Ukraine running out of ammunition, losing ground

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday reportedly said that the worst mistake he’s made in the last 15 years was in trusting the West.

Putin spoke with a Germany-based academic during a televised discussion in southern Russia. The academic asked about what mistakes Moscow may have made when dealing with the West, and Putin responded, “We trusted you too much. You interpreted our trust as weakness and you exploited that.”

I think he actually said that it is the biggest mistake he has made as leader of Russia.
"The biggest mistake I have made over my career was believing in the West....believing the West...NEVER AGAIN (paraphrase)"

If you could find an actual quote from Putin that's somewhat similar to the above, I'd be interested in seeing it. I can certainly believe that Putin may well think this even if he hasn't quite said it.

Will you do your own homework, Marv.

I don't think I'll ever understand this idea that some here have that finding evidence for their claims should be the homework of those who'd like to know what the basis for their claims are. Anyway, it was just a friendly request. I've certainly heard Putin say things that would suggest that he might well believe that trusting the west was his biggest career mistake.
Yes- the NATO betrayal of Putin over its Libya Security Council promises is yet another indelible stain upon post-WW2 America, a foreign policy made FOR Jews, BY Jews with every other party ignored.

Could you elaborate on these Libya Security Council promises?
Yes- the NATO betrayal of Putin over its Libya Security Council promises is yet another indelible stain upon post-WW2 America, a foreign policy made FOR Jews, BY Jews with every other party ignored.

Do not forget that the Murdoch properties are Regime Media....they cant be trusted....telling the truth about the Russians and about Putin is not allowed in the West.
I don't think I'll ever understand this idea that some here have that finding evidence for their claims should be the homework of those who'd like to know what the basis for their claims are. Anyway, it was just a friendly request. I've certainly heard Putin say things that would suggest that he might well believe that trusting the west was his biggest career mistake.

If I say something it is because I have decided that it is true. You should listen to me because I am right a high percentage of the time. But your education is your problem...I am not interested in becoming your educator absent a side deal so that I get something out of it. Doing my own education is more than enough work for me.
Could you elaborate on these Libya Security Council promises?

' Russia’s abstention from UNSCR 1973, which allowed a no-fly zone in Libya and ultimately led to the collapse of the Qadhafi regime, has resounded across both Russian foreign policy and the security environment of the Near East. '

Executive Summary
Russia’s abstention from a 2011 United Nations Security Council vote penalizing Libya for major human rights violations has reverberated throughout the Near East. Running contrary to years of policies intended to hamper Western democracy-building exercises in the Middle East, the UNSCR 1973 abstention marked a short-lived exercise in increased foreign policy cooperation with the West, at the expense of a local sovereign leader. Though Russia had condoned punishment of the renegade Libyan regime, the Russian government still opposed the use of foreign military forces in Libya and feared mission creep beyond the UN mandate.

Contrary to Russia's belief that a ' No-fly zone' would not involve Western military intervention, the Libyan government forces were attacked by Western Special forces , cruise missiles and air strikes .

As a result, Libya today is a failed state- while the Zionists laugh at the American involvement in crushing another anti-Zionist state on their behalf.
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' Russia’s abstention from UNSCR 1973, which allowed a no-fly zone in Libya and ultimately led to the collapse of the Qadhafi regime, has resounded across both Russian foreign policy and the security environment of the Near East. '

Executive Summary
Russia’s abstention from a 2011 United Nations Security Council vote penalizing Libya for major human rights violations has reverberated throughout the Near East. Running contrary to years of policies intended to hamper Western democracy-building exercises in the Middle East, the UNSCR 1973 abstention marked a short-lived exercise in increased foreign policy cooperation with the West, at the expense of a local sovereign leader. Though Russia had condoned punishment of the renegade Libyan regime, the Russian government still opposed the use of foreign military forces in Libya and feared mission creep beyond the UN mandate.

Contrary to Russia's belief that a ' No-fly zone' would not involve Western military intervention, the Libyan government forces were attacked by Western Special forces , cruise missiles and air strikes .

Gadhafi had for years been in full cooperation with the West, to the point he gave up Libya's nukes because we asked him to...we killed him anyways.

Believing the West, believing in the honor of the for almost everyone a catastrophic mistake.
Yes, we can see today, through the Biden administration, how the West is comfortable with human rights abuses performed by Zionists.
The lip-service to the rule of law is nauseating.
Yes, we can see today, through the Biden administration, how the West is comfortable with human rights abuses performed by Zionists.
The lip-service to the rule of law is nauseating.

The Western Elites say shit because it sounds nice, or because they calculate that it will get them what they want....True/Not True is irrelevant to them.

It took awhile, but the world has figured it out, and they are not having it.

America is going down....HARD.
I see the enemy of Americans as being Evangelism and Christian Zionism. Hopefully, the forthcoming Latino majority will extinguish them both.
I see the enemy of Americans as being Evangelism and Christian Zionism. Hopefully, the forthcoming Latino majority will extinguish them both.

I see it as lack of honor, lack of fidelity to truth, lack of basic human decency.

This son of a bitch is going down, this gets punished by the Universe.
I see the enemy of Americans as being Evangelism and Christian Zionism. Hopefully, the forthcoming Latino majority will extinguish them both.

This fucker never stops banging on about alleged genocide yet totally ignores real genocide in places like Ukraine and Syria.