universal health care is a must

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
especially for children, the future of our nation

preventive and urgent care clinics though out the nation - this would also reduce the demand on emergency care and hospitals in general

clinics open evenings so working people could use them and/or bring their families after work

also, follow through and education regarding the proper use of antibiotics

give vaccines as single shots a week apart to help reduce the side effect of autism
Where does the money come from to pay for this? And please don't tell me we will 'save' enough by not having as many sick people. What you are asking for will cost a couple trillion dollars, in REAL money, where does it come from?
Where does the money come from to pay for this? And please don't tell me we will 'save' enough by not having as many sick people. What you are asking for will cost a couple trillion dollars, in REAL money, where does it come from?

It will cost 80 billion dollars, and we'll pay for it by raising taxes on the top 1%.
It will cost 80 billion dollars, and we'll pay for it by raising taxes on the top 1%.

You are foolish if you think universal health care, clinics nationwide, open 24/7, education programs and vaccines for everyone, is going to only cost $80 billion. I doubt you could have a decent vaccination program for that price! Clinics, doctors, and staff, cost a LOT more money than we have to pay, I don't care if you confiscate ALL the wealth of the top 1%.

I think it's dangerous they let people like YOU have a vote!
You are foolish if you think universal health care, clinics nationwide, open 24/7, education programs and vaccines for everyone, is going to only cost $80 billion. I doubt you could have a decent vaccination program for that price! Clinics, doctors, and staff, cost a LOT more money than we have to pay, I don't care if you confiscate ALL the wealth of the top 1%.

I think it's dangerous they let people like YOU have a vote!

Universal, not nationalized, healthcare.


The Obama-Biden Plan

On health care reform, the American people are too often offered two extremes -- government-run health care with higher taxes or letting the insurance companies operate without rules. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe both of these extremes are wrong, and that’s why they’ve proposed a plan that strengthens employer coverage, makes insurance companies accountable and ensures patient choice of doctor and care without government interference.

The Obama-Biden plan provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans, builds on the existing health care system, and uses existing providers, doctors, and plans. Under the Obama-Biden plan, patients will be able to make health care decisions with their doctors, instead of being blocked by insurance company bureaucrats.

Under the plan, if you like your current health insurance, nothing changes, except your costs will go down by as much as $2,500 per year. If you don’t have health insurance, you will have a choice of new, affordable health insurance options.
Uhm... did your retarded ass even READ the opening post to this tread? What Don suggests is a far fucking cry from the song-and-dance pony show presented by Obama & Friends. If Obama's plan ends up being remotely similar to anything he mentioned in the campaign, it will be the first thing that has been as promised. So far, he has pretty much flip-flopped on everything he promised you down the line, and he hasn't even gotten into office yet. But, we will see... One thing is for certain though, when a politician says something will cost $80 billion, you can count on it costing $800 billion at least.
Where does the money come from to pay for this? And please don't tell me we will 'save' enough by not having as many sick people. What you are asking for will cost a couple trillion dollars, in REAL money, where does it come from?

cost is not the issue, it is morality

where is your christian charity and christ's teachings

societies evolve

the industrial revolution and the ability to move where jobs are has fractured the village society that humanity started in - i.e., tribes

even in christ's time there was population mobility and the advent of cities helped destroy family unity

would you have us leave cities and return to an agrarian society - the humorous thing is that we may devolve from city living as manufacturing becomes even more automated and the great majority of people would be able to do their work from home
What is a childs life worth ?

According to chapdog one Americans life is worth a whole village of AQ.
How much would it cost in dollars to destroy that village ? Probably more than to give healthcare to that one child till it is an adult.
It's funny Dixie should be asking about the cost. It's Dixie itself that cost us Universal health care right around when the rest of the industrialized world got it. Here's the thing about universal health care; any country that has it, the UK, France, Canada, wherever, no politician can take it away. It cannot be done. That tells you something. People, no matter where they live, once they have it, cannot imagine not having it. That same exact political reality would exist today, in the US, were it not for Dixie.

Because when Truman tried to give it to us, it was derailed partially by the AMA, but mostly by American racism. The South knew that if they allowed the federal govt to pass health care, their hospitals would be forced by federal law to integrate. And they'd have to treat and cover blacks.

They weren't going to allow the federal govt to integrate them.

The US doesn't have health care because we had slavery. If it were only whites who made up the 18 thousand who die every year because of this? You'd have to say, hey, that's the karmic price.
Uhm... did your retarded ass even READ the opening post to this tread? What Don suggests is a far fucking cry from the song-and-dance pony show presented by Obama & Friends. If Obama's plan ends up being remotely similar to anything he mentioned in the campaign, it will be the first thing that has been as promised. So far, he has pretty much flip-flopped on everything he promised you down the line, and he hasn't even gotten into office yet. But, we will see... One thing is for certain though, when a politician says something will cost $80 billion, you can count on it costing $800 billion at least.

