Ummm...never mind

"Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy"

It's not that surprising that these exceedingly retarded hacks cannot read....

I guess it’s not even surprising that their hackery and inability to read, makes me a “bitch”. It’s not easy to earn a living peddling your ass for the Republican party while they do their best to destroy the country.
"Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy"

It's not that surprising that these exceedingly retarded hacks cannot read....

"The tax provisions were included in a broader $50 billion tax measure blocked by a GOP filibuster threat. A vote to take up the measure was 50-44, short of the 60 votes needed."

Also not surprising that YOU fail to read that it was part of a broader bill. So either you are misinterpreting your article that is not clear on whether the alt energy stood alone and Darla's article is correct. Or you are interpretting your article correctly and Darlas is wrong.

Which is it?
I guess it’s not even surprising that their hackery and inability to read, makes me a “bitch”. It’s not easy to earn a living peddling your ass for the Republican party while they do their best to destroy the country.

So tell me Darla.... why do you continue to ignore what YOUR article wrote?
Superfreak, this is why I have you on IA. This is EXACTLY why I have you on IA.

""Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy""

They blocked debate on THAT SPECIFIC MEASURE, you blind, retarded, stubborn, obtuse excuse for a hack.
Thank you for that. I know you meant well. But that is the House version of the bill.

Darla posted how the votes were going in the Senate. Do you happen to have the Senate version?

There is no Senate version. This is the bill the Senate was voting on today that the Republicans filibustered.
"The tax provisions were included in a broader $50 billion tax measure blocked by a GOP filibuster threat. A vote to take up the measure was 50-44, short of the 60 votes needed."

Also not surprising that YOU fail to read that it was part of a broader bill. So either you are misinterpreting your article that is not clear on whether the alt energy stood alone and Darla's article is correct. Or you are interpretting your article correctly and Darlas is wrong.

Which is it?

You know what, it really doesn’t matter. I have read three different articles on it, all quote high level republicans like Mitch McConnel on this, and all of them have the pukes saying the same thing; “we think the fix for this is domestic drilling”.

Nowhere do any of them say that they would love to support tax breaks for alternative energy research and sources. Nowhere do any of them say that the democrats held them up on that by forcing them to vote on an energy bill.

You are just so full of shit you turned this entire thread into a whinefest over a point of semetics. Because you are a hack, and you don’t care about your country. Your masters, if they had their way, will use up all of our natural resources, while gas goes higher and higher, and not fund alternative sources, because the oil companies pay them to do that.

Don’t think you fooled anyone here.

And don’t cry when your party gets the boot up their ass that the American people are getting ready to give them.
SF - "The legislation" you are referencing in big bold text is actually the Windfall Tax legislation, not the alternative energy tax credit legislation.

Not according to Darlas article... either that is a very poorly written article, or you are joining with Darla and Lorax in pretending it is something else....

"Separately, Democrats also failed to get Republican support for a proposal to extend tax breaks for wind, solar and other alternative energy development, and for the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation. The tax breaks have either expired or are scheduled to end this year.

The tax provisions were included in a broader $50 billion tax measure blocked by a GOP filibuster threat. A vote to take up the measure was 50-44, short of the 60 votes needed.

The windfall profits bill would have imposed a 25 percent tax on profits over what would be determined "reasonable" when compared to profits several years ago. The oil companies could have avoided the tax if they invested the money in alternative energy projects or refinery expansion. It also would have rescinded oil company tax breaks — worth $17 billion over the next 10 years — with the revenue to be used for tax incentives to producers of wind, solar and other alternative energy sources as well as for energy conservation.

The legislation also would:

-- Require traders to put up more collateral in the energy futures markets and open the way for federal regulation of traders who are based in the United States but use foreign trading platforms. The measures are designed to reduce market speculation.

-- Make oil and gas price gouging a federal crime, with stiff penalties of up to $5 million during a presidentially declared energy emergency.

-- Authorize the Justice Department to bring charges of price fixing against countries that belong to the OPEC oil cartel."

NOTE: Dung.... the article stated clearly that the windfall bill failed 51-43.

The tax provisions for alt energy that were a part of the broader energy bill failed 50-44.
Superfreak, this is why I have you on IA. This is EXACTLY why I have you on IA.

""Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy""

They blocked debate on THAT SPECIFIC MEASURE, you blind, retarded, stubborn, obtuse excuse for a hack.

