Uh oh - Palin invokes God for military missions

Her child has volunteered for the military.

My religious beliefs are somewhat different, but if my son were headed to combat, I would pray to every deity known if I thought it would keep him safe.
I have to agree with Good Luck. She is praying that our leaders make and have made the right choice or that ultimately good will come of it. I don't see anything wrong with that. She is not saying it's a holy war. You are reading into it.

Thank you, Ron!

Perhaps I misjudged you...
She's like the gift that keeps on giving. I still can't get over it. And Dixie thinks that "you people" don't know what's going to hit us. Um, Ok.

Oh, no, when did she say this...I better go catch up!
Her child has volunteered for the military.

My religious beliefs are somewhat different, but if my son were headed to combat, I would pray to every deity known if I thought it would keep him safe.

Everyone keeps saying that. The problem is not praying, or praying for safety, or praying for the troops.
"She urged students to pray “that our leaders -- that our national leaders -- are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

Listen, that cannot even be read as "praying for our troops". That's praying that our leaders are sending our <holy?> soldiers on a "task from God".

That's Crusades talk, period. There's no debate.

And if that's what you want? Move to Iran.
"She urged students to pray “that our leaders -- that our national leaders -- are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

Listen, that cannot even be read as "praying for our troops". That's praying that our leaders are sending our <holy?> soldiers on a "task from God".

That's Crusades talk, period. There's no debate.

And if that's what you want? Move to Iran.

Olam ha ba

Noahide laws

two search terms for you. There's no need to move.
"She urged students to pray “that our leaders -- that our national leaders -- are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

Listen, that cannot even be read as "praying for our troops". That's praying that our leaders are sending our <holy?> soldiers on a "task from God".

That's Crusades talk, period. There's no debate.

And if that's what you want? Move to Iran.

You don't know what you are talking about. Believers often pray/hope that they are used as an instrument of God's will. That does not mean their will is God's will. It even expresses doubt that they are being used in such a way.

Her prayer was not for crusades or for holy warriors. It was simply a prayer that our leaders are doing God's will or that God will use them to bring about an ultimate good and it expresses a certain doubt that they are. Otherwise, why pray for it.


"The prayer that I tell myself every night is a fairly simple one: I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that my sins are forgiven, that my family is protected and that I am an instrument of God's will. I'm constantly trying to align myself to what I think he calls on me to do. And sometimes you hear it strongly and sometimes that voice is more muted."
watch out. the pub base REALLY likes her as the days are gong by. She may get allot of people to come out and vote.
You don't know what you are talking about. Believers often pray/hope that they are used as an instrument of God's will. That does not mean their will is God's will. It even expresses doubt that they are being used in such a way.

Her prayer was not for crusades or for holy warriors. It was simply a prayer that our leaders are doing God's will or that God will use them to bring about an ultimate good and it expresses a certain doubt that they are. Otherwise, why pray for it.


"The prayer that I tell myself every night is a fairly simple one: I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that my sins are forgiven, that my family is protected and that I am an instrument of God's will. I'm constantly trying to align myself to what I think he calls on me to do. And sometimes you hear it strongly and sometimes that voice is more muted."

It's really important to you that you get the hillary voters on board with palin, ain't it? Who do you work for?

It most certainly is theocratic crap. What exactly is the will of god? These plans are documented actually. They're plans for theocracy.
Oh jeez, the initial article says it all.

"The video, first reported by the liberal blog HuffingtonPost.com, is from a June Palin speech to the graduating class of commission students at Palin's former church in Wasilla, Alaska.

So she was giving a speech to a church group. And people freak that she talks about something being from God?

When she says "from God", it can either be a Joan of Arc sort of psychosis and hearing voices, or it can mean something that is good. To many, anything is good is "sent from God", as opposed to anything bad being "from Satan".

It doesn't sound like she is ready to pass out the koolaid just yet.
It's really important to you that you get the hillary voters on board with palin, ain't it? Who do you work for?

It most certainly is theocratic crap. What exactly is the will of god? These plans are documented actually. They're plans for theocracy.

