Voting machines in PA are breaking down

Who oversees the voting machine companies to inspect and inforce standards for the voting machines?
It is not the internal software that would be breaking the machines. That would be a maintenance issue and it would be under the control of the county clerk.

The reality is it is not a conspiracy to keep Obama from winning in PA. If it were it would have to be from the D County Clerk breaking the machines.

The county clerk usually has no authority or input into machines "breaking down". All they can do is call the vending companies to come out to fix them .. particularly given that often the decision to purchase the machines and what machines to purchase belongs to the Secretary of State, not the clerk.

The machines break down because they are poorly built. The question is if there are an adequate number of machines in any location to support the voters if and when these machines break down. County Clerks don't lose their jobs because the machines break down.
Why do they refuse to see the problems?

I just dont understand how people can be so complacent about how the security of the vote?
Who oversees the voting machine companies to inspect and inforce standards for the voting machines?
The Secretary of State does. They also set standards of certification and testing.

However, the software isn't breaking the machines, and depending on which machines they are the settings can be hardwired or programmed by the clerk as well as supplied by the company.

Can you tell us what kind of machines they are using in those counties? I found 5 different machines used in PA so far. They are also manufactured by different companies. The likelihood that there is some conspiracy is getting less and less.

I'd be far more likely to believe huge conspiracy theories if I found out that they were all manufactured by the same source.
I think lots of voting machines are still mechanical and not computerized. I don't know what kind Penn uses but the Mechanical ones can be maintainence nightmares. I know because in my county we used those machines until our State Supreme Court told us we had to follow the rest of the state and use paper ballots.
Again, Desh.

Why would they buy machines for their counties that suck? Why would those people elect County Clerks that would do that to them?

If our County Clerk did this she would lose her job, very quickly. She might even be recalled.

African American communities have less money because the property in the area is usually worth less (because most blacks are poorer and no whites want to live in black areas). Therefore, they have less money to pay for upkeep of voting machines. I would suggest something radical, like maybe, the state should help out, but then I'd hate America, so I won't.
I agree. We do that........then we run it through a machine that counts the votes. Now we have the vote counted but we also have a paper ballot to go back to if need be. How hard is that?

I agree, but add a caveat... all ballots should be uniform. We don't want to have to listen to a bunch of old people ever again who were too "confused" to figure out how to vote properly and were too ignorant to ask for assistance.
I think lots of voting machines are still mechanical and not computerized. I don't know what kind Penn uses but the Mechanical ones can be maintainence nightmares. I know because in my county we used those machines until our State Supreme Court told us we had to follow the rest of the state and use paper ballots.
If I were County Clerk I'd be going for the optical scan machines because they give the benefits of scanned paper ballots and easy handcounts if necessary.
African American communities have less money because the property in the area is usually worth less (because most blacks are poorer and no whites want to live in black areas). Therefore, they have less money to pay for upkeep of voting machines. I would suggest something radical, like maybe, the state should help out, but then I'd hate America, so I won't.
In this case, we were told that the Sec of State controlled the purses and provided the cash.

But even so, it would not be conspiracy then. Would it? If they spend less on maintenance and things break it isn't a conspiracy, it is not "justice" either, but it isn't because somebody wanted those counties to break.
If I were County Clerk I'd be going for the optical scan machines because they give the benefits of scanned paper ballots and easy handcounts if necessary.
That is what was used when I was in Kansas. Just scans the document, reports what bubble was filled in and that was all. No need for intricate software codes or gears and levers. I don't understand why they are not the universal machines.

Here is just how secure these pieces of shit are.

It was revealed in the course of last summer's landmark virus hack of a Diebold touch-screen voting system at Princeton University that, incredibly, the company uses the same key to open every machine. It's also an easy key to buy at any office supply store since it's used for filing cabinets and hotel mini-bars! That is, if you're not a poll worker who already has one from the last time you worked on an election (anybody listening down there in San Diego?).
Look, I am wiht Damo here. You guys see way to much conspiracy here in a state where both the Governor and the Sec of the Commonwealth are dems. Granted they might be Hillary supporters but they have had 2 years to correct the problems they had. They haven't. Why not? You can't tell me that 2 years ago they knew it was going to be close like this and so they kept the machines to make sure the freshman senator from Ill would lose to the inevitable Hillary. Just too much for me swallow all at once.

You've fallen victim to partisanship my brother.

Democrats have a hand in this as well.

Democrats allowed the fraud in Ohio.

Georgia had a democrat as Secretary of State who brought the fraud into Georgia .. AND for the first time in .. well .. forever .. Georgia has 2 republican senators and a republican governor for the first time in 136 years .. all happening about 5 minutes after electronic voting was introduced.

Forget about "conspiracy" .. electronic voting has been proven wide open for fraud.


Does that matter?.
That is what was used when I was in Kansas. Just scans the document, reports what bubble was filled in and that was all. No need for intricate software codes or gears and levers. I don't understand why they are not the universal machines.
Me either. The fact that they aren't does lend credence to conspiracies. Especially when testing certain machines you find that they can easily be hacked and have no trail whatsoever.
In this case, we were told that the Sec of State controlled the purses and provided the cash.

But even so, it would not be conspiracy then. Would it? If they spend less on maintenance and things break it isn't a conspiracy, it is not "justice" either, but it isn't because somebody wanted those counties to break.

I wasn't saying it was a conspiracy. I was trying to come up with something alternate to a conspiracy.
That is what was used when I was in Kansas. Just scans the document, reports what bubble was filled in and that was all. No need for intricate software codes or gears and levers. I don't understand why they are not the universal machines.


SEE: Leon County Hack
I wasn't saying it was a conspiracy. I was trying to come up with something alternate to a conspiracy.
True. And it is possible that this is what is happening and IMO far more likely than Hillary being able to magically break things from a distance.