Voting machines in PA are breaking down

. Bernard Bibbs/Judge of Elections: "We set them up the way they're supposed to be run electronically. They've been shut down all morning.... We're dead." Similar problems have popped up across the city. Machines by the score have failed to operate. In most places, at least one machine is functioning. In those places where all the machines are down, voters can request a paper ballot. Edward Schulgen/Deputy City Commissioner: "Give that voter a paper ballot, which is then sent to us after the election. We verify whether or not that person is registered in the right division. If that's correct, then we count that vote." The number of failures seems to be evenly distributed across the city. It's more voting machine failures than the city has ever had before.
In african American communities.

Here we go.
Again, Desh.

Why would they buy machines for their counties that suck? Why would those people elect County Clerks that would do that to them?

If our County Clerk did this she would lose her job, very quickly. She might even be recalled.
I am not sure if it is relevant or not but the date on the article is May 16, 2006. Is it happening today while they are voting? Is that what you have heard?
The Obama campaign is starting to complain that its in African American communities from what the TV says
The Obama campaign is starting to complain that its in African American communities from what the TV says
The Obama campaign is setting up their excuse for their loss.

It isn't like the Hillary Campaign went out and got the machines for those counties and make sure they would be broken for this date. This is a County Clerk thing, they choose the machines, they set them up, they train the people who run them. The County Clerk is elected by the same people using those machines.
I am not sure if it is relevant or not but the date on the article is May 16, 2006. Is it happening today while they are voting? Is that what you have heard?

Sorry I just heard it on the news and I googled the phrase and forgot to check the date.
The Obama campaign is setting up their excuse for their loss.

It isn't like the Hillary Campaign went out and got the machines for those counties and make sure they would be broken for this date. This is a County Clerk thing, they choose the machines, they set them up, they train the people who run them. The County Clerk is elected by the same people using those machines.

Damo - Just for the record, since you do this every time there is a post about voting machines breaking down, it is not the case that every state runs elections like your state. In other states, the Secretary of State, not the county clerks, control the purse strings with respect to voting equipment. The local clerks run the show, but don't control the acquisition of voting equipment.
In african American communities.

Here we go.

Trust me .. there is nobody in America that knows more about paperless faith-based electronic voting than I do. I've spent years investigating it and I've often been called as an expert witness, including in several documentaries on the issue.

I say that only to declare that I know what I'm talking about on electronic voting.

However, the expert that may be better able to explain electronic voting in America is perhaps a psychologist or other mental disorder specialist. It is sheer lunacy to allow the act of voting in America to be TOTALLY controlled by private corporations that are owned and operated by republicans ONLY THEY count the vote in America and no elected official, including the POTUS has the right to look at how they copunt the vote.

ONLY really stupid people would believe that there is nothing wrong with that even in the face of the fact that paperless electronic voting is a fraud.

Venezuela has a better electronic voting system with far more integrity than Americans vote on.

The system Americans vote on couldn't stand international monitoring .. that we insist countries we don't like must have. The truth is that America needs international monitoring every bit as much as Zimbabwe does.

It is proof positive that Americans have no intellectual stature to look down our noses at anyone.
So it appears to be happening now, as it did in May 2006 also.

Sounds like the machines break down in significant numbers every election. And officials apparently can't fix them, even with years between elections. I don't recall hearing of breakdowns of paper-ballot voting procedures.

Tell me again why these new electronic voting machines (which the Dems insisted on after they tried to blame their 2000 Presidential loss on faulty vote counts instead of the real reason, not enough people wanted to elect them) have "improved" our electoral process? And why we keep sticking to them?
I think it is very interesting that the caucuses go to Obama while the electronic voting seems to help Clinton.
Again, Desh.

Why would they buy machines for their counties that suck? Why would those people elect County Clerks that would do that to them?

If our County Clerk did this she would lose her job, very quickly. She might even be recalled.

If you'd like the history that answers your question I'll be glad to give it to you .. and demonstrate how elected officials responsible for the integrity of voting machines, like Secretary of State, have not only NOT lost their jobs, but gone on to run for higher office .. like Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio and Cathy Cox in Georgia. Both Ohio and Georgia had massive problems with with electronic voting.
So it appears to be happening now, as it did in May 2006 also.

Sounds like the machines break down in significant numbers every election. And officials apparently can't fix them, even with years between elections. I don't recall hearing of breakdowns of paper-ballot voting procedures.

Tell me again why these new electronic voting machines (which the Dems insisted on after they tried to blame their 2000 Presidential loss on faulty vote counts instead of the real reason, not enough people wanted to elect them) have "improved" our electoral process? And why we keep sticking to them?


HAVA was a republican bill.
Damo - Just for the record, since you do this every time there is a post about voting machines breaking down, it is not the case that every state runs elections like your state. In other states, the Secretary of State, not the county clerks, control the purse strings with respect to voting equipment. The local clerks run the show, but don't control the acquisition of voting equipment.
Whether or not they control the purse they control the machines.

And I fully comprehend differences in different states.

The reality is, the machines are under the control of the county clerk. They maintain them, they train the people who will run them.

Hillary certainly did not create a problem in those counties or in those polling places. There is no reason to believe that there is some weird conspiracy going on to elect Hillary. In fact, it is almost impossible for her campaign to have that kind of reach. Her campaign is not breaking the machines by "wish power" and they don't have the ability to break them otherwise.

HAVA was a republican bill.

HAVA is an unfunded mandate that forced states into purchasing electronic voting machines .. AND the only deadline in HAVA was for when the machines had to be purchased .. AND the standards for these forced machines weren't to be either developed or implemented until AFTER the machines were purchased, which still doesn't exist today .. AND there were no real guidelines or regulations that dealt with the far more critical component, the software, that adequately protects the public interests .. such as the voting machine companies being the sole proprietor of the American vote.