universal health care is a must

Preventive healthcare would actually save the government money by reducing the number of serious illnesses that require expensive treatments by treating them before they get serious.

Making some sort of medicaid/medicare available for anyone who cannot afford healthcare or who's employer does not offer healthcare would be a huge boost for this nation.

Trim some of the defense department's budget. Buy a few less of the $900 hammers and $3 billion bombers. It wouldn't take long to add up to enough money.

Now you are making the stupid argument I told DQ not to make. We can't pay for this from the savings of not having as many sick people. What makes you think the world of $900 bedpans is any different than the world of $900 hammers? If government is footing the bill, this gouging is precisely what we get. Right now, it is the insurance companies who incur the gouging, and since they are capitalist corporations, they can leverage and negotiate with the hospitals or raise cost of premiums to offset the expense, when government becomes the replacement, there is no leverage, the taxpayer will absorb this cost.
That was precisely my point. If we get some preventive care in, the care for the poor and indigent will cost us FAR less.

Treat a cold and you spend a few bucks. Let it develop into pneumonia and you have a few weeks in the hospital, which runs into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Every state has state-operated health clinics, poor people can get preventative care at little or no cost already. You act like these don't exist!
Every state has state-operated health clinics, poor people can get preventative care at little or no cost already. You act like these don't exist!

They generally don't provide preventive care and are not used for preventive care. Instead, they are used when things that could have been prevented become emergency medical situations and care cannot be denied.
Every state has state-operated health clinics, poor people can get preventative care at little or no cost already. You act like these don't exist!

They provide SOME vaccination programs, but not always and not complete.

And many of them don't have programs for minor care that would prevent major care needs.

As an example, I know for a fact that poor people in Tuscaloosa can get vaccinations, but cannot get their kids treated for common childhood illnesses without either going to the hospital and then refusing to pay the bill, or waiting until it gets worse and becomes life threatening.

There is a program for Well Baby care, but if the baby is well most parents don't take them to the Dr.
Now you are making the stupid argument I told DQ not to make. We can't pay for this from the savings of not having as many sick people. What makes you think the world of $900 bedpans is any different than the world of $900 hammers? If government is footing the bill, this gouging is precisely what we get. Right now, it is the insurance companies who incur the gouging, and since they are capitalist corporations, they can leverage and negotiate with the hospitals or raise cost of premiums to offset the expense, when government becomes the replacement, there is no leverage, the taxpayer will absorb this cost.

I am saying that the military has had a blank check for too long. We are still cranking out the highest tech bombers and submarines like the cold war was still going on. We don't need to spend that much on defense.

Cut that budget and shift that to actually taking care of americans instead of killing foreigners.
They generally don't provide preventive care and are not used for preventive care. Instead, they are used when things that could have been prevented become emergency medical situations and care cannot be denied.

Yes, health clinics do provide preventative care, that is why they were built. Any hospital in America is required by law to treat emergency cases, regardless of ability to pay.
Yes, health clinics do provide preventative care, that is why they were built. Any hospital in America is required by law to treat emergency cases, regardless of ability to pay.

They are required to treat emergencies in whcih the patients life is in danger. And they usually do more than that.

But they do not provide basic healthcare and are not a substitute for a basic family Dr.

Some health clinics do, but certainly not all of them. And many times the wait to be seen makes England's healthcare system look luxurious.
Yes, health clinics do provide preventative care, that is why they were built. Any hospital in America is required by law to treat emergency cases, regardless of ability to pay.

Does Dixie deliberately refuse to see how this answer dodges our question?
Does Dixie deliberately refuse to see how this answer dodges our question?

Facts are apparently not his strong suit.

Dixie, having a place to go that will treat you if you are dying is not a substitute for basic health care.
Yes, health clinics do provide preventative care, that is why they were built. Any hospital in America is required by law to treat emergency cases, regardless of ability to pay.

Are you talking about preventative care or emergency cases?
I'm betting that universal healthcare does not get passed in Obama's first .. and maybe only term.

You wanted a centrist and you got one. Just keep in mind that centrists don't stand on principle or doing what is right .. only what is easy.

They'll claim they don't have the money to do it.
I'm betting that universal healthcare does not get passed in Obama's first .. and maybe only term.

You wanted a centrist and you got one. Just keep in mind that centrists don't stand on principle or doing what is right .. only what is easy.

They'll claim they don't have the money to do it.

With the economy tanking at record speeds, not having the money may not be a claim. It may be the truth.

Maybe the idea is to get more people unemployed and without insurance, then a flu epidemic can wipe out more people, reducing the resources needed to keep us going.
I'm betting that universal healthcare does not get passed in Obama's first .. and maybe only term.

You wanted a centrist and you got one. Just keep in mind that centrists don't stand on principle or doing what is right .. only what is easy.

