Uh oh - Palin invokes God for military missions

Now be fair...he has "struggled" with what he should order women to do in that situation.

And we're grateful.

As I stated, both choices are evil... so yes, for some it is indeed tough to choose between the two evils. For you, it is easy, because you choose to dehumanize the child so that you may kill it. You could care less if the child could turn out to be Obama or Einstein. You could care less if the child is being killed because a woman was raped or she simply chose not to have the child. Because you have dehumanized the child... just as Hitler did to the Jews, just as America did to the blacks and native Americans. Good company you keep.
Because you CHOOSE to beleive the worst about Palin. Because you WANT to find as many scare tactics as you can to use against her. Because she is not the woman you wanted to break the glass ceiling.

Is it because she is a traitor to her gender in your opinion? Because all of the attacks on Hillary by the media was proclaimed "sexist" by you. Now that the woman is a Republican with different opinions and views than you... here you are jumping all over her, right along side the same media. Yet not one cry of the attacks being sexist. Imagine that.
Cause questioning her is not sexist. She was picked after a FULL 24 hour vetting and a 3 hour meeting with the candidate that had NEVER met her before. There was no decision made to pick her because she is a woman, no silly us for thinking that. This was not base politics choosing a woman thinking that women who supported Hillary are so stupid that they would vote for ANY woman.
I don't believe in God. I don't believe he is loving or that he is a bastard. I don't believe in him. So long as one is only praying/hoping that they are doing the will of a loving God, I don't care.
Then you should know the god they're talking about is a racist who plays favorites.
If they start claiming to know that they are, that is something very different.
No. It's not very different.
We all have uncertainties that are actions are correct and hope that they are.
correct in what sense?
It's only delusional in the idea that God has a will at all.
God believers generally DO Believe he has a will. They don't view religion cynically as a conrol mechanism which can be used to get any behavior from a given population, that's our job. You want to keep this avenue of control open. I want to point at, laught at, and denounce it.
The prayer does not support the idea that they believe they are doing God's will.

It does.
The prayer does not support any policy either since it hopes that the policy is God's will and not that it is God's will.

If people hope policy is god's will, wouldn't that influence legislative matters going forward?
As I stated, both choices are evil... so yes, for some it is indeed tough to choose between the two evils. For you, it is easy, because you choose to dehumanize the child so that you may kill it. You could care less if the child could turn out to be Obama or Einstein. You could care less if the child is being killed because a woman was raped or she simply chose not to have the child. Because you have dehumanized the child... just as Hitler did to the Jews, just as America did to the blacks and native Americans. Good company you keep.

You are really out of your mind in a very ugly way. Frankly, I know of no woman who would have anything to do with a man who would force her to carry a pregnancy resulting from her rape, to term.

And when you are needled enough about this – you really let your guard down and reveal an extremely disturbed, ugly part of yourself. Your words don't bother me at all. They are about you.
Innocent people dying for "God" .. BAD

Innocent people dying for profit .. OK

What does "God" or "faith" have to do with being the president?

When Bush spouted his nonsense about "God" democrats were all over that .. as they should have been.

But now "God" is suddenly OK with democrats because it's Obama spouting it.

Bush war .. BAD

Obama war .. OK

The hypocrisy of democrats is glaring.

There is a difference between having faith in God, and thinking that God talks to you and tells you to invade other countries. I understand that you can’t see that…but I can.

And I don't think that any war is OK. And I also think that we'll be getting out of our current wars, under an Obama administratin as opposed to starting further wars, including one against women, under a McCain adminstration.
Cause questioning her is not sexist. She was picked after a FULL 24 hour vetting and a 3 hour meeting with the candidate that had NEVER met her before. There was no decision made to pick her because she is a woman, no silly us for thinking that. This was not base politics choosing a woman thinking that women who supported Hillary are so stupid that they would vote for ANY woman.

Again, as I stated, questioning her is one thing. For the most part that is indeed what is going on. As it was with Hillary, yet somehow all of those articles attacking Hillary's positions were sexist. Whereas, these are not?

As I also stated, Palin being a woman was certainly a part of the equation. But when you look at her positions who is she really meant to appeal to? It is not the female Hillary voters. It is the blue collar white men who voted for Hillary.... as well as the previously mentioned RR base. That doesn't mean they won't TRY to appeal to female Hillary voters, but I think we all know the odds of them voting McCain/Palin.
You are really out of your mind in a very ugly way. Frankly, I know of no woman who would have anything to do with a man who would force her to carry a pregnancy resulting from her rape, to term.