Not everything is the Iraq war, Dix.
universal health care will literally destroy the medical field. It will do nothing but force outlined lifestyles on those that can't afford to go out of the legislated/regulated healthcare market while leaving the wealthy and elite access to the best medical care because they will have the finances to do so.
cost is not the issue, it is morality

where is your christian charity and christ's teachings

societies evolve

the industrial revolution and the ability to move where jobs are has fractured the village society that humanity started in - i.e., tribes

even in christ's time there was population mobility and the advent of cities helped destroy family unity

would you have us leave cities and return to an agrarian society - the humorous thing is that we may devolve from city living as manufacturing becomes even more automated and the great majority of people would be able to do their work from home

1. Cost is ALWAYS the issue! I can sit here and dream up shit that would be good for America all day long, but if there is no way to pay for it, it's just dreaming. Why not have 'universal disability'? All Americans should be entitled to sit on their ass and not work for some reason or another, and just wait for a check from the government each month! I think we would all be happy with that, we would all get the same amount of money, and have plenty of free time to spend it! ---What's wrong with that idea? The government should buy everyone a house, that would completely solve this mortgage crisis, end foreclosures, and insure each American has a roof over their head! Think of how much money it would save American families to not have a mortgage payment! ---Why wouldn't this idea work? Do you see how silly this is?

2. Save your Christian philosophy, I am not a Christian. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor, is not "charity" it's theft! Charity is what you give voluntarily, and I will bet you my personal charitable contributions last year, exceeded yours by a lot. It really amazes me, you people who want to completely segregate government from religion, will use religion to support some liberal concept of government!
Preventive healthcare would actually save the government money by reducing the number of serious illnesses that require expensive treatments by treating them before they get serious.

Making some sort of medicaid/medicare available for anyone who cannot afford healthcare or who's employer does not offer healthcare would be a huge boost for this nation.

Trim some of the defense department's budget. Buy a few less of the $900 hammers and $3 billion bombers. It wouldn't take long to add up to enough money.
It's funny Dixie should be asking about the cost. It's Dixie itself that cost us Universal health care right around when the rest of the industrialized world got it. Here's the thing about universal health care; any country that has it, the UK, France, Canada, wherever, no politician can take it away. It cannot be done. That tells you something. People, no matter where they live, once they have it, cannot imagine not having it. That same exact political reality would exist today, in the US, were it not for Dixie.

Because when Truman tried to give it to us, it was derailed partially by the AMA, but mostly by American racism. The South knew that if they allowed the federal govt to pass health care, their hospitals would be forced by federal law to integrate. And they'd have to treat and cover blacks.

They weren't going to allow the federal govt to integrate them.

The US doesn't have health care because we had slavery. If it were only whites who made up the 18 thousand who die every year because of this? You'd have to say, hey, that's the karmic price.

Why do you live in the past? Why do you jump from Truman to the pre-civil war era and back to 2008? It's as if you live in some liberal time warp, where we exist in whatever era is convenient for your liberal stupidity at the moment! The wonderful concept of universal health care in "the rest of the world" has resulted in millions of foreign patients in American hospitals for the surgeries and treatment they can't get in their own countries. Our health care system is the best in the world, and the world knows it!

Here is how an intelligent reader can see who is losing this argument... DQ is attempting to use religion and pull on your Christian heartstrings to make his case, and Duhla is attempting to invoke liberal racist guilt, to make you accept the idiocy. No one has yet to tell us how we maintain the best health care in the world, and guarantee it to every American. Let's remember, we already have 'indigent care' laws in every state, which requires that hospitals treat emergency cases regardless of ability to pay.
Why do you live in the past? Why do you jump from Truman to the pre-civil war era and back to 2008? It's as if you live in some liberal time warp, where we exist in whatever era is convenient for your liberal stupidity at the moment! The wonderful concept of universal health care in "the rest of the world" has resulted in millions of foreign patients in American hospitals for the surgeries and treatment they can't get in their own countries. Our health care system is the best in the world, and the world knows it!

Here is how an intelligent reader can see who is losing this argument... DQ is attempting to use religion and pull on your Christian heartstrings to make his case, and Duhla is attempting to invoke liberal racist guilt, to make you accept the idiocy. No one has yet to tell us how we maintain the best health care in the world, and guarantee it to every American. Let's remember, we already have 'indigent care' laws in every state, which requires that hospitals treat emergency cases regardless of ability to pay.

That was precisely my point. If we get some preventive care in, the care for the poor and indigent will cost us FAR less.

Treat a cold and you spend a few bucks. Let it develop into pneumonia and you have a few weeks in the hospital, which runs into the tens of thousands of dollars.