They'll claim they don't have the money to do it.

Well, that's fine since Obama did not campaign on a promise of enacting universal healthcare. It was the key distinguishing feature of his proposal as compared to Clinton and Edwards. Obama's plan was only universal for children.
With the economy tanking at record speeds, not having the money may not be a claim. It may be the truth.

Maybe the idea is to get more people unemployed and without insurance, then a flu epidemic can wipe out more people, reducing the resources needed to keep us going.

Universal healthcare would cost FAR less than what the American people just gave away to rich people in a "bailout" .. that isn't working.

It isn't the money, it's the will .. that's what won't be there.
I am saying that the military has had a blank check for too long. We are still cranking out the highest tech bombers and submarines like the cold war was still going on. We don't need to spend that much on defense.

Cut that budget and shift that to actually taking care of americans instead of killing foreigners.

There are Russian warships currently off the coast of Venezuela, India and Pakistan are threatening to to play a game of Nuclear Tag, Iran has vowed to destroy Israel, and Russia is acting more and more like the former Soviet Union, but you think this is a good time to cut our military budget because we don't need bombers? People like you give me a headache! It's amazing to me this country has survived as long as it has!
Well, that's fine since Obama did not campaign on a promise of enacting universal healthcare. It was the key distinguishing feature of his proposal as compared to Clinton and Edwards. Obama's plan was only universal for children.

Do you have Obama underwear, an Obama nightlite, or do you sleep with a big ol' Obama teddy?

“I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country,”

Who said that?
Yes, health clinics do provide preventative care, that is why they were built. Any hospital in America is required by law to treat emergency cases, regardless of ability to pay.

Yeah and it overloads the emergency rooms and costs lots more money.

I took a friend to an emergency room about a month ago 6 hurs later we saw a DR.
Yeah the system works so well.
Do you have Obama underwear, an Obama nightlite, or do you sleep with a big ol' Obama teddy?

“I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country,”

Who said that?

I'm not going to argue this silly shit with you. What he said was the we should have universal care, not that he was proposing a plan for universal healthcare or that he was promising to enact universal healthcare.

What he proposed in his campaign was not universal healthcare. As I said, it was the key distinguishing feature between his healthcare plan and those of Clinton and Edwards, was discussed numerous times in the primary debates, was a key issue of contention between the primary opponents and was one of the reasons Edwards waited so long to endorse a candidate: he thought Obama's plan was shitty.

You can pretend what you want to pretend though. I have no delusions of changing your mind.
There are Russian warships currently off the coast of Venezuela, India and Pakistan are threatening to to play a game of Nuclear Tag, Iran has vowed to destroy Israel, and Russia is acting more and more like the former Soviet Union, but you think this is a good time to cut our military budget because we don't need bombers? People like you give me a headache! It's amazing to me this country has survived as long as it has!

Yeah, Russian warships that are at least 20 years old and with outdated technologies.

India and Pakistan playing nucear tag will either set off a worldwide nuclear war or it won't. If it does, have a dozen fewer bombers and fighter aircraft won't make a difference. If it doesn't, having a dozen fewer bombers and fighter aircraft won't make a difference either.

Iran (and every other radical islamic nation) vowed to wipe Israel out back in the 60s and have been chanting that same mantra ever since. Do you really think that we couldn't wipe Iran flat with a tenth of our aircraft and weapons?

Russia is making noise. The old USSR wasn't able to do what they bragged about, and that has become more and more clear since they fell. Now you think we should continue the arms race against a nation that is just a fraction of what the USSR was?

Dixie, we have enough aircraft and warships to wipe any nation off the map. China MIGHT give us some trouble, but short of using nukes no one else can.

And yet you want to continue to build a bigger and bigger arsenal? What the fuck for??? So we can continue to play global policeman and pretend that we are the good guys in white hats protecting the innocents of the world from the dastardly bad guys?

I am not saying we should downsize our fleets. But if we cut the GROWTH of our aircraft and warship fleets we could pay for the entire healthcare system.
I'm not going to argue this silly shit with you. What he said was the we should have universal care, not that he was proposing a plan for universal healthcare or that he was promising to enact universal healthcare.

What he proposed in his campaign was not universal healthcare. As I said, it was the key distinguishing feature between his healthcare plan and those of Clinton and Edwards, was discussed numerous times in the primary debates, was a key issue of contention between the primary opponents and was one of the reasons Edwards waited so long to endorse a candidate: he thought Obama's plan was shitty.

You can pretend what you want to pretend though. I have no delusions of changing your mind.


"I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country"

Is he or is he not the "next president?"

Did he or did he not say "universal healthcare" by the end of the first term of the "next president?"

It doesn't matter to me that you don't want to discuss it .. that's your perogative brother.

I'm just pointing out the truth .. and backing it up with his own words.

Maybe I should have said "His"