And when you are needled enough about this – you really let your guard down and reveal an extremely disturbed, ugly part of yourself. Your words don't bother me at all. They are about you.

No, they were actually about you and lorax... and anyone else who so carelessly acts as though the life of the child is meaningless. As I stated, you have dehumanized unborn children to the point that you don't care if they live or die. That is indeed your choice to do so. Others in the past have done the same. If you are ok with it, good for you. Do continue pretending you are on the higher moral ground. It is quite amusing. Continue mocking my concern for both parties. I understand you don't like the fact that I side with the life of the child... because to you it is nothing more than a clump of cells.
I see your problem with Obama, but it is not a deal-breaker with me.

Know why? If Obama was elected President in 2000, or if Gore was elected President, we would not be in Iraq right now.

If Obama gets elected in 2008, we are much more likely to get out of Iraq sooner - and probably quite a bit sooner - than we would if McCain is President. Every month is more lives; how many more lives will be lost if McCain slides in because of disaffected voters who might normally vote for Obama?

A President Obama is also much less likely to start a new war, or rush to war, imo. I believe that a Democratic admin will have more creativity in foreign policy, and will explore every option they can before committing our forces. I may be wrong on that, bit I'd rather be proven wrong, than accept the alternative, where I pretty much know what I'm gonna get.

These candidates are not the same, and both offer a much different vision of America's future. People were dead wrong about Gore & Bush being the same corporate candidates, and basically interchangeable. It's not even debatable at this point.

War is, and will always be, a deal-breaker for me.

Iraq is over done and through with .. Mccain will not be able to delay our "Saigon moment" beyond what the Iraqi government has already decided.

What looms on the horizon could be far more disastrous than the consequences of Iraq. Obama is hell-bent on rushing deeper into Afghanistan and Pakistan .. both without any attainable mission. If you know what that mission is, please elaborate .. if you don't, then I have no idea how you justify your support for Obama without any outrage about his warmongering. Are the lives of those who will die for his warmongering any less importabt than those who may die for McCain's?

Too many Americans believe that our greatest threat comes from some guy wearing a scarf on his head thousands of miles from our shores .. when in fact our greatest threat comes from some motherfuckers wearing Brooks Brothers suits right here in our own country.

Corporations OWN American government and American presidents have become nothing more than spokesman for the corporate will. Corporate welfare far surpasses any welfare to families or children and the military industrial complex and the prison/industrial complex are among America's biggest businesses. War is nothing more than an extension of American business.

Todays democrats now "justify" illegal wiretapping by the government, guns, religion, off-shore drilling, and needless war .. and call that shit "progressive."

It isn't Obama who is my biggest disappointment .. it's the American people, specifically, those who call themselves "progressive."
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Innocent people dying for "God" .. BAD

Innocent people dying for profit .. OK

What does "God" or "faith" have to do with being the president?

When Bush spouted his nonsense about "God" democrats were all over that .. as they should have been.

But now "God" is suddenly OK with democrats because it's Obama spouting it.

Bush war .. BAD

Obama war .. OK

The hypocrisy of democrats is glaring.

The war is bad. the only difference is Obama did not say 200 years or somesuch.
But any president will require the area be sucured for the continued supply of oil. It is what the war is all about.

Still bad to me though.
Then you should know the god they're talking about is a racist who plays favorites.

I know he is a figment of their imagination.

No. It's not very different.

Yes, it is.

correct in what sense?

Correct in whatever sense the person doing the hoping cares for it to be correct.

God believers generally DO Believe he has a will. They don't view religion cynically as a conrol mechanism which can be used to get any behavior from a given population, that's our job. You want to keep this avenue of control open. I want to point at, laught at, and denounce it.

My recommendation to drop it was to Dems whose candidate made basically the same prayer. Not to a whacked out and delusional bomb thrower, like you.

It does not.

If people hope policy is god's will, wouldn't that influence legislative matters going forward?

How? I hope you attain sanity someday. But that want impact the outcome in anyway.
There is a difference between having faith in God, and thinking that God talks to you and tells you to invade other countries. I understand that you can’t see that…but I can.

And I don't think that any war is OK. And I also think that we'll be getting out of our current wars, under an Obama administratin as opposed to starting further wars, including one against women, under a McCain adminstration.

