Uh oh - Palin invokes God for military missions

"Look out BAC the preacher boy is all wound up again... how dare you express YOUR thoughts on this topic!!!"

Go fuck yourself, hack; just because you're all defensive about trying to defend making a rape victim carry the fetus to term, doesn't mean you have to intervene w/ this juvenile BS.

BAC's expressing his thoughts, and I'm expressing mine. Am I allowed to respond, hack? Or should I just let BAC misinterpret what I was trying to say with this post without comment?

That's what the board is for, idiot. I'm not telling BAC he can't post; I'm just expressing how I feel about some of his posts lately.
LOL.... That's it DemoHeathens... keep on bashing God!! Just keep on running your profane godless heathen mouths... keep bashing... pour it on thick! You're about to feel the wrath of the religious right, and probably whatever remains of the religious left too! Just PLEASE keep bashing God... making off-color tasteless jokes about God... making fun of people who believe in God... It's going to come back to bite you in the ass with a vengeance. Wait and see! :)
Our leaders should not be sending soldiers off to do gods work. God is not mentioned in the Constitution, We the People are. That is the ONLY work our soldiers should be doing, the PEOPLE. I know you think that we have to appease god with all we do or we are all going to burn and turn into pillars of salt. Well keep that shit in your churches. It has no business in OUR GOVERNMENT.
BAC - you need to chill a bit. I know you're pissed because Obama is playing centrist for the election, and a lot of people are. That doesn't mean that it's insignificant when someone on the national ticket says openly that our military should be used for 'tasks from God.' That's a fairly important insight into the role of religion in her life, whether you as a voter think it should be there or not.

I'm opposed to war or using the military on any grounds save for protecting America from an imminent threat. This thread has less to do with war than it does with Palin's operating philosophy as it applies to religion & gov't.

Also, I'm gettin' a little tired of the lectures. I'm sorry you don't like Obama anymore, and that you are candidate-less. I still see this as an important election, and whether you like it or not, the country will look MUCH different under a President Obama than under a President McCain. I'm not buying that Nader-esque Gore/Bush are the same BS this time around.

It's a shame that you take my posts as "lectures" as I hold no illusions that anyone would consider "lectures" on a message board .. I have no idea why you would.

I'm sorry if I don't share your view of your candidate and I'm sorry if my posting my opinion interferes with anything you may have to say .. about your candidate.

What I'm getting tired of is people telling me what I should and should not be posting or saying on a message board called "Just Plain POLITICS." My politics is not your politics .. THUS, you should expect differences of opinion. If you have any problems with my opinion, PLEASE feel free to debate your opinion .. but get a grip on telling me what I should not say abour your candidate.

You seem to believe that a candidate suggesting that our military should be used for "God's tasks" makes the soldier or innocent civilian more dead that a candidate who believes our military should be used for corporate tasks. I don't share the view my brother and I don't find one thought any more obscene than the other.

That is my point in this thread and if your read my post carefully, I did not only attack Obama ... "McCain, Obama, Biden, and Palin believe in sacrificing the lives of innocent people for God, profit, or just to look presidential."

and no, I am not "candidate-less"
Only if they WANT to find something wrong with praying for our leadership to make good decisions. (Kinda like when the far left accused Bush of "talking to God" as if Bush claimed he received answers.)

From the aspect of a religious person, this would include praying that a leaders decision is, indeed, part of God's will, and not part of our own will, and thereby a mistake.

In fact, the way she worded it (assuming your quote is correct and not an all-too-common misquote) implies to me - an admittedly religious person - that she quite probably has doubts about our actions under current leadership, and is praying that God can turn that into part of His plan.
Oh yeah I forgot, PEOPLE can't do ANYTHING that is according to their own will because it is always wrong. I have to believe in some invisible being in the sky for my actions to be right. Give me a break.
"Look out BAC the preacher boy is all wound up again... how dare you express YOUR thoughts on this topic!!!"

Go fuck yourself, hack; just because you're all defensive about trying to defend making a rape victim carry the fetus to term, doesn't mean you have to intervene w/ this juvenile BS.

BAC's expressing his thoughts, and I'm expressing mine. Am I allowed to respond, hack? Or should I just let BAC misinterpret what I was trying to say with this post without comment?

That's what the board is for, idiot. I'm not telling BAC he can't post; I'm just expressing how I feel about some of his posts lately.

I have no problem when you argue the issue.
BAC - you need to chill a bit. I know you're pissed because Obama is playing centrist for the election, and a lot of people are. That doesn't mean that it's insignificant when someone on the national ticket says openly that our military should be used for 'tasks from God.' That's a fairly important insight into the role of religion in her life, whether you as a voter think it should be there or not.

I'm opposed to war or using the military on any grounds save for protecting America from an imminent threat. This thread has less to do with war than it does with Palin's operating philosophy as it applies to religion & gov't.

Also, I'm gettin' a little tired of the lectures. I'm sorry you don't like Obama anymore, and that you are candidate-less. I still see this as an important election, and whether you like it or not, the country will look MUCH different under a President Obama than under a President McCain. I'm not buying that Nader-esque Gore/Bush are the same BS this time around.

We're tired of you stupidly believing that democrats are offering you a real alternative. When ever pressed on the issues by their masters in the banks and bases, and trading firms they sing the fascist line.

It won't look much different.
Our leaders should not be sending soldiers off to do gods work. God is not mentioned in the Constitution, We the People are. That is the ONLY work our soldiers should be doing, the PEOPLE. I know you think that we have to appease god with all we do or we are all going to burn and turn into pillars of salt. Well keep that shit in your churches. It has no business in OUR GOVERNMENT.

Um, she was in a church.

