UN demands actions

The US would attack infrastucture, they would send troops in on the ground, they would not destroy the homes of people merely related to the bombers. Israel fights terror with terror. They bomb the way they do to turn mothers of dead children against Hamas. Israel's behavior is cold and calculated and intends to kill non-combatants.

Israel tried sending in the ground troops. What happened then? Oh yeah, Hamas members hid behind civilians and lobbed rockets at the Israelis. The Israelis were then castigated in the media for firing back. No matter what they do, THEY are the ones the world media hammers.

This entire incident was a direct result of Hamas etc... firing rockets into Israel. if they ceased that and THEN Israel continued being heavy handed, THEN you might have a point.
And we would condemn it, and seek sanctions and all I want is for the treatment of Israel to be the same as our treatment of other nations. Thugish behavior should be tolerated even less by your allies than when done by your enemies.

Thuggish behavior? It's like you think jews don't have the right to defend themselves, and your are hitler too.
And we would condemn it, and seek sanctions and all I want is for the treatment of Israel to be the same as our treatment of other nations. Thugish behavior should be tolerated even less by your allies than when done by your enemies.

Take a look at how often resolutions and sanctions are brought against Israel. I doubt any other country has seen more action against it from the UN.

Yes, the US blocks a lot of that crap, as they should. If the UN doesn't like how Israel handles the constant bombing attempts, then get them off their asses and send them into Palestine to ensure no more rockets are lobbed at Israel.

But we both know that isn't going to happen. Because the UN could care less.
Take a look at how often resolutions and sanctions are brought against Israel. I doubt any other country has seen more action against it from the UN.

Yes, the US blocks a lot of that crap, as they should. If the UN doesn't like how Israel handles the constant bombing attempts, then get them off their asses and send them into Palestine to ensure no more rockets are lobbed at Israel.

But we both know that isn't going to happen. Because the UN could care less.
Israel would never allow UN peacekeepers because they would see that the behavior goes both ways and Israel cannot be viewed as the aggressor. Only the just, defending themselves.
the neocon coalition is splintering.

You can read minds? is that admissable in law?

The blockade was illegal, and Israelis BOARDED A BOAT WITH LIVE WEAPONS, ILLEGALLY. And they got hit with sticks, and then shot 9 people.

You're fucking deluded. You will take this country down the toilet with these Zionist A-holes unless you stop your stupidity, douchebag.

So now you've decided to try and rewrite the events, by reducing this to them being "hit with sticks".

You're village must miss you.
Israel would never allow UN peacekeepers because they would see that the behavior goes both ways and Israel cannot be viewed as the aggressor. Only the just, defending themselves.

right... because the UN is beholden to the wishes of Israel. Here is a hint: Israel CANNOT STOP the UN from coming into Palestine.
i find the hatred of jews fascinating. All thru history they have had a target. I don't really know why tho.
Of course, really turkey and the zionists are creating this drama to pull the world into conflict.

Zionists are actually Sabbateans, so is the government of turkey. The donmeh built turkey and it's widely known they were sabbateans, disciples of Sabbati zevi who advocated infiltrating all religions and creating a one world theocrative faith by perverting all religions from the inside out.
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I do and still don't know why so many hate jews with such ferocity all thru history. Whats the main reasons?

Because jews are god's people, and most people just hate god.

I wish the jews would repair the world and cast the enemies of god into the abyss.

this is starting to play out like its more of a comedy than tragedy.

Now Hamas says they will not accept the aid until everyone is released and only if they get ALL of the contents.

So let's hear from all those who say the situation is dire for the people of Gaza. Should Hamas be rejecting all of the food and medical supplies?

Funny how they could have had everything (minus banned goods) and no one would have been arrested had the 'humanitarians' simply dropped the goods off at the Israeli port instead of instigating violence by trying to run the blockade.

this is starting to play out like its more of a comedy than tragedy.

Now Hamas says they will not accept the aid until everyone is released and only if they get ALL of the contents.

So let's hear from all those who say the situation is dire for the people of Gaza. Should Hamas be rejecting all of the food and medical supplies?

Funny how they could have had everything (minus banned goods) and no one would have been arrested had the 'humanitarians' simply dropped the goods off at the Israeli port instead of instigating violence by trying to run the blockade.

You can't quite reach the straws. Try harder.
You are a jew hating moron who is incapable of reading anything that shows how ignorant you are.

hey fucko.

The blockade is illegal as there is no actual war. they behaved like murderous pirates. Look at reality instead of wasting energy hating people who look at reality.
This is the problem... when Hamas hides behind its civilian population, Israel has little choice but to either engage and risk loss of innocent lives or they have to sit back and take it and risk loss of innocent lives.

I wonder what the brits would do if they had some group bombing them and hiding among the population.... oh wait... we know the answer to that.

Yes, and who were the biggest backers of the IRA outside of Ireland? If we had behaved in Northern Ireland the way Israel behaves to the Palestinians then you might have a point. If Israel wanted to end this they could say to the Palestinians that they will return the occupied territories and pay compensation for all the land confiscated in the 1948 war.

The real problem in Israel that is never addressed is that over a million Russians emigrated to Israel in recent years and they have tipped the balance towards hardline extreme rightwing governments. The ironic thing is that many are not even Jewish or have extremely tenuous antecedents.