

"But the agreement also said that if McCain were to withdraw from the public financing system before the end of 2007 and then were to lose the New Hampshire primary by more than 10 percentage points, he would have had to reapply to the FEC for public matching funds and provide the bank additional collateral for the loan.

In his letter to McCain, Mason said the commission would allow a candidate to withdraw from the public finance system as long as he had not received any public funds and had not pledged the certification of such funds "as security for private financing."

Citing the loan agreement, Mason wrote: "We note that in your letter, you state that neither you nor your (presidential campaign) committee has pledged the certification of matching payment funds as security for private financing. In preparation for commission consideration of your request upon establishment of a quorum, we invite you to expand on the rationale for that conclusion."

McCain has been an outspoken critic of the FEC and he and Mason have had ideological differences over campaign finance law for years.

"We will of course carefully review and respond to the questions asked about the collateral for the campaign's bank loan," Potter said Wednesday. "We very carefully negotiated that loan on the basis that the federal matching funds certification we held would not be security or collateral for that loan."

One former Republican FEC chairman, Michael Toner, said McCain should not need action by the FEC to pull out of public financing.

"If a candidate indicates he or she does not want the money and does so before payments are made and does not take advantage of the promise of future payments, then he or she is free to withdraw from the system," said Toner, who advised former GOP presidential contender Fred Thompson. "That's my understanding of exactly what happened here.""
There is also the fact that the FEC does not have enough members for a quorum to release McClown from his matching funds commitment right now.

US.... the FEC does not have to release him from it. He never accepted funds. He used his donor list and an insurance policy as collateral for the loan amount he took out. IF the bank had required further collateral THEN he would have put up the public funds as additional collateral.

But the bank did NOT require additional collateral, McCain got a boost in funding after his early victories and he paid off the loan.
Read the link dudes and then admit being owned.

Owned on what? Every comment on the loan I made is accurate.
Answer these US....

1) Did McCain take any public funds?

2) Did McCain use the public funds as collateral?

If Mason wants to play games because he and McCain have gone at it so many times, then he should accept the consequences of his actions.

What I would like to know is how it is that Congress has allowed the FEC to have FOUR of SIX seats open during an election cycle.
From the link above.

FEC Warns McCain on Campaign Spending

The nation's top federal election official told Sen. John McCain yesterday that he cannot immediately withdraw from the presidential public financing system as he had requested, a decision that threatens to dramatically restrict his spending until the general election campaign begins in the fall.

~ Left out here the lobbist girlfriend trash.

Mason's letter raises two issues as the basis for his position. One is that the six-member commission lacks a quorum, with four vacancies because of a Senate deadlock over President Bush's nominees for the seats. Mason said the FEC would need to vote on McCain's request to leave the system, which is not possible without a quorum. Until that can happen, the candidate will have to remain within the system, he said.

But McCain's attempts to build up his campaign coffers before a general election contest appeared to be threatened by the stern warning yesterday from Federal Election Commission Chairman David M. Mason, a Republican. Mason notified McCain that the commission had not granted his Feb. 6 request to withdraw from the presidential public financing system.

The implications of that could be dramatic. Last year, when McCain's campaign was starved for cash, he applied to join the financing system to gain access to millions of dollars in federal matching money. He was also permitted to use his FEC certification to bypass the time-consuming process of gathering signatures to get his name on the ballot in several states, including Ohio.

By signing up for matching money, McCain agreed to adhere to strict state-by-state spending limits and an overall limit on spending of $54 million for the primary season, which lasts until the party's nominating convention in September. The general election has a separate public financing arrangement.
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Let's dispense with your two main argument, and then get to the core of the matter:

#1 There's no proof of sex!

True. There are only suspicions on the part of some of his staff. It's not the core issue, IMO. Although a hundred and twenty year old serial adulterer and a forty year old woman does have comical value.

#2 There's no proof of anything illegal!

True, again. I don't think the Times or anyone else explicity alleged a potential criminal act. I wouldn't be suprised if everything McCain did was technically legal.

Now, with that dispensed with, the core issue is about access, power, and the undue and untoward influence of corporate lobbyists and special interests in our government. Americans are fed up with the stranglehold and special priviledges that lobbyists have over our government. Americans have an innate desire for clean government. Google the polls if you like. Do you think if you had a pending court case, that you could walk into a Senator's office and insist that help you expedite your case? Not a chance. But, if you have a buttload of corporate money behind you, and some fancy pants lobbyists, you most certainly could walk into a senator's office to ask for a favor like that. These were telecom clients. I wonder how much money the telecom industry has donated to McCain?

That's what this is about. Clean government. Government that doesn't cater to, or favor, monied speical interests over citizens and the public interest. And the problem for McCain is that he has cultivated an image of a clean government guy. A straight talker. And, as evidenced by the contradictory statments on the Time piece, it doesn't look like much straight talking is going on. And it does look like he will do favors - even "legal" favors - for people with the right amount of money and corporate sponsors.

And to be fair, I wouldn't be suprised at all if Obama has had some fancy pants lobbyists walk into his office to ask for favors from him.
Nothing illegal yet on the FEC angle...

But he is at least tempooraially hamstrung by rules he backed. how smart can the dude be ?
Nothing illegal yet on the FEC angle...

But he is at least tempooraially hamstrung by rules he backed. how smart can the dude be ?
That too is a feeble attempt that will go nowhere. First you have to take the funds, it isn't the loan holding him back he paid that back already. Somebody playing with red tape isn't going anywhere.
LOL, let him go ahead then and perhaps be the first Republican candidate running for pres from prison :D that would be great!

actually the fall election would be over before sentencing, but perhaps he would be impeached before then.

Lyndon Larouche style :cheer:
Holy Jesus Christ Almighty

Did John McCain lie or not? The answer is that yes he did.

He's a liar. What else is going to come out about the liar, we can all wait and see.

Not really..............

I hope this doesn't excite the base too much...

It will of course hurt him with independents, but if it rallies conservatives to McCain the gain would exceed the loss.

I am a registered 'American Independent' albeit I have issues with John on Immigration and outsourcing of jobs etc...I will vote for him rather than a socialist or Sharia supporter...;)