UN demands actions

Do tell us... HOW did you jump to that conclusion?

Where have we discussed why Hamas was voted into power?

I think you are grasping for straws now...

I have come to that conclusion because you seem to want to discuss the one act in isolation whilst ignoring the vast hinterland of history. Hamas came about because the Palestinians lost faith with the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, it is a fact that desperate people act desperately.
lol.... fair enough... you are just here to condemn Israel for their misdeeds while ignoring the cause of their actions. understood.

Call me old fashioned but i expect better from an alleged democratic state with a supposed commitment to human rights.

In their regards to terrorising civilian populations both Hamas and Israel have so much in common that if they weren't enemies they'd probably be the best of friends.
Call me old fashioned but i expect better from an alleged democratic state with a supposed commitment to human rights.

In their regards to terrorising civilian populations both Hamas and Israel have so much in common that if they weren't enemies they'd probably be the best of friends.

If nothing else you'd think they would as least be pragmatic. They only had two friends in the Muslim world IAE and Turkey, to piss both off in quick succession takes some doing.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday vowed to continue the blockade of Gaza, saying it is necessary to prevent weapons from entering the strip.

"Open a route to Gaza would be a huge threat to the security of our citizens. That is why we persist blockade policy, and examining the ships," Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting convened to discuss the repercussions of the deadly clash.

Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman spoke earlier with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The UN Security Council on Tuesday condemned the Israeli navy's raid aboard the Gaza-bound convoy.

A presidential statement adopted by the Security Council said the council "deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries resulting from the use of force during the Israeli military operation in international waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza," calling for "the immediate release" of the ships and personnel held by Israel.

Lieberman, in his conversation with Ban, termed the UN decision "unacceptable and contributes nothing to the promotion of peace and stability in the Middle East."
I call BS, on your entire offering; because you're to full of hate to see that you're wrong.

The next time the Police have a DUI check point set up, I want you to barrel through it and then attack the Police when they finally get you stopped.
Then use the same arguments when you see the Judge.
The difference is the DWI check point is legal, the stopping of ships on the high seas IS NOT. Israel was not inside their permissible area of operation, they were instead in international waters and had no legitimate right to stop anyone until their boundries had been violated.

I've never seen anyone look more satanic. he drinks babies blood.
The difference is the DWI check point is legal, the stopping of ships on the high seas IS NOT. Israel was not inside their permissible area of operation, they were instead in international waters and had no legitimate right to stop anyone until their boundries had been violated.

There are some who would say DUI checkpoints are not legal. There are even some who say they should be able to do whatever they want whilst driving.
And YOU paint with big broad strokes accusing Joos and not the Israeli government. You might be more effective if you just ran around shouting "Wir mussen die Juden Ausrotten!"

But where is the voice of American Jews that loudly condemns this act of terror?

.. and, no matter how one defines their separation from "Jews" and the Israeli government .. which I believe should be defined .. it will still be used by the agents of deception as an attack on all Jews.

Much truth is demonstrated by the silence rising from the Jewish-American community.
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Its refreshing to know that antisemitism is alive and well in 2010. I was worried that we had all become too lovey-dovey and keen-spirited...
AHZ is antisemetic, but the mere act of questioning the Israeli's for their behavior for the last 3 decades is not antisemetic, and as often as you question the use of the "race card" this is nothing different. Israel has behaved thuggish for at least the last 30 years. They tear down the homes of people only related to homocide bombers, they detain people without cause for long periods of time. As much as people cry about white guilt when it comes to our own issues here in the US, the American people have suffered from Gentile Guilt far longer. We refused to oppose the creation of a jewish state because we felt bad about knowing about the treatment Jews were suffering under Nazi rule and we have continued to operate that way every since. The Israeli government is the most free country in that region, but their behavior is still unacceptable in ways that we rebuke countries like Iran. It is time that Israel be required to live according the rules that everyone lives by. They cannot act contrary to international law just because they live in a bad neighborhood. In the law, there is a standard that says if you move next door to a pig farm you have no legal basis to complain. It is called moving to the nusance. That is what European Jews did in 1948, they moved to the nusance. They have a right to defend their borders, but ONLY in accordance with international law.
But where is the voice of American Jews that loudly condemns this act of terror?

.. and, no matter how one defines his separation from "Jews" and the Israeli government .. which I believe should be defined .. it will still be used by the agents of deception as an attack on all Jews.

Much truth is demonstrated by the silence rising from the Jewish-American community.
WOW! Welcome back. No you are right, but I refuse to call this a problem for all jews. This is an Israeli problem, they need to be subject to the same sanctions as everyone else. Unfortunately, gentile guilt her in the US keeps us vetoing sanctions against Israel.
WOW! Welcome back. No you are right, but I refuse to call this a problem for all jews. This is an Israeli problem, they need to be subject to the same sanctions as everyone else. Unfortunately, gentile guilt her in the US keeps us vetoing sanctions against Israel.

I couldn't agree with you more brother .. and any suggestion that this is all jews only defeats the purpose of bringing the Israeli government to justice ... which by extension, makes the American people and our military safer.

The American people pay a tremendous price for our unholy alliance with the Israeli government.
AHZ is antisemetic, but the mere act of questioning the Israeli's for their behavior for the last 3 decades is not antisemetic, and as often as you question the use of the "race card" this is nothing different. Israel has behaved thuggish for at least the last 30 years. They tear down the homes of people only related to homocide bombers, they detain people without cause for long periods of time. As much as people cry about white guilt when it comes to our own issues here in the US, the American people have suffered from Gentile Guilt far longer. We refused to oppose the creation of a jewish state because we felt bad about knowing about the treatment Jews were suffering under Nazi rule and we have continued to operate that way every since. The Israeli government is the most free country in that region, but their behavior is still unacceptable in ways that we rebuke countries like Iran. It is time that Israel be required to live according the rules that everyone lives by. They cannot act contrary to international law just because they live in a bad neighborhood. In the law, there is a standard that says if you move next door to a pig farm you have no legal basis to complain. It is called moving to the nusance. That is what European Jews did in 1948, they moved to the nusance. They have a right to defend their borders, but ONLY in accordance with international law.

Im not anti-semitic you douche. Im just not blinded by noahide jew worship like most of you neocons.
Hey dude, Im sorry there's no actual war and your legal blockade argument is destroyed. Do try to get over it and stop being a little bitch.:good4u:

hey dipshit... if you bothered to READ, you would have found out that it does not take a war for a blockade to be legal. Now be a good little twit and go play in traffic you jew hating moron.
Call me old fashioned but i expect better from an alleged democratic state with a supposed commitment to human rights.

In their regards to terrorising civilian populations both Hamas and Israel have so much in common that if they weren't enemies they'd probably be the best of friends.

This is the problem... when Hamas hides behind its civilian population, Israel has little choice but to either engage and risk loss of innocent lives or they have to sit back and take it and risk loss of innocent lives.

I wonder what the brits would do if they had some group bombing them and hiding among the population.... oh wait... we know the answer to that.