She was not saying that we have sent our soldiers to do God's work. The prayer clearly expresses doubt that they are doing God's will. The prayer is a wish that God use them to bring about his will. Same thing Obama was praying for.

SF is right that this makes you guys look desperate. You don't have to be a believer to see what is wrong with the attack. Drop this one, it plays only to angry atheists that really don't understand religion and those are a very small number of people.
Um, she was in a church.

She was not saying that we have sent our soldiers to do God's work. The prayer clearly expresses doubt that they are doing God's will. The prayer is a wish that God use them to bring about his will. Same thing Obama was praying for.
Implied in that sentiment is the belief that they should be doing god's will.
SF is right that this makes you guys look desperate. You don't have to be a believer to see what is wrong with the attack. Drop this one, it plays only to angry atheists that really don't understand religion and those are a very small number of people.

We will never drop naked theocracy in the public discourse.
I'm not saying it's the be all, end all of this candidate. It's just another consideration. If you have no problem w/ God being invoked for military decisions, it's not a big deal.

It was reminiscent of the rumor (unsubstantiated) that Bush had said or implied that he thought God gave him the mission for Iraq. We will never know if that is true or not, or if part of him feels that way, but I'm not comfortable with that in a leader. Some people are.

Again - it's a consideration, and not insignifcant. Her comments are more than merely praying for the troops & a successful mission.
"Look out BAC the preacher boy is all wound up again... how dare you express YOUR thoughts on this topic!!!"

Go fuck yourself, hack; just because you're all defensive about trying to defend making a rape victim carry the fetus to term, doesn't mean you have to intervene w/ this juvenile BS.

BAC's expressing his thoughts, and I'm expressing mine. Am I allowed to respond, hack? Or should I just let BAC misinterpret what I was trying to say with this post without comment?

That's what the board is for, idiot. I'm not telling BAC he can't post; I'm just expressing how I feel about some of his posts lately.

Telling him to calm down is quite pathetic. Especially given your emotional outbursts of late. Like your above response. I am sorry you don't like the fact that I will talk about protecting the life of the child you wish to kill. If killing kids is ok with you, that is your choice. I do share the view that your Hitler like dehumanization is ok. No matter what scare tactic you use, you are still killing a kid. Whats next? 'look out, them juuuz is gunna take ur money, we should kill them to' or perhaps 'blacks are only 3/5 human, so we can do what we want to em'??? Keep your nazi tactics to yourself.
Telling him to calm down is quite pathetic. Especially given your emotional outbursts of late. Like your above response. I am sorry you don't like the fact that I will talk about protecting the life of the child you wish to kill. If killing kids is ok with you, that is your choice. I do share the view that your Hitler like dehumanization is ok. No matter what scare tactic you use, you are still killing a kid. Whats next? 'look out, them juuuz is gunna take ur money, we should kill them to' or perhaps 'blacks are only 3/5 human, so we can do what we want to em'??? Keep your nazi tactics to yourself.
Well said Ceauşescu.
Oh yeah I forgot, PEOPLE can't do ANYTHING that is according to their own will because it is always wrong. I have to believe in some invisible being in the sky for my actions to be right. Give me a break.

She was speaking to a CHURCH group. Not a group of kids in a public school. If they choose to believe in God, then let them.

side note, since you seem so uninformed on religious views.... she was praying that the leaders of this country make the right decisions and that their actions would be a part of Gods plan. This nonsense about her trying to invoke some holy war is just that... nonsense.
If discussing the calipate and discussing allah's will is enough for the chickenhawks to send children to die in iran, we should also pay attention to what our own leaders say, and take their propaganda just as seriously.
I love how the idiot who wants to force a victim of rape to carry a fetus to term is talking about Nazi tactics.

That's some pretty good irony there.
I love how the idiot who wants to force a victim of rape to carry a fetus to term is talking about Nazi tactics.

That's some pretty good irony there.

I love how the idiot that wishes to KILL a child, thinks that carrying a child to term is a harsher punishment to a woman than the DEATH of the child is to the child.

As I said tool... both are evil choices... which is the lesser of the two evils? Nine months of hell for the woman or the DEATH of the child.
I'm not saying it's the be all, end all of this candidate. It's just another consideration. If you have no problem w/ God being invoked for military decisions, it's not a big deal.

It was reminiscent of the rumor (unsubstantiated) that Bush had said or implied that he thought God gave him the mission for Iraq. We will never know if that is true or not, or if part of him feels that way, but I'm not comfortable with that in a leader. Some people are.

Again - it's a consideration, and not insignifcant. Her comments are more than merely praying for the troops & a successful mission.

I have a problem with invoking corporations for military tasks .. which doesn't seem to be a problem for some "antiwar" people.
Implied in that sentiment is the belief that they should be doing god's will.

If you believe in a loving God, then yes, you would be wanting to do his will. What's wrong with that? One could pray that they are doing God's will by maintaining separation of church and state or not going to war at all.

You would have to believe in God and that he is a bastard to find issue with this. Like I said, it plays to angry atheists, who are not really atheists at all but theists that are pissed off at God.

We will never drop naked theocracy in the public discourse.

There is nothing theocratic in the prayer.
I love how the idiot that wishes to KILL a child, thinks that carrying a child to term is a harsher punishment to a woman than the DEATH of the child is to the child.

As I said tool... both are evil choices... which is the lesser of the two evils? Nine months of hell for the woman or the DEATH of the child.

Hey....that wouldn't be a "hissy fit," would it?

Calm down, emo hack.

I don't want my gov't saying to victim of rape that she just has to get through 9 more months of hell, because it's the lesser of 2 evils. I dunno; maybe that's just me. I really hope you guys focus on that point for the election, though; it will really help w/ the PUMA's....