UN demands actions

hey fucko.

The blockade is illegal as there is no actual war. they behaved like murderous pirates. Look at reality instead of wasting energy hating people who look at reality.

again moron... there is NO NEED FOR AN ACTUAL WAR FOR A BLOCKADE TO BE LEGAL. It only takes an ARMED CONFLICT... which there most certainly is you jew hating imbecile.
Yes, and who were the biggest backers of the IRA outside of Ireland? If we had behaved in Northern Ireland the way Israel behaves to the Palestinians then you might have a point. If Israel wanted to end this they could say to the Palestinians that they will return the occupied territories and pay compensation for all the land confiscated in the 1948 war.

The real problem in Israel that is never addressed is that over a million Russians emigrated to Israel in recent years and they have tipped the balance towards hardline extreme rightwing governments. The ironic thing is that many are not even Jewish or have extremely tenuous antecedents.

So you are saying the English didn't use heavy handed tactics in Ireland?

Side note... if you want to point fingers so badly... which country led the charge for the creation of Israel? Perhaps England should be the one paying the Palestinians.

Also... why the hell should the victor of the war pay reparations when IT was the one ATTACKED by five other countries? bottom line, you are saying that if you attack me and then subsequently loose land and/or valuables that not only should I have to give them back, but I should also pay you reparations???? That is absurd.

If you think the Russians immigrating is the 'real problem' in Israel, then you have a very weak grasp of the problem.
But what sort of a prick would advocate a policy like that?

I am not advocating a bloody Sunday event. I am saying that when morons lob bombs continuously, it is going to lead to the heavy handed responses. when those morons hide amongst the populace, then the innocent are going to be killed along with the guilty.

So tell us... what changed in Ireland that led to the peace accords with England?
I am not advocating a bloody Sunday event. I am saying that when morons lob bombs continuously, it is going to lead to the heavy handed responses. when those morons hide amongst the populace, then the innocent are going to be killed along with the guilty.

So tell us... what changed in Ireland that led to the peace accords with England?

One side hides among civilians the other uses Palestinians as human shields. This stuff is a moral abyss.

What changed? They started talking to each other seriously with both sides willing to make compromises. Sounds easy but in many ways it was a lot more difficult than executing each other.
I couldn't agree with you more brother .. and any suggestion that this is all jews only defeats the purpose of bringing the Israeli government to justice ... which by extension, makes the American people and our military safer.

The American people pay a tremendous price for our unholy alliance with the Israeli government.
Now, there is a voice I'm glad to "hear" again. How's it, BAC?
One side hides among civilians the other uses Palestinians as human shields. This stuff is a moral abyss.

What changed? They started talking to each other seriously with both sides willing to make compromises. Sounds easy but in many ways it was a lot more difficult than executing each other.

and that is the only way this is going to end without further bloodshed. The problem is... one group has publicly stated their desire to eliminate the other completely and they will not retract that. That same group is now in charge of one side. Thus, the armed conflict continues.... thus the blockade and heavy handed tactics from Israel will continue.

The Palestinian people will have to decide if they want Hamas to either cease leadership or soften the position of 'you must die' towards Israel.

until that point... Ireland vs. England Mideast will continue.
Of course, really turkey and the zionists are creating this drama to pull the world into conflict.

Zionists are actually Sabbateans, so is the government of turkey. The donmeh built turkey and it's widely known they were sabbateans, disciples of Sabbati zevi who advocated infiltrating all religions and creating a one world theocrative faith by perverting all religions from the inside out.
It's everybody against AHZ...

Better duck, man.
But what sort of a prick would advocate a policy like that?

They are finally going to publish the Bloody Sunday report after 12 years, it has only cost around £200 million which works out at £40,000 a page. I can't see Israel doing anything like this, all their inquiries are held in private and the result is usually a foregone conclusion. No surprise that they are going to conduct yet another inquiry, have a guess what the result will be?
and that is the only way this is going to end without further bloodshed. The problem is... one group has publicly stated their desire to eliminate the other completely and they will not retract that. That same group is now in charge of one side. Thus, the armed conflict continues.... thus the blockade and heavy handed tactics from Israel will continue.

