vegetarianism in our future?

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
given the likely continuing rise in the cost of animal feed, more and more people will have to resort to vegetarianism out of necessity rather than morality

not only will we not be able to afford meat, but we may not be able to afford cats and dogs as pets

first people will cut back on the amount of meat that they consume

but sooner or later only the wealthy will be able to afford meat

it may take a century, but unless there is a severe drop in world population, more and more people will not only go hungry (people already on vegetarian diets) but people in first world nations will find meat too expensive to include in their diets...or politically incorrect

plus, with global climate change, arable land will likely diminish while world population continues to increase

we are already experiencing food riots in several nations as grains become more and more expensive

does anybody care to estimate how much petroleum is being used up by the iraqi war...:pke:
given the likely continuing rise in the cost of animal feed, more and more people will have to resort to vegetarianism out of necessity rather than morality

not only will we not be able to afford meat, but we may not be able to afford cats and dogs as pets

first people will cut back on the amount of meat that they consume

but sooner or later only the wealthy will be able to afford meat

it may take a century, but unless there is a severe drop in world population, more and more people will not only go hungry (people already on vegetarian diets) but people in first world nations will find meat too expensive to include in their diets...or politically incorrect

plus, with global climate change, arable land will likely diminish while world population continues to increase

we are already experiencing food riots in several nations as grains become more and more expensive

does anybody care to estimate how much petroleum is being used up by the iraqi war...:pke:

f*ck that! I'll starve before I go vegatarian. Meat and potatoes or broke.
It really isn't asking much to start at least discussing the concept of zero population growth; it's amazing that it hasn't even entered into political discussion.

Oh, and it would help if the Catholic church realized that birth control is okay (or did they do that already?)
technically china is the only country that's doing something about it. But I don't know what the answer would be to that. But I'm with cawacko......meat or broke.
elitist latte drinking turbo-libs discussing the zero chance of happening hollier than though topics. Imagine that. LOFL
It really isn't asking much to start at least discussing the concept of zero population growth; it's amazing that it hasn't even entered into political discussion.

Oh, and it would help if the Catholic church realized that birth control is okay (or did they do that already?)

Wow, I've seen stupid ideas before, but zero population growth is fucking laughable. You can't be serious.

If you're so god damned worried about it Lorax, why not end your life? Why do you give yourself a pass but condemn future humans to fate of never even existing. Go fuck yourself douchebag.
Wow, I've seen stupid ideas before, but zero population growth is fucking laughable. You can't be serious.

If you're so god damned worried about it Lorax, why not end your life? Why do you give yourself a pass but condemn future humans to fate of never even existing. Go fuck yourself douchebag.

Condemn future humans to a fate of never even existing? Could there be a more retarded statement?

Zero population growth, or something like it, will have to be a reality for some future generation. We're at 6 billion now, projected to be 9 billion by mid-century. Population growth is exponential.

Trust me; it WILL happen. That kind of growth is completely unsustainable. I guess this is why politicians don't talk about it, though, because people will tell them to go f themselves & lecture them about the "victims" of zero population growth: people who haven't even been conceived yet.
Zero population growth is a good way to exterminate the middle class, as they are traditionally the only group of people that will listen to such goals.
All this is lies to justify genocide. There is plenty of land left unfarmed and then there's hydroponics. The truth is the elites want to use these fears to centralize control and kill people.
All this is lies to justify genocide. There is plenty of land left unfarmed and then there's hydroponics. The truth is the elites want to use these fears to centralize control and kill people.
Round you up and put you in one of those camps...

There is also the huge amount of space in places other than this sorry rock.
Yes. Satellite growing fields. Good idea. But of course, they'd rather watch us die.

Where do you think they found a large group of people that sit around and wonder how they can kill more people?

Do you really sit around worrying about this?

Where do you think they found a large group of people that sit around and wonder how they can kill more people?

Do you really sit around worrying about this?

They created the group in our nihilist institutions of higher learning, which mostly serve to breed a fascist statist elitist mindset in people and then scare them into killing or otherwise condemning unsavory populations to death.
They created the group in our nihilist institutions of higher learning, which mostly serve to breed a fascist statist elitist mindset in people and then scare them into killing or otherwise condemning unsavory populations to death.
We fight wars over that stuff. Then we give the "unsavory" populations nations to govern.

As a whole humans are very good.
Umm I think you have that backwards Damo as individuals we tend to be lots better than as a whole. As individials would we be in iraq ?