There is a distinct difference between a politician having strong faith and a politician wanting to start a theocracy.

Until they cross the line (see Judge Roy Moore) then they are simply politicians.
It's really important to you that you get the hillary voters on board with palin, ain't it? Who do you work for?

Are you kidding? I am voting Obama, not at all or maybe Barr. No way in hell I am voting McCain and Palin makes it even less likely when there was not a chance in hell in the first place.

It most certainly is theocratic crap. What exactly is the will of god? These plans are documented actually. They're plans for theocracy.

If I believed in a God I wouldn't claim to know. Obviously, Palin and Obama are unsure as well or they would not pray that they or our leaders are carrying it out. If they were certain about what it is then they would just act on it.

I am sorry you don't understand the language, but clearly neither are claiming to know God's will, only praying that it be done.
She probably was watching Flavor of Love and saw that girl praying "please God give me the strength not to whoop this bitches ass". It was very moving.
I am sorry you don't understand the language, but clearly neither are claiming to know God's will, only praying that it be done.

Then it's even more irresponsible.

a leader handing the wills, hearts, and minds of his people over to a power he/she doesn't understand is an act worthy of impeachment.

What difference does it make why anyone would send soldiers to their deaths for made-up wars?


ALL of them .. McCain, Obama, Biden, and Palin believe in sacrificing the lives of innocent people for God, profit, or just to look presidential.

I am truly amazed by what today's democrats think are real issues.

How many houses does McCain have ... WTF

Palin believes GOD wanted us to invade Iraq .. big fucking deal

Isn't it Obama who's now running around the country talking about his "faith?"

I thought democrats were supposed to be the smart ones.
BAC - you need to chill a bit. I know you're pissed because Obama is playing centrist for the election, and a lot of people are. That doesn't mean that it's insignificant when someone on the national ticket says openly that our military should be used for 'tasks from God.' That's a fairly important insight into the role of religion in her life, whether you as a voter think it should be there or not.

I'm opposed to war or using the military on any grounds save for protecting America from an imminent threat. This thread has less to do with war than it does with Palin's operating philosophy as it applies to religion & gov't.

Also, I'm gettin' a little tired of the lectures. I'm sorry you don't like Obama anymore, and that you are candidate-less. I still see this as an important election, and whether you like it or not, the country will look MUCH different under a President Obama than under a President McCain. I'm not buying that Nader-esque Gore/Bush are the same BS this time around.
We need to vote for McCain because his VP's son may be headed into combat and therefore McCain will make all the right decisions.

His son is already in Iraq. Bidens son is heading out as well.

Do you vote McCain/Palin because they have two kids in while Obama/Biden only have one? Not really fair given Obamas girls aren't old enough.
BAC - you need to chill a bit. I know you're pissed because Obama is playing centrist for the election, and a lot of people are. That doesn't mean that it's insignificant when someone on the national ticket says openly that our military should be used for 'tasks from God.' That's a fairly important insight into the role of religion in her life, whether you as a voter think it should be there or not.

I'm opposed to war or using the military on any grounds save for protecting America from an imminent threat. This thread has less to do with war than it does with Palin's operating philosophy as it applies to religion & gov't.

Also, I'm gettin' a little tired of the lectures. I'm sorry you don't like Obama anymore, and that you are candidate-less. I still see this as an important election, and whether you like it or not, the country will look MUCH different under a President Obama than under a President McCain. I'm not buying that Nader-esque Gore/Bush are the same BS this time around.


Look out BAC the preacher boy is all wound up again... how dare you express YOUR thoughts on this topic!!!

Lorax... side note, as mentioned already, she was speaking to a CHURCH group. You are reading WAY too much into her statement. As is Darla. You just want to pretend that she is trying to 'invoke a holy war' or some such nonsense because you wish to paint her as another of them 'crazy ass religious nutjobs'. Right? I know... why don't you bring back that "clinging to guns and religion" comment from the One.... that went over well the first time around.

Funny how much of a panic the Palin pick has generated from the left.

So desperate to find a way to attack her that you resort to this???