UN demands actions

The difference is the DWI check point is legal, the stopping of ships on the high seas IS NOT. Israel was not inside their permissible area of operation, they were instead in international waters and had no legitimate right to stop anyone until their boundries had been violated.

Then you're assertion is that all the information presented by Beefy was false!!
If that had been the IDF they would have used white phosphorus, cluster bombs and bulldozers, they would have then declared that they were attacked first and that would have been that, game over.

Now, we're playing the "IF" game.

If wishes were horses
Beggers would ride
If turnips were watches
You couild wear one by your side
So in your opinion, a person is only armed and capable of harming someone if they possess a gun???

Hint: Metal pipes can be fatal .... so can knives


I bet you could stand there and smack AHZ in the head with a metal pipe, all day, and he wouldn't feel a thing.
oh my god. You are serious.

those are not arms relative to machine guns. And if you threaten me again, im calling the f.b.i. , prick.

Why would you call the FBI, "prick"??

Anyway; he didn't threaten you, you git, he volunterred to help you prove your asinine assertion.

Are you now saying that you would be worried about getting your grill smacked by a metal pipe??
Armed with rods? come now.

You defense of the ghettoization of the palestinians is next to demonic in nature. Demonic adjacent.
Wow and I was just going to say, and the Jews controlled Warsaw. Unless of course the Germans came in and murdered them. Those areas GIVEN to the Palestinians is the equivalent of Warsaw. After the massacres like the one at Derr Yassin, Palestinians fled from Israel. Israelis them took control of Palestinian farms and orchards and gave them to European Jews. Palestinians were terrorized by the Irgun and Lehi (Stern Gang). They were terrorized so that there could be some Lebensraum for European Jews who had ZERO connection with that part of the world.
Latest news is the AFP(associated French Press) is accusing Israel of using bits and pieces of the video footage they confiscated to Israel's advantage.

I think there should be people punished on both sides of the conflict. It is clear, excessive and unnecessary force was used.

It would be interesting to see the footage in its entirety since none of the footage has anyone shooting guns.

It is clear that the Palestinian supporters have a deep rooted hatred for Israel and may be why some of the passengers acted they way that they did, but it does not justify the beating of Israeli troops that did not show signs of aggression.

Although other boats claimed they were roughed up by Israeli forces. And it also does not justify the killing of 9 men when apparently only 2 guns were supposedly taken away from the Israeli soldiers.

I'd imagine the other people lunged at the soldiers when they started shooting people dead.

Still we need the entire video footage.
Start from here ...


IDF Released Several Faked Photos – How Can They Be Trusted in ANY Investigation?

Wednesday June 2, 2010 1:28 pm

Proof has surfaced today that many of the so-called "evidence" photographs being distributed by the Israeli government as examples of terror weapons on board the Gaza aid flotilla date back years:

The bulletproof vest photos on the Israeli flickr page are dated February 2006.

The axe photo was taken in 2003.

The pepper spray photos – 2003

The iconic pictures of knives and other weapons on the Saudi flag and other stuff:

Hi. Just to confirm that the EXIF metadata points to this photo being taken in 2006:
barney@benchwood:~$ identify -verbose farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4662965686_a91f8 bab2e_o_d.jpg * grep Date
exifateTime: 2010:06:02 10:38:47
exifateTimeDigitized: 2006:02:07 05:52:19
exifateTimeOriginal: 2006:02:07 05:52:19

And on and on…..

Absolutely, this is strong evidence that by allowing the Israeli government to be trusted in any aspect of the investigation of these high seas crimes will be foolhardy and negligent.

The most recent evidence we have of how the Israeli government deals with crime scenes where American lives have been put in jeopardy is in the ongoing civil suit brought by Rachel Corrie’s family against the Israeli government. Testimony will resume some time – or not. The Israeli government is trying to stop the trial. But so far, here’s some of what has come out that reflects on the ability of the Israeli government or military to conduct honest investigations:

March 24: Military investigator testifies that head of IDF Southern Command instructed bulldozer operator not to cooperate with investigation.

March 15: Eye Witness Testifies: Israeli Military Investigator Tried to Influence My Statement.

March 14: Autopsy doctor admits to violating court order in Rachel Corrie autopsy.

Essentially, aspects of IDF conduct involving their handling of the death of Corrie clearly violate Israeli law, and call for trial, possible conviction and imprisonment of all officers involved:

But now evidence has emerged in the civil suit that Israel’s then Gaza commander obstructed the military police investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death.

The apparent intervention of Major-General Doron Almog, then head of Israel’s southern command, is documented in testimony taken by Israeli military police from the commander of the bulldozer a day after Ms Corrie was killed.