That is exactly how any normal person reads that, but he will do anything to deflect attention from what a bunch of oil whores the repukes are, because he’s going to vote for them.
You know what, it really doesn’t matter. I have read three different articles on it, all quote high level republicans like Mitch McConnel on this, and all of them have the pukes saying the same thing; “we think the fix for this is domestic drilling”.

Nowhere do any of them say that they would love to support tax breaks for alternative energy research and sources. Nowhere do any of them say that the democrats held them up on that by forcing them to vote on an energy bill.

You are just so full of shit you turned this entire thread into a whinefest over a point of semetics. Because you are a hack, and you don’t care about your country. Your masters, if they had their way, will use up all of our natural resources, while gas goes higher and higher, and not fund alternative sources, because the oil companies pay them to do that.

Don’t think you fooled anyone here.

And don’t cry when your party gets the boot up their ass that the American people are getting ready to give them.

Wow, so you are going to be completely dishonest. As I said, bring the alt energy up as a stand alone. If they veto that House version that Dung posted, THEN you can bitch and I will join you.

But to pretend that you aren't being a complete hack right now is quite sad for you. You and Lorax tried to play the typical partisan game acting like the Reps bounced the bill because they hate alt energy and conveniently tried to pretend the other portions of the energy bill weren't the cause of the block.

You can also cut the bullshit. As stated many times on the other thread, including by Dung.... that windfall tax is nothing more than a smoke screen. It will not effect the bottom line of the oil companies. It is an attempt at wealth redistribution under the guise of "makin them oil companies pay!!!"

Your plan HURTS consumers.
My guess is the pubs didnt vote for the energy package because they have there own they are trying to pass. You know they have a tendency to compete with each other.

I think i like the dem one better however from what i have read.

Two bills were voted on today. One bill was the Windfall Tax Bill. It failed 51-43. It included the bullet-points above regarding traders and the like. Here is a link to the Congressional Research Service for that bill, the Windfall Tax Bill:

There was another vote today on an alternative energy tax credit bill that failed 50-44. I previously posted the Congressional Research Service link to that bill. I will provide it here again for your convenience:
My dear Darla, from your article:

""Separately, Democrats also failed to get Republican support for a proposal to extend tax breaks for wind, solar and other alternative energy development, and for the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation. The tax breaks have either expired or are scheduled to end this year.

The tax provisions were included in a broader $50 billion tax measure blocked by a GOP filibuster threat. A vote to take up the measure was 50-44, short of the 60 votes needed""

So they were not a stand alone item to vote on.

Onceler, this is from the original article Darla posted.
Wow, so you are going to be completely dishonest. As I said, bring the alt energy up as a stand alone. If they veto that House version that Dung posted, THEN you can bitch and I will join you.

But to pretend that you aren't being a complete hack right now is quite sad for you. You and Lorax tried to play the typical partisan game acting like the Reps bounced the bill because they hate alt energy and conveniently tried to pretend the other portions of the energy bill weren't the cause of the block.

You can also cut the bullshit. As stated many times on the other thread, including by Dung.... that windfall tax is nothing more than a smoke screen. It will not effect the bottom line of the oil companies. It is an attempt at wealth redistribution under the guise of "makin them oil companies pay!!!"

Your plan HURTS consumers.

They filibustered the bill that I linked to. We'll be here bitching about it any time you want to join in.
Superfreak, this is why I have you on IA. This is EXACTLY why I have you on IA.

""Senate Republicans today also blocked debate on a tax measure to extend credits for wind, solar and other forms of renewable energy""

They blocked debate on THAT SPECIFIC MEASURE, you blind, retarded, stubborn, obtuse excuse for a hack.

Yes, Lorax, I can see how the author of the article wrote it. As I stated, Darlas article could be wrong. But look how the author of her article wrote it vs. yours. There were clearly TWO bills voted on and blocked by the Reps. According to her article there were provisions that were passed in 2000 by the Reps that would have been reversed had they passed the bill containing the alt energy.
They filibustered the bill that I linked to. We'll be here bitching about it any time you want to join in.

They fillabustered the House bill??? They did not attach any amendments or lump it into a broader energy bill? Because I didn't think that occurred all that often, taking a bill written by the House and voting on it without any changes. That is a tad unusual.

So Darlas article was incorrect?