US has dropped to 42nd on list of world life expectancy

Well that has nothing to do with wether Canadians and Germans eat health food now does it?

What is it about us that has changed so recently to make us fat?

The tube and us being controlled by it ?

You deserve a break today.
Well that has nothing to do with wether Canadians and Germans eat health food now does it?

What is it about us that has changed so recently to make us fat?
Supersize me.

You can't get free refills in the UK. Here, we drink those empty calories like they were water... We get uber-sized fries. In the UK and Germany, Canada too BTW, you get the same old size you used to get...

Couple that with less people actually cooking at home and you wind up with fat. Lots of it, in whole heaping helpings.
Well that has nothing to do with wether Canadians and Germans eat health food now does it?

What is it about us that has changed so recently to make us fat?

yeah desh, you are right. It is not the lack of exercise and poor eating habits that make us obese. It is the magic fat fairy that comes and turns us fat when we aren't looking.
Its food additives my friend.

These foods are now more prevalent in Europe and the obesity numbers are raising over there.

We score badly because of access to care and lack of preventative care.
Its food additives my friend.

These foods are now more prevalent in Europe and the obesity numbers are raising over there.

We score badly because of access to care and lack of preventative care.
Did you even look at the link? You are making crap up to fit what you want.

We are the hugest fatties by a long-shot. It will take decades for any European nation to catch up to us.
You saw what your friends ate then. Have you seen the approved list ?

darned Republicans just can't give a straight answer at all .
Did you even look at the link? You are making crap up to fit what you want.

We are the hugest fatties by a long-shot. It will take decades for any European nation to catch up to us.

Well there was an article in the times that I read yesterday about American’s food consumption – Cawacko should read it – and it was very interesting. Are other people starving to death because of the mass quantities we consume? Some posit that yes they are, but I don’t know if this is true or not. However, given our finite resources the fact is, your children will have to make due with less and so will Cawacko’s. This is inevitable whether or not you think you have a right as an American to say “hooray for me too bad about you.”. Soon, it is going to be too bad about all of us.
Its food additives my friend.

These foods are now more prevalent in Europe and the obesity numbers are raising over there.

We score badly because of access to care and lack of preventative care.

ROFLMAO... right desh. Obesity has little to do with lack of exercise or poor eating (by the way, additives are a PART of the bad eating habits).

Access to healthcare and preventetive care DO not help people exercise. Nor does it help people to stop eating crappy food.

That said, I agree that preventative care is something we need to improve upon. But to act like that is why we are such an obese nation is laughable at best.
ROFLMAO... right desh. Obesity has little to do with lack of exercise or poor eating (by the way, additives are a PART of the bad eating habits).

Access to healthcare and preventetive care DO not help people exercise. Nor does it help people to stop eating crappy food.

That said, I agree that preventative care is something we need to improve upon. But to act like that is why we are such an obese nation is laughable at best.

Then lets regulate the additives and make sure the corps are not doing the slow poison thing on us to increase sales and bottom lines.
I disagree.

You can live a healthy lifestyle without having health insurance. The obesity rate in the US is about twice as high as the second worst country. Think for one moment about all of the additional risks obesity adds to a persons health... and then realize just how much it shortens someones life expectancy.

OK, even assuming everything you say is correct, all you are showing is that it isn't good to be obese. How this impacts life expectancy overall is the issue.

My contention is not that obesity has no impact on our poor life expectancy as compared to other nations. Rather, my contention is that high infant mortality, racial disparities in life expectancy and a relative high population of uninsured probably have more to do with our poor life expectancy rankings than the fatties.

Think about it, if you have a lot of babies dying before the age of 1, you are going to get a big downward skew on the life expectancy scale. Similarly, if minority populations (black folks, i.e.) are living 5 years fewer overall than white folks, and black men in particular dying quite young, you are going to get significant downward skews in life expectancy.

Anyone have any info on the life expectancy of white folks in the United States as compared to Europe?
Then lets regulate the additives and make sure the corps are not doing the slow poison thing on us to increase sales and bottom lines.

How about you just not eat the shit food and beverages? Your constant need to blame the corporations is pathetic. Stop eating the fast food, the junk food, drinking the sodas etc... guess what desh... they only produce what we are willing to consume.
Then lets regulate the additives and make sure the corps are not doing the slow poison thing on us to increase sales and bottom lines.

I don’t know how people feed their children healthy food. The price of food has just skyrocketed. And I shop in an organic grocery store. If you don’t, you are feeding your children pesticides, assuming you are giving them fresh fruit and vegetables. One head of organic broccoli is 4.79. One bunch of organic asparagus is over seven dollars. One orange is 1.69.

You’d have to make a lot of money to be able to fill your kids up with healthy food. So most Americans, struggling, buy the cheapest food they can, and cheap food is processed and filled with crap and high-fructose corn syrup and the kids are hungry and hour later. And good eating habits are never formed. It’s just a bad situation and there are many reasons for it, but being “lazy” is really not one of them.
OK, even assuming everything you say is correct, all you are showing is that it isn't good to be obese. How this impacts life expectancy overall is the issue.

My contention is not that obesity has no impact on our poor life expectancy as compared to other nations. Rather, my contention is that high infant mortality, racial disparities in life expectancy and a relative high population of uninsured probably have more to do with our poor life expectancy rankings than the fatties.

Think about it, if you have a lot of babies dying before the age of 1, you are going to get a big downward skew on the life expectancy scale. Similarly, if minority populations (black folks, i.e.) are living 5 years fewer overall than white folks, and black men in particular dying quite young, you are going to get significant downward skews in life expectancy.

Anyone have any info on the life expectancy of white folks in the United States as compared to Europe?

"Someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:

Heart disease and stroke.
High blood pressure.
Gallbladder disease and gallstones.
Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short time during sleep) and asthma. "
Well there was an article in the times that I read yesterday about American’s food consumption – Cawacko should read it – and it was very interesting. Are other people starving to death because of the mass quantities we consume? Some posit that yes they are, but I don’t know if this is true or not. However, given our finite resources the fact is, your children will have to make due with less and so will Cawacko’s. This is inevitable whether or not you think you have a right as an American to say “hooray for me too bad about you.”. Soon, it is going to be too bad about all of us.
I would guess yes. We throw away enough food to feed at least a major portion of those who are starving, let alone the extra we consume.