The handwritten affidavit effectively puts the entire state of Israel on trial. Is it willing to tolerate Maj-Gen Almog’s gross interference in the investigation or will it hold him to the three years’ imprisonment the law accords for such an offence?

In the affidavit, the commander of the D-9 tells military police investigators that he did not see Ms Corrie before she was wounded.

However, Alice Coy, now a nurse in Glasgow, and an ISM volunteer activist who was near Ms Corrie during the incident, said in an affidavit to the court that “to the best of my knowledge the bulldozer driver could see Rachel while pushing earth over her body”.

The D-9 commander, a reservist named Edward Valermov, was in the middle of his testimony when a colonel dispatched by Maj-Gen Almog entered the room and ordered him to stop speaking, according to the document.

The military police investigator wrote: “At 18:12 reserve Colonel Baruch Kirhatu entered the room and informed the witness that he should not convey anything and should not write anything and this at the order of the general of southern command.”

In his testimony before he was stopped, Mr Valermov said that the bulldozers, manned by two people, were ordered by their company commander to continue their work despite the presence of the ISM protesters.

He said that troops in an armoured personnel carrier threw stun grenades, used tear gas and fired shots toward the ground in order to scare the protesters away.

“It didn’t help and therefore we decided to continue the work with all possible delicateness on the orders of the company commander,” he added.

Mr Valermov testified that the protesters nearly touched the bulldozers, making it impossible to advance, but that after the company commander’s order “we started moving with the D-9, we continued laying bare the area from all of the things that were there.

“It was only when we moved the D-9 backwards that I saw her. The woman was lying in a place where the instrument had not reached. As soon as we saw the harmed woman we returned to the central corridor, stood and waited for orders.”

Mr Valermov’s last statement before Maj-Gen Almog’s interdiction was, “my job was to guide. The driver cannot guide himself because his field of vision is not large.”

In a phone interview from Olympia, Washington, Rachel’s father Craig Corrie termed Maj-Gen Almog’s intervention in Mr Valermov’s testimony “outrageous”.

Maj-Gen Almog has angrily denied halting Mr Valermov’s testimony.

Moshe Negbi, legal commentator for the state-run Voice of Israel radio, said of Maj-Gen Almog’s interdiction: “If a commander prevents a witness from testifying than it is disruption of an investigation, a criminal offence whose penalty is three years’ imprisonment.”

By deciding Maj-Gen Almog’s fate, Israel will be deciding if it is a state of law or a state of the generals – past and present.

Anyone who thinks the officers involved in the Corrie coverup will be held accountable is a fool. Anyone who thinks that the Israeli government will conduct an impartial investigation of Sunday morning’s tragedy is even more foolish, especially in light of mounting evidence that the Israelis are already disseminating totally false images as examples of some sort of forensic evidence.

It is time to put pressure on our government to demand the truth, rather than accept criminally motivated bullshit and lies.

None of this should be news to anyone of honesty and intelligence. Israeli lies and deceptions are legendary.

At what point do Americans began to ask themselves at what cost to this nation do we uphold and bow down to a corrupt government of terrorists and liars who believe deception is an asset. This is not a sentiment that a great number of Jews don't ask themselves
Start from here ...


IDF Released Several Faked Photos – How Can They Be Trusted in ANY Investigation?

Wednesday June 2, 2010 1:28 pm

Proof has surfaced today that many of the so-called "evidence" photographs being distributed by the Israeli government as examples of terror weapons on board the Gaza aid flotilla date back years.
The bulletproof vest photos on the Israeli flickr page are dated February 2006.

The axe photo was taken in 2003.

The pepper spray photos – 2003

The iconic pictures of knives and other weapons on the Saudi flag and other stuff:

Hi. Just to confirm that the EXIF metadata points to this photo being taken in 2006:
barney@benchwood:~$ identify -verbose farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4662965686_a91f8 bab2e_o_d.jpg * grep Date
exifateTime: 2010:06:02 10:38:47
exifateTimeDigitized: 2006:02:07 05:52:19
exifateTimeOriginal: 2006:02:07 05:52:19

And on and on…..

Absolutely, this is strong evidence that by allowing the Israeli government to be trusted in any aspect of the investigation of these high seas crimes will be foolhardy and negligent.

The most recent evidence we have of how the Israeli government deals with crime scenes where American lives have been put in jeopardy is in the ongoing civil suit brought by Rachel Corrie’s family against the Israeli government. Testimony will resume some time – or not. The Israeli government is trying to stop the trial. But so far, here’s some of what has come out that reflects on the ability of the Israeli government or military to conduct honest investigations:

March 24: Military investigator testifies that head of IDF Southern Command instructed bulldozer operator not to cooperate with investigation.

