

They're digging into the actual meat of this story now. And Isokoff at Newsweek proves McCain is a liar.

There is no "seems" here. He testified in a deposition to something that is the complete opposite of a statement he emailed to reporters this week.

I'm still scared though - will this be enough to overcome the big reemergence of "The Xerox" line, predicted by WRL to be used against Obama????

"A sworn deposition that Sen. John McCain gave in a lawsuit more than five years ago appears to contradict one part of a sweeping denial that his campaign issued this week to rebut a New York Times story about his ties to a Washington lobbyist.

On Wednesday night the Times published a story suggesting that McCain might have done legislative favors for the clients of the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, who worked for the firm of Alcalde & Fay. One example it cited were two letters McCain wrote in late 1999 demanding that the Federal Communications Commission act on a long-stalled bid by one of Iseman's clients, Florida-based Paxson Communications, to purchase a Pittsburgh television station.

Just hours after the Times's story was posted, the McCain campaign issued a point-by-point response that depicted the letters as routine correspondence handled by his staff—and insisted that McCain had never even spoken with anybody from Paxson or Alcalde & Fay about the matter. "No representative of Paxson or Alcalde & Fay personally asked Senator McCain to send a letter to the FCC," the campaign said in a statement e-mailed to reporters.

But that flat claim seems to be contradicted by an impeccable source: McCain himself. "I was contacted by Mr. Paxson on this issue," McCain said in the Sept. 25, 2002, deposition obtained by NEWSWEEK. "He wanted their approval very bad for purposes of his business. I believe that Mr. Paxson had a legitimate complaint."

lol this is like a godsend from heaven for mccain. Its rallying (giving the mccain hate republicans) an excuse to come together.
I hope this doesn't excite the base too much...

It will of course hurt him with independents, but if it rallies conservatives to McCain the gain would exceed the loss.
Hes toast, there is talk of his campaign running out of money too.

I dont think the big donnors are going to waste their money on this guy.

They may just walk over the aisle and try to buy Obama's favors.
I hope this doesn't excite the base too much...

It will of course hurt him with independents, but if it rallies conservatives to McCain the gain would exceed the loss.

I don't see how e. If independents flock to Obama, it doesn't matter what the R base does, frankly. They're irrelevant.
McCain is EASY.

He's flipped and flopped on most issues .. and he's been down this road before.

It doesn't matter a rats ass how "energized" the right-wing base gets .. McCain is toast.
I don't see how e. If independents flock to Obama, it doesn't matter what the R base does, frankly. They're irrelevant.

Bush used the R base almost exclusively for 2 elections and won.

I hope you're right but I'm just pointing out McCain's biggest weakness right now is his lack of appeal to conservatives. Uniting them all, particularly too early, isn't going to make it easy for the D nominee.
Yep McClown is running up against the campaign spending limpts he backed and trying to withdraw from the federal money, but can't wiggle out as he used matching funds for collateral on a loan and other issues.

This is getting fun.
i think mccain is pumped about this.. pubs needed an excuse to jump on his bandwagon after they publicly came out against him last month.
damn, you beat me to it. I'll repost what I had, and see if superfreak can explain the contradiction.

Someone’s not telling the truth:

"No representative of Paxson or Alcalde & Fay (Viki Iseman’s lobbying firm) personally asked Senator McCain to send a letter to the FCC" – February 2008 McCain campaign statement e-mailed to reporters.

"I was contacted by Mr. Paxson on this issue. He wanted their approval very bad for purposes of his business. I believe that Mr. Paxson had a legitimate complaint." -- Sworn Testimony from JOHN McCAIN to FCC, in September 2002

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FOX News Talking Points for Today:

The NY Times is "taking it in the chin" for their "questionable standard of reporting" and are "on the ropes".

McCain is actually "seeing some benefit from the attacks" and is "using it to appeal for more campaign donations" calling it a "sleazy smear".

**All Quotes Are Actual FOX News Phrases From Today**
Give me a break.

Democrats have gone to the polls 2 to 1 over the republicans.

Obama got 200,000 more votes in Wisconsin than all the republican votes put together.

Republican identity dwindles by the day and even if every last one of them circled the wagons around McCain, he would still be Barry Goldwater.
Obama is going to landslide him by Reagan margins in November.

Drugs in College vs. Lobbyist Ties and Possible Sex Scandle
I think that because they mentioned the whole supposed sex thing in the story that will gain him the most. Especially with no evidence it just appears to be a smear.