UN demands actions

From someone who really loves politics this is why i fucking hate politics. Everyone knows there is going to be an agreement, everyone pretty much knows what's going to be in the agreement and yet politicians playing games are happy to sit by and fuck up the lives of their own citizens.

This is why i prefer making jokes about cocks and that. :(

The solution has been on the table since Britain tried to establish the two independent states back in the 40's. I share your frustration with how the politicians play their respective populaces. We share a similar theme as our politicians pull the same crap on us... with a far more subtle form of weaponry.
You really ought to do some background reading on the Troubles, for an intelligent man your ignorance is astounding. When the British Army went into Ulster in 1968 they were welcomed with open arms by the Catholics.

You would do worse than to read Peter Hitchens on the subject, did you know that Eamonn De Valera, for instance, had several of the IRA shot and one executed by Albert Pierrepoint, a British hangman who topped 11 Nazis in one day? The same de Valera who sent a letter of condolence when Hitler died and allowed a German embassy in Dublin throughout WW2. You Americans need to grow up and find the real truth rather than the bullshit fed you by the Oirish propaganda machine. I speak as the son of Irish Catholic immigrants who visits Northern and Southern Ireland on a regular basis.



LMAO... you should take your own advice. I never stated that the British were ALWAYS at odds with all of Ireland during the troubles. But after Bloody Sunday, the Catholics saw the British as their enemies as well and no longer welcomed them in their country. After that it took nearly 30 years for the Peace Accords to be finalized.

So again, do take your own advice and read up on what occurred.
here is the cliffs notes version of that report... and it didn't cost a dime....

The soldiers killed unarmed innocent civilians.

The IDF killed 1500 last year in Gaza, including over 500 children, I very much doubt if they spent more than 10 shekels on that report! Whereas we spent £200 million and 12 years on a report on events that happened nearly 30 years ago involving 13 dead. Does your Cliff Notes mention the use of white phosphorus in Ulster?
But only the israelis were armed. You fight to defend israeli atrocities like it's your grandmother. Why?

Israel controls gaza. It's like they're genociding their own citizens, in essence.

1) That is quite amusing... only the Israelis are armed? Where do you suppose all those rockets are coming from? Not to mention the suicide bombers.

2) If you were referring to the ship... you are also wrong there. The 'humanitarians' were also armed.

3) Hamas controls Gaza. Which is why Israel has the blockade up.
1) That is quite amusing... only the Israelis are armed? Where do you suppose all those rockets are coming from? Not to mention the suicide bombers.

2) If you were referring to the ship... you are also wrong there. The 'humanitarians' were also armed.

3) Hamas controls Gaza. Which is why Israel has the blockade up.

Armed with rods? come now.

You defense of the ghettoization of the palestinians is next to demonic in nature. Demonic adjacent.
The IDF killed 1500 last year in Gaza, including over 500 children, I very much doubt if they spent more than 10 shekels on that report! Whereas we spent £200 million and 12 years on a report on events that happened nearly 30 years ago involving 13 dead. Does your Cliff Notes mention the use of white phosphorus in Ulster?

No white phosphorus was used in Ulster that I am aware of.... are you suggesting the Brits used it there? If so, do link up.....

As for your spending 200 million pounds on a 'study' of an event 30 years ago... that just shows how foolish the English government is.... I would love to see them account for all of that money.
LMAO... you should take your own advice. I never stated that the British were ALWAYS at odds with all of Ireland during the troubles. But after Bloody Sunday, the Catholics saw the British as their enemies as well and no longer welcomed them in their country. After that it took nearly 30 years for the Peace Accords to be finalized.

So again, do take your own advice and read up on what occurred.

If that had been the IDF they would have used white phosphorus, cluster bombs and bulldozers, they would have then declared that they were attacked first and that would have been that, game over.
No white phosphorus was used in Ulster that I am aware of.... are you suggesting the Brits used it there? If so, do link up.....

As for your spending 200 million pounds on a 'study' of an event 30 years ago... that just shows how foolish the English government is.... I would love to see them account for all of that money.

The blame falls squarely onto Tony Blair who was happy to spend our money to assuage the likes of Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness. Isn't it strange that they don't feel able to reveal their involvement in the disappearance of hundreds of people in the past.
Armed with rods? come now.

You defense of the ghettoization of the palestinians is next to demonic in nature. Demonic adjacent.

So in your opinion, a person is only armed and capable of harming someone if they possess a gun???

Hint: Metal pipes can be fatal .... so can knives
oh my god. You're actually serious. keep talking. You discredit yourself with every utterance.

Once again you show your complete idiocy....

Tell you what, I will volunteer to tee off and hit you in the head with a metal pipe. If you regain consciousness, you can then let us all know about how a metal pipe isn't a weapon.
Once again you show your complete idiocy....

Tell you what, I will volunteer to tee off and hit you in the head with a metal pipe. If you regain consciousness, you can then let us all know about how a metal pipe isn't a weapon.

oh my god. You are serious.

those are not arms relative to machine guns. And if you threaten me again, im calling the f.b.i. , prick.
the blockade is only valid between nations. The two state solution has not been put in place. This is like israel blockading it's own citizens. ILLEGAL.
oh my god. You are serious.

those are not arms relative to machine guns. And if you threaten me again, im calling the f.b.i. , prick.

1) You are a moron... weapons are not weapons based on relative firepower.

2) I did not threaten you moron. I stated I would volunteer to hit you with that non-weapon should you so desire to test your theory.
No white phosphorus was used in Ulster that I am aware of.... are you suggesting the Brits used it there? If so, do link up.....

As for your spending 200 million pounds on a 'study' of an event 30 years ago... that just shows how foolish the English government is.... I would love to see them account for all of that money.

I was joking about the white phosphorus, you did know that, didn't you?
1) You are a moron... weapons are not weapons based on relative firepower.

2) I did not threaten you moron. I stated I would volunteer to hit you with that non-weapon should you so desire to test your theory.

yes they are weapons based on relative firepower. Anything can be a weapon with your dipshitted criteria.