Unanswered question about Zionists

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.

Indeed the Hamas cowards are still hiding behind children.

Hamas took some 250 hostages during the Oct. 7 attack that killed about 1,200 people. About half were released in a weeklong cease-fire in November. About 120 hostages remain, with 43 pronounced dead. Survivors include about 15 women, two children under the age of 5 and two men in their 80s.
It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.

Indeed the Hamas cowards are still hiding behind children.

Hamas took some 250 hostages during the Oct. 7 attack that killed about 1,200 people. About half were released in a weeklong cease-fire in November. About 120 hostages remain, with 43 pronounced dead. Survivors include about 15 women, two children under the age of 5 and two men in their 80s.
The attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians on Oct 7 has generated a great deal of discussion and animosity. We have seen the effects of it here on college campuses across the country. In the aftermath of the attack by Hamas, Israel has taken up the defense or their country and their citizens. This has angered the people who want to destroy Israel and all Jews all the more. Many are decrying the "genocidal"actions of Israel. They wail about innocent Palestinians being killed.

Hamas has clearly stated it's desires in document created by Hamas. Hamas has no desire for a "two state solution". Here they describe the territorial boundaries of "Palestine":

The Land of Palestine
2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

Then we see Hamas say they don't have a problem with Jews it's "Zionists" they have a problem with. Here:

16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

Now we have a particularly rabid anti semite on the board who whines that Palestinians are being killed by Israel. It's seems this poster finds some article somewhere about this "genocide" and puts it up here. I have pointed out to this poster that one group of people cannot be morally outraged about the behavior of another people when they are guilty of it themselves. Case in point Hamas. They claim to have no problem with Jews it's Zionists they don't like. So I have REPEATEDLY asked the rabid anti Semite poster thr following question but have never gotten and answer. The question is as follows:

"If Hamas claims to have no problem with Jews but does have a problem with zionists, then how many Zionists did Hamas kill on oct 7? Of the 1269 people killed how many were zionists and how was hamas able to distinguish news from zionists? As of yet no number and been revealed. How does Hamas morally complain about the behavior of Israel if they killed innocent Jews in the killing of zionists whom they claim is their real enemy?

I wonder why I can't get an answer?
It's not so much about Religion anymore, than it is HATRED!


Netanyahu has determined that Israel become a terrorist nation and hate monger AGAINST THE DESIRES AND BEST INTERESTS OF THE ISRAELI PEOPLE.

Neither Netanyahu or HAMAS is working in the best interests of the United States or any other FREE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!

AND THEY BETTER KNOW IT, as that will have some very serious consequences for both Netanyahu, Israel, and the HAMAS terrorist organization.

Netanyahu and Hamas both have to go, or there will never be peace in the region!

They are both equally the problem now!
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It's not so much about Religion anymore, than it is HATRED!


Netanyahu has determined that Israel become a terrorist nation and hate monger AGAINST THE DESIRES AND BEST INTERESTS OF THE ISRAELI PEOPLE.

Neither Netanyahu or HAMAS is working in the best interests of the United States or any other FREE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!

AND THEY BETTER KNOW IT, as that will have some very serious consequences for both Netanyahu, Israel, and the HAMAS terrorist organization.
Can you answer the question not not? Of the 1269 people killed by hamas on Oct 7 how many were zionists, who are the people hamas claims to have a problem with? What is the number?
Can you answer the question not not? Of the 1269 people killed by hamas on Oct 7 how many were zionists, who are the people hamas claims to have a problem with? What is the number?
Hamas denies the existence of Israel period- And now Netanyahu is denying the existence of Palestinia!

The conflict has moved beyond a religious war now.

This is just pure hatred for one another and turf war between tribes now- with both sides being led by malevolent rogue leaders now.
Hamas denies the existence of Israel period- And now Netanyahu is denying the existence of Palestinia!

The conflict has moved beyond a religious war now.

This is just pure hatred for one another and turf war between tribes now- with both sides being led by malevolent rogue leaders now.
That seems reasonable.

It has never been about religion.

Correct. But people are whining how terrible Israel is for killing innocent Palestinians. Fine. I am merely pointing out that I think they are hypocrites since no one can tell me how many zionists (the people hamas claims to dislike) Hamas killed on Oct 7?
That seems reasonable.