The Palestinian people will have to decide if they want Hamas to either cease leadership or soften the position of 'you must die' towards Israel.

until that point... Ireland vs. England Mideast will continue.

The public posturing, in words and actions, adopted by both sides is hardly conducive to any prospect of peace at present.

However, surely you realise that Hamas is never going to change its position until an agreement has been reached? The recognition of Israel is their final card in negotiation (which they've been appallingly bad at i might add).

Hamas has had periodic ceasefires before and they could again. Moreover they have intimated that a ceasefire would accompany a lifting of the blockade combined with the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Gilad Shalit.

I'm not hopeful though.
They are finally going to publish the Bloody Sunday report after 12 years, it has only cost around £200 million which works out at £40,000 a page. I can't see Israel doing anything like this, all their inquiries are held in private and the result is usually a foregone conclusion. No surprise that they are going to conduct yet another inquiry, have a guess what the result will be?
My guess is Israel will say that the Bloody Sunday was all your fault.
They are finally going to publish the Bloody Sunday report after 12 years, it has only cost around £200 million which works out at £40,000 a page. I can't see Israel doing anything like this, all their inquiries are held in private and the result is usually a foregone conclusion. No surprise that they are going to conduct yet another inquiry, have a guess what the result will be?

£200 million squids and a bloody awful U2 record.

I wish we'd just apologised a long time ago and saved ourselves a lot of bother.
They are finally going to publish the Bloody Sunday report after 12 years, it has only cost around £200 million which works out at £40,000 a page. I can't see Israel doing anything like this, all their inquiries are held in private and the result is usually a foregone conclusion. No surprise that they are going to conduct yet another inquiry, have a guess what the result will be?

here is the cliffs notes version of that report... and it didn't cost a dime....

The soldiers killed unarmed innocent civilians.
The public posturing, in words and actions, adopted by both sides is hardly conducive to any prospect of peace at present.

However, surely you realise that Hamas is never going to change its position until an agreement has been reached? The recognition of Israel is their final card in negotiation (which they've been appallingly bad at i might add).

Hamas has had periodic ceasefires before and they could again. Moreover they have intimated that a ceasefire would accompany a lifting of the blockade combined with the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Gilad Shalit.

I'm not hopeful though.

That is the catch 22... Hamas will never change until the agreement is in place and Israel is never going to negotiate until Hamas stops trying to destroy it.
That is the catch 22... Hamas will never change until the agreement is in place and Israel is never going to negotiate until Hamas stops trying to destroy it.

From someone who really loves politics this is why i fucking hate politics. Everyone knows there is going to be an agreement, everyone pretty much knows what's going to be in the agreement and yet politicians playing games are happy to sit by and fuck up the lives of their own citizens.

This is why i prefer making jokes about cocks and that. :(
again moron... there is NO NEED FOR AN ACTUAL WAR FOR A BLOCKADE TO BE LEGAL. It only takes an ARMED CONFLICT... which there most certainly is you jew hating imbecile.

But only the israelis were armed. You fight to defend israeli atrocities like it's your grandmother. Why?

Israel controls gaza. It's like they're genociding their own citizens, in essence.
I am not advocating a bloody Sunday event. I am saying that when morons lob bombs continuously, it is going to lead to the heavy handed responses. when those morons hide amongst the populace, then the innocent are going to be killed along with the guilty.

So tell us... what changed in Ireland that led to the peace accords with England?

You really ought to do some background reading on the Troubles, for an intelligent man your ignorance is astounding. When the British Army went into Ulster in 1968 they were welcomed with open arms by the Catholics.

You would do worse than to read Peter Hitchens on the subject, did you know that Eamonn De Valera, for instance, had several of the IRA shot and one executed by Albert Pierrepoint, a British hangman who topped 11 Nazis in one day? The same de Valera who sent a letter of condolence when Hitler died and allowed a German embassy in Dublin throughout WW2. You Americans need to grow up and find the real truth rather than the bullshit fed you by the Oirish propaganda machine. I speak as the son of Irish Catholic immigrants who visits Northern and Southern Ireland on a regular basis.

