uh oohhhhh

Hey--ya just met your first person who gets a American dream. (did I mention I went from under 40 grand a year only 3 years ago---to a possible quarter million next year?---good.) If things go well for me--I will retire rich, never have to drive to work, or wake up to a alarm clock--I wear shorts, a T-shirt, and sandels if I want to (barefoot most of the time) while I work. I blast the radio--drink a beer, and may be even burn one if somebody offers--while I work--making bank. DO YOU THINK YOU WILL EVER FEEL THAT FREE?. You think it can't be done, and you feel it is owed to you right now. Your beat already--such a young age too. May be--just may be---now, bear with me here--humor me----may be somebody did not teach you things that were in YOUR best interest?

I used to feel like you did--we are getting ripped off. I overcame it for the moment---I double dog dare ya to try. :)

see ya in the funny papers.
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How is it the dumber the poster and the less literate the more money they claim to make? This seems to be a truism on this board at least.
Hey 74hnekrwguy--where did ya go? --- 763rhui3whbnguy? are ya here?-----7rh4834gfcbtgfh683q2gfer;sjhiu42gqfuguuuuuuy??????

shut the fuck up then (as he runs like his hero's--the french)---lol.
How is it the dumber the poster and the less literate the more money they claim to make? This seems to be a truism on this board at least.

Well ----how would you like to see? I can take pictures of my shop area(s), with all the new machinery in them, with all the work lying in boxers and on tables in process and e-mail them to you. Would you like more evidence that your stupid and wrong? I can show you over 10 grand of work sitting on my basement floor--all the work in that phase in process (storage) on shelfs., and about 5 grand of work in the one of the garage floors next to the machinery that is going to work on it.

In the near future--I should be able to put out about 5 grand a week. Just bumped up to 3 grand a week---sales--not profit--I have to pay for one person labor, and eat damn good lobster (northern water mind you) dinners. I dig the local Bonefish

I don't have those pic--but I do have a digi cam--and because I hate yuour little snot nosed brat attitude--I would love to take some and send them to you.

This---is where you shut up (because you know you are a looser, and assume everybody else is)---and---que!
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see above for an example.

This is why Sara Palin will totally demolish the DEMs this year--and until she retires a old lady in high offices.

This meaningless open statement, and most --no all, are just to --gossipy, or childish. You said absolutly nothing--just like Obama. may be people will start like you like Paris Hilton now too? Hmmm Weird complexes. Your not alone--your favorite media acts the same way. In fact--your party leaders are acting that way--and any American child can see it.

Step aside commie boy---real Americans are coming through. It's gonna be a stampede you will never forget.
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Why don't you go ahead and just take a picture of a big pile of money and your tax return from last year?

Just like a liberial socalist COMMIE---wanting to see a tax return--LMAO. This guys seriously does not know he is a commie---lol. If I were a dumb ass liberial--I might show it to you---lol.

I put almost all profit last year, and this, into machines and a new building (another garage). ya want to see the pics or not? I am pretty proud of waht I have done so far---fucker!! Oh yea--this guy bags on some lady for becoming a fully capable grand mother--thaaaaaaaaats right.

Ya wanna see what a real American can do? or are ya just not believing it. Strong stuff--that kool-aid boy.

I could be an inspiration to you. I can teach you what America is about--so the government can't cap and trade your ass---lol---uless--we get a Palin up there--then we won't have to worry. just make your bucks, and enjoy the fruits of your mind and labor. Ohhh--that is not fair---riiiiight.
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helpful hint #47: Calling Democrats communists makes you look stupid.

I am better informed than you--but you do have a point. It is actually Marksist. I use commie for effect--but it really is fucking close enough for any real American---Commie. :)

If you don't know Obama is actually marksist, your living under a rock.