UN demands actions


I've never seen anyone look more satanic. he drinks babies blood.
ANyone else hear Cartman's voice when they read this?
But where is the voice of American Jews that loudly condemns this act of terror?

.. and, no matter how one defines their separation from "Jews" and the Israeli government .. which I believe should be defined .. it will still be used by the agents of deception as an attack on all Jews.

Much truth is demonstrated by the silence rising from the Jewish-American community.

For shizzle, my negro!:good4u:

Hey man. slummin again?
I have come to that conclusion because you seem to want to discuss the one act in isolation whilst ignoring the vast hinterland of history. Hamas came about because the Palestinians lost faith with the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, it is a fact that desperate people act desperately.

If you are referring to the blockade and the stoppage of the so called 'humanitarians'... then yes... that is what this thread is about.

You talk about the history, yet you ignore the fact that the only reason the people are 'desperate' is because they keep backing leaders intent on destroying Israel, which in turn puts the boot down on the Palestinians as a whole. Sometimes the boot is too extreme, no question in that, but quit pretending this isn't the direct result of the non-stop bombing attempts led by both the PLA and Hamas.
The difference is the DWI check point is legal, the stopping of ships on the high seas IS NOT. Israel was not inside their permissible area of operation, they were instead in international waters and had no legitimate right to stop anyone until their boundries had been violated.

that is incorrect. Read the links I posted above. If the party identifies someone that is intent upon violating their territorial waters and they have been made aware of the blockade, they are within their rights to board and seize the ships.
Wow! When a black man says something AHZ agrees with, he is all buddy buddy fo shizzle. But absent that, a black man is just a job stealer who only gets what he gets because of affirmative action.

Dude. Im just against the notion of racial revenge against white people as a solution to past injustice. I have a lot of black friends.
If you are referring to the blockade and the stoppage of the so called 'humanitarians'... then yes... that is what this thread is about.

You talk about the history, yet you ignore the fact that the only reason the people are 'desperate' is because they keep backing leaders intent on destroying Israel, which in turn puts the boot down on the Palestinians as a whole. Sometimes the boot is too extreme, no question in that, but quit pretending this isn't the direct result of the non-stop bombing attempts led by both the PLA and Hamas.
And they back leaders intent on destroying Israel because israel punishes people who committed no wrong. They destroy the houses of mothers of bombers. They detain people without cause because they know someone involved in terror activities. The Israeli government has kept their heel on the throat of ALL Palestinian people for decades. We try to pretend that if not for Hamas the Israelis would just be happy neighbors with Palestinians.
that is incorrect. Read the links I posted above. If the party identifies someone that is intent upon violating their territorial waters and they have been made aware of the blockade, they are within their rights to board and seize the ships.
The blockade was illegal, as there is no war. This is the law, fool.

Intent to violate territorial waters is not a valid construct, legally.
that is incorrect. Read the links I posted above. If the party identifies someone that is intent upon violating their territorial waters and they have been made aware of the blockade, they are within their rights to board and seize the ships.
All things being equal, if Iran did this, the US navy would shoot their shit outta the water.
And they back leaders intent on destroying Israel because israel punishes people who committed no wrong. They destroy the houses of mothers of bombers. They detain people without cause because they know someone involved in terror activities. The Israeli government has kept their heel on the throat of ALL Palestinian people for decades. We try to pretend that if not for Hamas the Israelis would just be happy neighbors with Palestinians.

It is NOT just Hamas, but the PLA and every other nut intent upon destroying Israel.

Tell you what... Colorado will start lobbing rockets into New Mexico for the next 20-30 years. You tell us when you have had enough and can see why it is Israel is heavy handed.

This is not to excuse every single incident but give me a fucking break... there is NO way the US would allow any other country to do to us what the Palestinians etc.... have been doing to Israel. NO CHANCE. Nor would Iran, or N. Korea or China or Russia or England etc....
And they back leaders intent on destroying Israel because israel punishes people who committed no wrong. They destroy the houses of mothers of bombers. They detain people without cause because they know someone involved in terror activities. The Israeli government has kept their heel on the throat of ALL Palestinian people for decades. We try to pretend that if not for Hamas the Israelis would just be happy neighbors with Palestinians.

Wow. you're anti-semitic now. how does it feel?
It is NOT just Hamas, but the PLA and every other nut intent upon destroying Israel.

Tell you what... Colorado will start lobbing rockets into New Mexico for the next 20-30 years. You tell us when you have had enough and can see why it is Israel is heavy handed.

This is not to excuse every single incident but give me a fucking break... there is NO way the US would allow any other country to do to us what the Palestinians etc.... have been doing to Israel. NO CHANCE. Nor would Iran, or N. Korea or China or Russia or England etc....
The US would attack infrastucture, they would send troops in on the ground, they would not destroy the homes of people merely related to the bombers. Israel fights terror with terror. They bomb the way they do to turn mothers of dead children against Hamas. Israel's behavior is cold and calculated and intends to kill non-combatants.
All things being equal, if Iran did this, the US navy would shoot their shit outta the water.

all things being equal... if a group was doing to Iran, what Hamas etc... are doing to Israel...

Iran wouldn't bother with a blockade. They would wipe out the assholes lobbing rockets at them and they would not think twice about destroying everyone else around said assholes to do so.
I saw it on the news last night, I don't think it has been posted online yet. By the way, you might want to read this from Human Rights Watch stating that the blockade is illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.



Is this the same Human Rights Watch that have so vocally condemended the Palestinians for firing rockets into Isreal and for killing people with suicide bombers??
all things being equal... if a group was doing to Iran, what Hamas etc... are doing to Israel...

Iran wouldn't bother with a blockade. They would wipe out the assholes lobbing rockets at them and they would not think twice about destroying everyone else around said assholes to do so.
And we would condemn it, and seek sanctions and all I want is for the treatment of Israel to be the same as our treatment of other nations. Thugish behavior should be tolerated even less by your allies than when done by your enemies.
No I am anti-Israeli government. I never say things like I hate jews. Or say that Jewish leaders drink babies blood. I think you have been reading The Protocols of the Elders of Zion again.

You will discover that your differentiation will never be noticed by zionists. And the silence is deafening from any american jewry. The prominent jews are all mad at obama for DARING to NOT veto this recent resolution.

So you just go on and keep feeling pure.