Ukraine controls 1,000 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk Oblast

Ukraine says it is continuing to advance, and made gains of 1 to 3 kilometers in the last 24 hours, and is now in control of 74 Russian settlements.

Ukraine says..................
Given that much of the civilian population fled, and that there is no hint of resistance, about zero brigades. Never heard of an entire division being used to supply a military force, so again about zero.

The real issue is whether the Ukrainians would be able to retreat fast enough if confronted in force so as to avoid being cut off.
About 15,000 Ukraine special forced and western mercenaries went into the Kursk region with brand new, top of the line, modern US weapons. The battlefield map doesn't show any supply line of troops. Russia blew up the brand new weapons, leaving the Ukraine special forces and mercenaries stranded without supplies or reinforcements.

US arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination.
About 15,000 Ukraine special forced and western mercenaries went into the Kursk region with brand new, top of the line, modern US weapons. The battlefield map doesn't show any supply line of troops. Russia blew up the brand new weapons, leaving the Ukraine special forces and mercenaries stranded without supplies or reinforcements.

US arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination.
That is not how weapons work. To destroy a weapon, you usually have to kill the soldier carrying the weapon.
Of the 12,000 NATO troops that went onto Russia 3500 are dead as of today I am hearing.
The thing about dead people is they have families that tend to complain. If there were 3,500 western families complaining, we would have heard about it by now.
That is not how weapons work. To destroy a weapon, you usually have to kill the soldier carrying the weapon.
Weapons are drones, tanks, mobile missiles, full spectrum surveillance. The US latest and best equipment at a cost of about $5 billion. It's all been destroyed and the Americans have been captured. Dems need to keep the killing going until the election.
Weapons are drones, tanks, mobile missiles, full spectrum surveillance. The US latest and best equipment at a cost of about $5 billion. It's all been destroyed and the Americans have been captured. Dems need to keep the killing going until the election.
Airborne troops have tanks?

Ukraine controls around 1,000 square km in Russia's Kursk Oblast, Syrskyi says​

Ukrainian forces control about 1,000 square kilometers in Russia's Kursk Oblast as of Aug. 12, Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said.

As Kyiv's incursion continues into its seventh day, Syrskyi briefed President Volodymyr Zelensky on the "offensive operation" in Kursk Oblast. This marks the first time both Zelensky and Ukraine's military leadership directly confirmed Ukrainian soldiers' presence on Russian soil.

So worth it!

Airborne troops have tanks?
Stop playing stupid, Walz. American mercenaries (NSA CIA DHS) are in zip ties, yet the dnc has to keep pretending we're winning this war until after the election when they approve of more debt for war.
Stop playing stupid, Walz. American mercenaries (NSA CIA DHS) are in zip ties, yet the dnc has to keep pretending we're winning this war until after the election when they approve of more debt for war.
So you claim. And yet the Russians have yet to regain the ground?
So you claim. And yet the Russians have yet to regain the ground?
It's 2024, Walz, the battlefield map is on the net for all to see. You refuse to accept the fact that the CIA has been captured on Russian soil.
You were desperate to make the lame analogy to Vietnam, but now you can't even bring yourself to compare what the cost in blood to America was from Vietnam to Ukraine.

South Vietnam was neither a democracy, nor was it even willing to fight to defend itself. It's soldiers threw down their weapons and ran in 1975. South Vietnam is an obscure part of the world that at the time wasn't that important to American interests.

Ukraine is an emerging democracy, it is willing to fight against a ruthless totalitarian enemy, it doesn't cost us a drop of blood, and Ukraine is a European nation which has always been a region of importance to American interests.

you're a war mongering lying hack imbecile retard.
Trump would have green-lighted anything Putin wanted. Biden made it difficult and expensive for Putin to attack neighboring countries. Biden's resolve has kept Ukraine free from Russian rule. Ukraine says they took 26 Russian villages and 386 sq miles of territory.
ok, russiagater.

It's 2024, Walz, the battlefield map is on the net for all to see. You refuse to accept the fact that the CIA has been captured on Russian soil.
Yes, Ukraine has captured more of Russia than Russia has captured Ukraine in 2024...

But of course Russia was helped by Republicans cutting off aid.

As for the entire CIA being captured, is that even possible?
Yes, Ukraine has captured more of Russia than Russia has captured Ukraine in 2024...

But of course Russia was helped by Republicans cutting off aid.

As for the entire CIA being captured, is that even possible?
I remember when you were willing to Google my assertions. Now you pull things out of your ass knowing the nice ninnies will have your back. The fact remains that Russia captured CIA on their soil. You still don't know how the chess game is played.
I remember when you were willing to Google my assertions. Now you pull things out of your ass knowing the nice ninnies will have your back. The fact remains that Russia captured CIA on their soil. You still don't know how the chess game is played.
The big story is that the people who run American by committee in secret have no idea what they are doing.....China and Russia are now both sure that they are going to kick our ass.
The big story is that the people who run American by committee in secret have no idea what they are doing.....China and Russia are now both sure that they are going to kick our ass.
Someone handed over $5 billion worth of brand-new US military equipment for the Russians to dissect. The captured CIA will be denied.
Someone handed over $5 billion worth of brand-new US military equipment for the Russians to dissect. The captured CIA will be denied.
The demilitarization of the American Empire is something to well how much of our gear is not fit for purpose and how incompetent our Generals are. NATO spent months training for this mission to take the Kursk power plant....they used the best troops they had available....they might have surprised Russia (this point is still in dispute).....AND THEY STILL COMPLETELY FAILED!