "guided by that everyday".

You guys read it the way you want to, but I think YOU'RE way off, so there!
Listen, this is a woman who believes the end times are coming, within her lifetime, and is "guided by that everyday".

You guys read it the way you want to, but I think YOU'RE way off, so there!

Whateva! Jesus has a bracelet that says "WWSPD"
It does not beg that question at all, because the explanation does not express any certainty on what the right thing is. Most Christians would not claim to know for certain what the right thing is or in their jargon what is the will of God. The prayer makes it clear.

You are way off on this, as usual.

It does beg the question.

And as I said, signing up to implement and wishing to fulfill plans unknown to you is seriously deranged. It doesn't make it better.
Listen, this is a woman who believes the end times are coming, within her lifetime, and is "guided by that everyday".

You guys read it the way you want to, but I think YOU'RE way off, so there!

ok, I'll bite... when did she say the end times were coming in her lifetime and that she is guided by the end times everyday???
It does beg the question.

And as I said, signing up to implement and wishing to fulfill plans unknown to you is seriously deranged. It doesn't make it better.

Retard, any one that hopes or prays that the right thing is being done is going to answer your question with "I don't know." Why would they hope or pray that the right thing is being done if they were certain what the right thing is? They would not, they would just do the right thing.

Your question is stupid and besides has already been answered by the prayer.
Retard, any one that hopes or prays that the right thing is being done is going to answer your question with "I don't know."
I disagree. Most of those who pray about god's will being done in iraq are hawkish repulican types who actually believe the right thing is secure the holy land for the semites.
Why would they hope or pray that the right thing is being done if they were certain what the right thing is?
So people only want the right thing done when they DON'T know what it is? IS that your insane assertion?
They would not, they would just do the right thing.
Without knowing what it is? Are you fucking dumb?
Your question is stupid and besides has already been answered by the prayer.

You've gone retarded.
I don't care if you believe in god either. But belief in god is PRIVATE. There is no room for it in our governance. But try to tell republicans that. Christ (no pun intended) Damo could not be elected to a major office as a republican because he is not christian. And he is one of the more conservative people on this board, but his fellow republicans would not just NOT vote for him, they would make it an issue in a primary and run against his heathen eastern beliefs.
You cannot remove a person's beliefs just because they are in governance. Faith is as much a part of a person as their hair. Ideally, a person is supposed to live every moment of their lives according to their faith. No one of true faith is going to leave that faith at the door. To do so would be to deny their faith.

But this is all clap trap from you anti-religious types anyway. You are deliberately misrepresenting what the prayer means. She simply asked God to make what is already happening part of His plan. When a person prays in that manner, it most often means they do not think what is happening is a good thing, and is asking God to use His power to turn the bad things caused by men into a good thing created by God.

Look at the words again. She in no way indicates a belief to know the Will of God, nor to have any influence over the Will of God. She is ASKINNG God to make WHAT IS ALREADY OCCURRING part of His Will. She is, basically, a mother praying in her own way for her son, and that her son - soon to be deployed to Iraq - is going to part of God's Will.

And the "party of tolerance" is again showing they only tolerate those who goose step to one set of beliefs.

Seems to me this topic is one more example of the desperate lengths people are going to in reaction to Palin being put on the VP ticket. It is almost humorous how people are scrambling to find anything and everything to be used against her. You are acting like a bunch of panicked chickens running from a fox.
I disagree. Most of those who pray about god's will being done in iraq are hawkish repulican types who actually believe the right thing is secure the holy land for the semites.

Whether they are or not does not matter. We are talking about this prayer, not the prayers of these others. I have not heard those so I don't know what they are.

So people only want the right thing done when they DON'T know what it is? IS that your insane assertion?

Ridiculous strawman. No, I said when they pray or hope that they are doing the right thing they obviously are uncertain about what is the right thing. Quit trying to twist it, dipshit.

Without knowing what it is? Are you fucking dumb?

How pathetic can you be? You split up my points to avoid the context and then attempt to spin them. Here is what I said...

Why would they hope or pray that the right thing is being done if they were certain what the right thing is? They would not, they would just do the right thing.

If they knew what the right thing was they would just do it, they would not bother praying or hoping that it is the right thing.

Another blatantly dishonest post like that, where anyone can plainly see that you have employed a strawman and twisted my point into something it was clearly not, and I will put you back on ignore.
Prayer is for those who can't handle life on their own.

some people really need it.

A true libertarian would not seem to need prayer ?