Uh oh - Palin invokes God for military missions

She was speaking to a CHURCH group. Not a group of kids in a public school. If they choose to believe in God, then let them.

side note, since you seem so uninformed on religious views.... she was praying that the leaders of this country make the right decisions and that their actions would be a part of Gods plan. This nonsense about her trying to invoke some holy war is just that... nonsense.
No praying that the military of a secular nation do ANYTHING as part of gods plan is nonsence. I don't care that 80% of the population believes, that is a PRIVATE matter and not one that soldiers should be carrying out.
I have a problem with invoking corporations for military tasks .. which doesn't seem to be a problem for some "antiwar" people.

Like I said, I only support the use of military against imminent threat.

I was part of the 7% that opposed the 1st Gulf War. I opposed Kosovo, as well.
If you believe in a loving God,
I don't.
then yes, you would be wanting to do his will. What's wrong with that? One could pray that they are doing God's will by maintaining separation of church and state or not going to war at all.

if he's so malleable in his will, let's just get rid of him and start being honest.

The truth is all these zionist warriors are out there claiming the holy land for god's special people. they are brainwashed robots, truly damaged as people, by religion.
You would have to believe in God and that he is a bastard to find issue with this. Like I said, it plays to angry atheists, who are not really atheists at all but theists that are pissed off at God.

There is nothing theocratic in the prayer.

Tolerating these delusions is also tolerating the technique of those who manipulate in god's name, and a facilitation of their putrescent existence.

It's a theocratic prayer only in the sense that it's a prayer you would use to galvanize support for a public policy.
Hey....that wouldn't be a "hissy fit," would it?

Calm down, emo hack.

I don't want my gov't saying to victim of rape that she just has to get through 9 more months of hell, because it's the lesser of 2 evils. I dunno; maybe that's just me. I really hope you guys focus on that point for the election, though; it will really help w/ the PUMA's....

No, the hissy fit is yours alone. You continue to downplay the fact that you enjoy killing kids. I can understand your not wanting to highlight that and instead focusing on my choosing the lesser of the two evils, while you delight in choosing the greater of the two evils.

Turn the election to focus on abortion. You want to make sure the RR base comes out in force. That will do it and you will lose yet again. No matter how much you think the Palin pick was to go after PUMAs... it wasn't. It was done primarily to shore up the RR base and to target blue collar dems (mainly the men). Could she appeal to some of the soccer mom types? Sure... but only if abortion isn't a make or break issue for them.

As we have seen on these threads... most people are hard core one way or the other. So the PUMAs are pretty much out of reach.
I'm not saying it's the be all, end all of this candidate. It's just another consideration. If you have no problem w/ God being invoked for military decisions, it's not a big deal.

She was not claiming that God had chosen war.

It was reminiscent of the rumor (unsubstantiated) that Bush had said or implied that he thought God gave him the mission for Iraq. We will never know if that is true or not, or if part of him feels that way, but I'm not comfortable with that in a leader. Some people are.

It's nothing like that. One would be saying that he is an instrument of God's will and the other is a prayer/hope that God is using others or themselves as an instrument. One claims to know God's will the other does not.

I recall Damo taking issue with Obama's prayer which is not at all different than Palin's and he was just as wrong.
"You continue to downplay the fact that you enjoy killing kids"

Emo boy! Emo boy!

That's despicable; really the lowest form of political discourse. I'm embarassed for you.
No praying that the military of a secular nation do ANYTHING as part of gods plan is nonsence. I don't care that 80% of the population believes, that is a PRIVATE matter and not one that soldiers should be carrying out.

It is nonsense to YOU. Not to them. They are free to express their views on God and Gods will in church. If you don't like it, tough shit. The soldiers are not "carrying out" anything. She was praying that their actions somehow follow Gods will. Not that they run around like some crazed holy warriors killing in the name of God blah blah blah.
"You continue to downplay the fact that you enjoy killing kids"

Emo boy! Emo boy!

That's despicable; really the lowest form of political discourse. I'm embarassed for you.

LMAO... right, I am the one who runs from thread to thread with the emo spooging about "you wanna force women to carry rapists kids" blah blah blah. How many threads are you going to spooge that on? Is that going to be the answer to every thread where you don't have a legit argument?

You are pathetic. Be embarrassed for yourself. I was simply returning your pathetic spooging so that you might see how silly it is and actually grow the fuck up.
What difference does it make why anyone would send soldiers to their deaths for made-up wars?


ALL of them .. McCain, Obama, Biden, and Palin believe in sacrificing the lives of innocent people for God, profit, or just to look presidential.

I am truly amazed by what today's democrats think are real issues.

How many houses does McCain have ... WTF

Palin believes GOD wanted us to invade Iraq .. big fucking deal

Isn't it Obama who's now running around the country talking about his "faith?"

I thought democrats were supposed to be the smart ones.

Ditto on what Onceler said, and one more thing I’d add for myself – I do not have any problem with Obama believing in God. It is obviously a sincere thing for him. I myself am not an atheist, and I hold no religious test for office, including, having to be an atheist.
She was not claiming that God had chosen war.
She must believe god has chosen war if she believes god's plan could possibly be realized THROUGH the process of war.
It's nothing like that. One would be saying that he is an instrument of God's will and the other is a prayer/hope that God is using others or themselves as an instrument. One claims to know God's will the other does not.
Wrong. Both position the self as an instrument of god's will, it's just for one group, everyday's a suprise. This mindset positions people as either knowing implementors of god's will, or idiotic automatons doing what they're told without question. It's a lose - lose.