It has never been about religion.

Correct. But people are whining how terrible Israel is for killing innocent Palestinians. Fine. I am merely pointing out that I think they are hypocrites since no one can tell me how many zionists (the people hamas claims to dislike) Hamas killed on Oct 7?
The truth is, I do not know the answer to your question. or I would attempt to answer it.

Look, I understand that Netayahu lost his brother in combat with the Palestinians many years and tears ago. War has consequences. Many Americans have lost loved ones to war.

I also understand how the many thousands of Palestinian children that are armless or legless today, or who lost their parents, and their homes destroyed by Netanyahu's scorched-Earth war, and led into the desert to starve and rendered homeless are going to grow up someday to hate the Israelis- AND SO WOULD I- IF IT WERE ME- AND SO WOULD YOU IF IT WERE YOU!

All Netanyahu is doing, is condemning Israel to be hated by the Palestinians for generations to come- AND JUSTIFYINGLY SO!

Like I said- Hatfields and MCCOYS! No one willing to stop the hate and just resolve the problem!
The truth is, I do not know the answer to your question. or I would attempt to answer it.

Look, I understand that Netayahu lost his brother in combat with the Palestinians many years and tears ago. War has consequences. Many Americans have lost loved ones to war.

I also understand how the many thousands of Palestinian children that are armless or legless today, or who lost their parent or siblings, and their homes destroyed by Netanyahu's scorched-Earth war, and led into the desert to starve and rendered homeless are going to grow up someday to hate the Israelis- AND SO WOULD I- IF IT WERE ME- AND SO WOULD YOU IF IT WERE YOU! When revenge comes around, IT ALSO GOES AROUND, and comes back to haunt you like OCT. 7th!

All Netanyahu is doing, is condemning Israel to be hated by the Palestinians for generations to come- AND JUSTIFYINGLY SO!

Like I said- Hatfields and MCCOYS! No one willing to stop the hate and just resolve the problem!
The truth is, I do not know the answer to your question. or I would attempt to answer it.

Look, I understand that Netayahu lost his brother in combat with the Palestinians many years and tears ago. War has consequences. Many Americans have lost loved ones to war.

I also understand how the many thousands of Palestinian children that are armless or legless today, or who lost their parents, and their homes destroyed by Netanyahu's scorched-Earth war, and led into the desert to starve and rendered homeless are going to grow up someday to hate the Israelis- AND SO WOULD I- IF IT WERE ME- AND SO WOULD YOU IF IT WERE YOU!

All Netanyahu is doing, is condemning Israel to be hated by the Palestinians for generations to come- AND JUSTIFYINGLY SO!

Like I said- Hatfields and MCCOYS! No one willing to stop the hate and just resolve the problem!
Well thank you for having the courage to even attempt to answer the question.

I understand every bit of what you wrote and it's all true and not likely to change one bit. Again what I have a problem with is this misguided sympathy for Hamas. The Palestinians by the way overwhelmingly support Hamas so I see no difference between the two. They will NEVER accept a two state solution. They claim to have a problem with Zionists but killed 1269 people on Oct 7 with no seeming regard for whether or not those people were zionists or jews. If i could speak freely I don't think Hamas gives a shit if they were zionists or not. If that's true and I think it is, then they are all getting what they deserve.
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Zionism the movement for the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
.....by means of the ethnic cleansing, murder or displacement of the indigenous Palestinians .

Nice doctrine that Zionism. It's always been criminal with a gloss of Western manipulation.

Naughty Jews are going to jail. You blew your only chance .
Well thank you for having the courage to even attempt to answer the question.

I understand every bit of what you wrote and it's all true and not likely to change one bit. Again what I have a problem with is this misguided sympathy for Hamas. The Palestinians by the way overwhelmingly support Hamas so I see no difference between the two. They will NEVER accept a two state solution. They claim to have a problem with Zionists but killed 1269 people on Oct 7 with no seeming regard for whether or not those people were zionists or jews. If i could speak freely I don't think Hamas gives a shit if they were zionists or not. If that's true and I think it is, then they are all getting what they deserve.
Dumbass- you have nothing to contribute but repetition and sycophancy.
You have no answer you dimwitted nazi coward. I guess I am guilty of redundancy there.
You have no intelligent question, tatt-boy, just a moronic phrase to parrot . You've bored the forum with it for a week. Stfu.
You have no intelligent question, tatt-boy, just a moronic phrase to parrot . You've bored the forum with it for a week. Stfu.
And STILL no answer from the low intelligence nazi dimwit.