There is no difference between a dead innocent civilian or child who has been made dead for profit than there is one who has been made dead for "God."

SURELY, you know that Obama plans to get the US deeper into Afghanistan and he threatens to attack anytime he chooses into Pakistan.

How do you justify this without the slightest bit of outrage?

Seriously .. how?
BAC, do you HONESTLY think that an Obama admin would be more aggressive with the use of our military than a McCain admin?
The war is bad. the only difference is Obama did not say 200 years or somesuch.
But any president will require the area be sucured for the continued supply of oil. It is what the war is all about.

Still bad to me though.

It isn't just bad my brother .. it is horror.

500lb bombs dropping on the heads of innocent people who have nothing whatsoever to do with "terrorism", the Taliban, 9/11, or American security.

Yet we so easily .. so EASILY .. just turn our heads and look the other way.

.. but somehow .. GOD .. faith ..

BAC, do you HONESTLY think that an Obama admin would be more aggressive with the use of our military than a McCain admin?

I absolutely do .. AND far more dangerous.

McCain would have to deal with a democratic majority in the House and Senate .. thus less likely to be able to engage in his wars for profit .. whereas, Obama will have the support of Congress to follow him into Corporate Wars Part 2.

Whether Obama will be just as evil as Mccain or just slightly less evil than McCain .. it's still evil.

I'm against ALL warmongering for needless wars and the needless mass-murder of innocent people.
I absolutely do .. AND far more dangerous.

McCain would have to deal with a democratic majority in the House and Senate .. thus less likely to be able to engage in his wars for profit .. whereas, Obama will have the support of Congress to follow him into Corporate Wars Part 2.

Whether Obama will be just as evil as Mccain or just slightly less evil than McCain .. it's still evil.

I'm against ALL warmongering for needless wars and the needless mass-murder of innocent people.

Well, what can I tell you. I COMPLETELY disagree; I think you are 100% wrong on that count.

The Bush doctrine is out the window w/ an Obama admin. Did you hear the GOP convention last night? You would think that there only platform is "war."

I have no doubt whatsoever that the more peaceful future lies w/ Democrats controlling Congress & the White House. They might screw up a bunch of other issues, but when it comes to war, no one seems more eager than the GOP.
LOL.... That's it DemoHeathens... keep on bashing God!! Just keep on running your profane godless heathen mouths... keep bashing... pour it on thick! You're about to feel the wrath of the religious right, and probably whatever remains of the religious left too! Just PLEASE keep bashing God... making off-color tasteless jokes about God... making fun of people who believe in God... It's going to come back to bite you in the ass with a vengeance. Wait and see! :)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq960YGm9nU&feature=related"]YouTube - Mo Gaffney and Jesus: a fabulous combination[/ame]
Well, what can I tell you. I COMPLETELY disagree; I think you are 100% wrong on that count.

The Bush doctrine is out the window w/ an Obama admin. Did you hear the GOP convention last night? You would think that there only platform is "war."

I have no doubt whatsoever that the more peaceful future lies w/ Democrats controlling Congress & the White House. They might screw up a bunch of other issues, but when it comes to war, no one seems more eager than the GOP.

Yet you ignore the words that come right out of Obama's own mouth.


Where am I "100% wrong?"
Yet you ignore the words that come right out of Obama's own mouth.


I'm not ignoring them at all.

I just know what Dems have to say to win an election (and even with that, it's iffy). He's already getting hammered for being a lightweight on terror & the war; Hillary was the same way.

I'm not excusing that; I just know the reality of the situation. When elected, I think Obama will be MUCH less likely to pursue aggression & stick with the Bush doctrine.

Why are you ignoring what McCain & the GOP are saying?

You're wrong on this one. Wrong as you could be.
I'm not ignoring them at all.

I just know what Dems have to say to win an election (and even with that, it's iffy). He's already getting hammered for being a lightweight on terror & the war; Hillary was the same way.

I'm not excusing that; I just know the reality of the situation. When elected, I think Obama will be MUCH less likely to pursue aggression & stick with the Bush doctrine.

Why are you ignoring what McCain & the GOP are saying?

You're wrong on this one. Wrong as you could be.

You're wrong. You keep forgiving "your guy" for "doing what it takes". This is how nothing ever changes.

As long as you keep supporting this elaborate fiction with your personal energy you detract from the real things destroying americans and the world, namely, internationalist fascism complete with designs for a new age theocracy which is more akin to the dark ages than anything we would consider enlightened.