Look out BAC the preacher boy is all wound up again... how dare you express YOUR thoughts on this topic!!!

Lorax... side note, as mentioned already, she was speaking to a CHURCH group. You are reading WAY too much into her statement. As is Darla. You just want to pretend that she is trying to 'invoke a holy war' or some such nonsense because you wish to paint her as another of them 'crazy ass religious nutjobs'. Right? I know... why don't you bring back that "clinging to guns and religion" comment from the One.... that went over well the first time around.

Funny how much of a panic the Palin pick has generated from the left.

So desperate to find a way to attack her that you resort to this???

With the way you are humping Bac’s leg every time he makes a post…well, if I were him, it’d give me pause.

Thank God I’m not him, and its not my leg you’re on.
I don't.

if he's so malleable in his will, let's just get rid of him and start being honest.

Blah blah blah naugahyde.

I don't believe in God. I don't believe he is loving or that he is a bastard. I don't believe in him. So long as one is only praying/hoping that they are doing the will of a loving God, I don't care. If they start claiming to know that they are, that is something very different. We all have uncertainties that are actions are correct and hope that they are.

Tolerating these delusions is also tolerating the technique of those who manipulate in god's name, and a facilitation of their putrescent existence.

It's a theocratic prayer only in the sense that it's a prayer you would use to galvanize support for a public policy.

It's only delusional in the idea that God has a will at all. The prayer does not support the idea that they believe they are doing God's will.

The prayer does not support any policy either since it hopes that the policy is God's will and not that it is God's will.
Um, she was in a church.

She was not saying that we have sent our soldiers to do God's work. The prayer clearly expresses doubt that they are doing God's will. The prayer is a wish that God use them to bring about his will. Same thing Obama was praying for.

SF is right that this makes you guys look desperate. You don't have to be a believer to see what is wrong with the attack. Drop this one, it plays only to angry atheists that really don't understand religion and those are a very small number of people.

It's not the way I read it at all.
Ditto on what Onceler said, and one more thing I’d add for myself – I do not have any problem with Obama believing in God. It is obviously a sincere thing for him. I myself am not an atheist, and I hold no religious test for office, including, having to be an atheist.
I don't care if you believe in god either. But belief in god is PRIVATE. There is no room for it in our governance. But try to tell republicans that. Christ (no pun intended) Damo could not be elected to a major office as a republican because he is not christian. And he is one of the more conservative people on this board, but his fellow republicans would not just NOT vote for him, they would make it an issue in a primary and run against his heathen eastern beliefs.
I love how the idiot who wants to force a victim of rape to carry a fetus to term is talking about Nazi tactics.

That's some pretty good irony there.

Now be fair...he has "struggled" with what he should order women to do in that situation.

And we're grateful.
Like I said, I only support the use of military against imminent threat.

I was part of the 7% that opposed the 1st Gulf War. I opposed Kosovo, as well.

I believe you .. which is why I don't get it.

How then do you not see what my problem is with Obama or any proponent of needless war?
With the way you are humping Bac’s leg every time he makes a post…well, if I were him, it’d give me pause.

Thank God I’m not him, and its not my leg you’re on.


awww... do you miss your little leg humping gumby? Is that what this is about?
Ditto on what Onceler said, and one more thing I’d add for myself – I do not have any problem with Obama believing in God. It is obviously a sincere thing for him. I myself am not an atheist, and I hold no religious test for office, including, having to be an atheist.

Innocent people dying for "God" .. BAD

Innocent people dying for profit .. OK

What does "God" or "faith" have to do with being the president?

When Bush spouted his nonsense about "God" democrats were all over that .. as they should have been.

But now "God" is suddenly OK with democrats because it's Obama spouting it.

Bush war .. BAD

Obama war .. OK

The hypocrisy of democrats is glaring.
I believe you .. which is why I don't get it.

How then do you not see what my problem is with Obama or any proponent of needless war?

I see your problem with Obama, but it is not a deal-breaker with me.

Know why? If Obama was elected President in 2000, or if Gore was elected President, we would not be in Iraq right now.

If Obama gets elected in 2008, we are much more likely to get out of Iraq sooner - and probably quite a bit sooner - than we would if McCain is President. Every month is more lives; how many more lives will be lost if McCain slides in because of disaffected voters who might normally vote for Obama?

A President Obama is also much less likely to start a new war, or rush to war, imo. I believe that a Democratic admin will have more creativity in foreign policy, and will explore every option they can before committing our forces. I may be wrong on that, bit I'd rather be proven wrong, than accept the alternative, where I pretty much know what I'm gonna get.

These candidates are not the same, and both offer a much different vision of America's future. People were dead wrong about Gore & Bush being the same corporate candidates, and basically interchangeable. It's not even debatable at this point.
It's not the way I read it at all.

Because you CHOOSE to beleive the worst about Palin. Because you WANT to find as many scare tactics as you can to use against her. Because she is not the woman you wanted to break the glass ceiling.

Is it because she is a traitor to her gender in your opinion? Because all of the attacks on Hillary by the media was proclaimed "sexist" by you. Now that the woman is a Republican with different opinions and views than you... here you are jumping all over her, right along side the same media. Yet not one cry of the attacks being sexist. Imagine that.