It's seems you're too weak minded to realize Hamas killed innocent civilians which cuts into your Palestinians "victims" narrative. You support a group of rabid dogs that don't actually believe any of the propaganda they get idiots like you to swallow. What's witless dupe you are.

I'm going to keep asking every time you post your stupid shit.

How many of the 1269 people killed by Hamas on Oct 7 were zionists? Hamas says they dont like zionists so they wouldn't kill innocent Jews who they claim not to have a problem with, would they? How can they be morally outdated with Israel if they have done the same thing, Schultz?
Well thank you for having the courage to even attempt to answer the question.

I understand every bit of what you wrote and it's all true and not likely to change one bit. Again what I have a problem with is this misguided sympathy for Hamas. The Palestinians by the way overwhelmingly support Hamas so I see no difference between the two. They will NEVER accept a two state solution. They claim to have a problem with Zionists but killed 1269 people on Oct 7 with no seeming regard for whether or not those people were zionists or jews. If i could speak freely I don't think Hamas gives a shit if they were zionists or not. If that's true and I think it is, then they are all getting what they deserve.
The United States foreign policy forbids our government to negotiate with terrorist organizations. However, we learned we do have to negotiate with terrorists when they are holding hostages, most certainly US hostages. And we even had to negotiate with the Taliban on our withdrawel of our troops from Afghanistan! So we break our own rules when we have to.

But, we are still at war with Terrorism. And Hamas is still on our hit list.

The problem is, it is very difficult, or basically impossible, for US Intelligence to go undercover and embed into their operations, for the US, and Israel. It is just too risky and dangerous. Because if they are caught, they are beheaded.

But, if negotiations fail with them in this hostage ordeal, I believe US Intelligence will immediate;y be tasked with sniffing these BUTCHERS out and we will send in the Special Operations to take them out.

That is most likely next!
The attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians on Oct 7 has generated a great deal of discussion and animosity. We have seen the effects of it here on college campuses across the country. In the aftermath of the attack by Hamas, Israel has taken up the defense or their country and their citizens. This has angered the people who want to destroy Israel and all Jews all the more. Many are decrying the "genocidal"actions of Israel. They wail about innocent Palestinians being killed.

Hamas has clearly stated it's desires in document created by Hamas. Hamas has no desire for a "two state solution". Here they describe the territorial boundaries of "Palestine":

The Land of Palestine
2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

Then we see Hamas say they don't have a problem with Jews it's "Zionists" they have a problem with. Here:

16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

Now we have a particularly rabid anti semite on the board who whines that Palestinians are being killed by Israel. It's seems this poster finds some article somewhere about this "genocide" and puts it up here. I have pointed out to this poster that one group of people cannot be morally outraged about the behavior of another people when they are guilty of it themselves. Case in point Hamas. They claim to have no problem with Jews it's Zionists they don't like. So I have REPEATEDLY asked the rabid anti Semite poster thr following question but have never gotten and answer. The question is as follows:

"If Hamas claims to have no problem with Jews but does have a problem with zionists, then how many Zionists did Hamas kill on oct 7? Of the 1269 people killed how many were zionists and how was hamas able to distinguish news from zionists? As of yet no number and been revealed. How does Hamas morally complain about the behavior of Israel if they killed innocent Jews in the killing of zionists whom they claim is their real enemy?

I wonder why I can't get an answer?
^Stupid fuck is trying to force someone to apologize and sympathize with Hamas. Nobody condones that kind of killing, shitstain.

Run off, you fucking mental midget. Your mommy is calling.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.

Indeed the Hamas cowards are still hiding behind children.

Hamas took some 250 hostages during the Oct. 7 attack that killed about 1,200 people. About half were released in a weeklong cease-fire in November. About 120 hostages remain, with 43 pronounced dead. Survivors include about 15 women, two children under the age of 5 and two men in their 80s.
Ruh roh, Headless Earl, the liar.