UN demands actions

The American people have been indoctrinated to believe that the Israelis are nothing but victims. The propaganda links the sympathy created by the holocaust to Israel's existence now. Couple that with the fact that they were our only regional allies during the cold war and feelings for Israel die hard. The Israelis also have their lobbyists here in the US that tell everyone that questioning or condemnation of Israel equals antisemitism.

This pretty much sums up the way it works.
The American people have been indoctrinated to believe that the Israelis are nothing but victims. The propaganda links the sympathy created by the holocaust to Israel's existence now. Couple that with the fact that they were our only regional allies during the cold war and feelings for Israel die hard. The Israelis also have their lobbyists here in the US that tell everyone that questioning or condemnation of Israel equals antisemitism.

That is easy when they own all the media and can manipulate public opinion. Using forged photos and documents. The Elites have been rewriting history to their liking for centuries using this method.

Here is the latest. 5 of the 9 were shot in the back of the head or back. Doesn't sound like they killed in self defense to me.....

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I wonder how the Israeli lobby would respond if the GOP largely turned against Israel. Could they still maintain control over the Dems, or would the pro-Palestinians overwhelm the establishment of the party?