March 15: Eye Witness Testifies: Israeli Military Investigator Tried to Influence My Statement.

March 14: Autopsy doctor admits to violating court order in Rachel Corrie autopsy.

Essentially, aspects of IDF conduct involving their handling of the death of Corrie clearly violate Israeli law, and call for trial, possible conviction and imprisonment of all officers involved:

But now evidence has emerged in the civil suit that Israel’s then Gaza commander obstructed the military police investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death.

The apparent intervention of Major-General Doron Almog, then head of Israel’s southern command, is documented in testimony taken by Israeli military police from the commander of the bulldozer a day after Ms Corrie was killed.

The handwritten affidavit effectively puts the entire state of Israel on trial. Is it willing to tolerate Maj-Gen Almog’s gross interference in the investigation or will it hold him to the three years’ imprisonment the law accords for such an offence?

In the affidavit, the commander of the D-9 tells military police investigators that he did not see Ms Corrie before she was wounded.

However, Alice Coy, now a nurse in Glasgow, and an ISM volunteer activist who was near Ms Corrie during the incident, said in an affidavit to the court that “to the best of my knowledge the bulldozer driver could see Rachel while pushing earth over her body”.

The D-9 commander, a reservist named Edward Valermov, was in the middle of his testimony when a colonel dispatched by Maj-Gen Almog entered the room and ordered him to stop speaking, according to the document.

The military police investigator wrote: “At 18:12 reserve Colonel Baruch Kirhatu entered the room and informed the witness that he should not convey anything and should not write anything and this at the order of the general of southern command.”

In his testimony before he was stopped, Mr Valermov said that the bulldozers, manned by two people, were ordered by their company commander to continue their work despite the presence of the ISM protesters.

He said that troops in an armoured personnel carrier threw stun grenades, used tear gas and fired shots toward the ground in order to scare the protesters away.

“It didn’t help and therefore we decided to continue the work with all possible delicateness on the orders of the company commander,” he added.

Mr Valermov testified that the protesters nearly touched the bulldozers, making it impossible to advance, but that after the company commander’s order “we started moving with the D-9, we continued laying bare the area from all of the things that were there.

“It was only when we moved the D-9 backwards that I saw her. The woman was lying in a place where the instrument had not reached. As soon as we saw the harmed woman we returned to the central corridor, stood and waited for orders.”

Mr Valermov’s last statement before Maj-Gen Almog’s interdiction was, “my job was to guide. The driver cannot guide himself because his field of vision is not large.”

In a phone interview from Olympia, Washington, Rachel’s father Craig Corrie termed Maj-Gen Almog’s intervention in Mr Valermov’s testimony “outrageous”.

Maj-Gen Almog has angrily denied halting Mr Valermov’s testimony.

Moshe Negbi, legal commentator for the state-run Voice of Israel radio, said of Maj-Gen Almog’s interdiction: “If a commander prevents a witness from testifying than it is disruption of an investigation, a criminal offence whose penalty is three years’ imprisonment.”

By deciding Maj-Gen Almog’s fate, Israel will be deciding if it is a state of law or a state of the generals – past and present.

Anyone who thinks the officers involved in the Corrie coverup will be held accountable is a fool. Anyone who thinks that the Israeli government will conduct an impartial investigation of Sunday morning’s tragedy is even more foolish, especially in light of mounting evidence that the Israelis are already disseminating totally false images as examples of some sort of forensic evidence.

It is time to put pressure on our government to demand the truth, rather than accept criminally motivated bullshit and lies.

None of this should be news to anyone of honesty and intelligence. Israeli lies and deceptions are legendary.

At what point do Americans began to ask themselves at what cost to this nation do we uphold and bow down to a corrupt government of terrorists and liars who believe deception is an asset. This is not a sentiment that a great number of Jews don't ask themselves

The Israeli military has a long tradition of lies and deception going back to the USS Liberty and before. In the case of the Liberty, they really expected people to believe that they confused a state of the art intelligence gathering ship for an old Egyptian freighter whilst attacking it for several hours. Are we seriously expected to believe that the Israelis didn't have a copy of Jane's Fighting Ships to hand?


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The American people have been indoctrinated to believe that the Israelis are nothing but victims. The propaganda links the sympathy created by the holocaust to Israel's existence now. Couple that with the fact that they were our only regional allies during the cold war and feelings for Israel die hard. The Israelis also have their lobbyists here in the US that tell everyone that questioning or condemnation of Israel equals antisemitism.