Voting machines in PA are breaking down

Acorn lets remember what really happened. The dems wanted the votes counted and the Republicans called them silly names like sore losers. The Republicans wanted the result to stand no matter what the true intentions of the voters were.

It was teh republicans who made fun of people examining voter cards tryin to tell if someone tried to vote and what they voted. Republicans called people too stupid to make a ballot correctly and that means they are too stupid to have their votes counted.

Then republicans made a law that fooled everyone into thinking machines would be better and forced the states to buy them. What America idd not know yet is the companies who would be contracted to make the machines were full of republicans who promised the vote to Bush.

You have been told these facts over and over but are to stupid and dishonest to accept them.
Whether or not they control the purse they control the machines.

And I fully comprehend differences in different states.

The reality is, the machines are under the control of the county clerk. They maintain them, they train the people who will run them.

Hillary certainly did not create a problem in those counties or in those polling places. There is no reason to believe that there is some weird conspiracy going on to elect Hillary. In fact, it is almost impossible for her campaign to have that kind of reach. Her campaign is not breaking the machines by "wish power" and they don't have the ability to break them otherwise.

I doesn't have to be a global conspiracy .. all that is required is manipulation of the software by those who have an interest in the outcome .. and to put your argument about the county clerk to bed forever .. the county clerk has no idea, no clue, what is happening with the internal software and in fact, the county clerk has no role in the fraud.
Whether or not they control the purse they control the machines.

And I fully comprehend differences in different states.

The reality is, the machines are under the control of the county clerk. They maintain them, they train the people who will run them.

Hillary certainly did not create a problem in those counties or in those polling places. There is no reason to believe that there is some weird conspiracy going on to elect Hillary. In fact, it is almost impossible for her campaign to have that kind of reach. Her campaign is not breaking the machines by "wish power" and they don't have the ability to break them otherwise.

She is speaking out against democratic groups like move on and buddying up to conservative news owners. She is part of the problem.

HAVA was a republican bill.

It wasn't Republicans screaming nationwide after the 2000 election, that the vote count was somehow flawed, "Every vote must count" as though perfection was ever possible, etc. Democrats were the ones shouting that everything must change, we must get electronic machines that never miss a vote, etc. Who cared that there was no paper trail, they were hard to set up, etc.

Nice try. :pke:
I doesn't have to be a global conspiracy .. all that is required is manipulation of the software by those who have an interest in the outcome .. and to put your argument about the county clerk to bed forever .. the county clerk has no idea, no clue, what is happening with the internal software and in fact, the county clerk has no role in the fraud.
It is not the internal software that would be breaking the machines. That would be a maintenance issue and it would be under the control of the county clerk.

The reality is it is not a conspiracy to keep Obama from winning in PA. If it were it would have to be from the D County Clerk breaking the machines.
Hillary is.

She is part of the problem Dano and the people who fix these elections would perfer her to Obama.

They also think McCain will fair better against her.
I am not Dano.

That would be "fare better".

Again, this is about the machines breaking down. In order to make them break they need physical access to the machines. I do not believe even a little bit that she has the access needed to break the things.
Why can't people just fill in a space on a piece of paper next to the name of the person they want to vote for. Lot harder to get paper to break down.
Acorn lets remember what really happened. The dems wanted the votes counted and the Republicans called them silly names like sore losers. The Republicans wanted the result to stand no matter what the true intentions of the voters were.

It was teh republicans who made fun of people examining voter cards tryin to tell if someone tried to vote and what they voted. Republicans called people too stupid to make a ballot correctly and that means they are too stupid to have their votes counted.

Then republicans made a law that fooled everyone into thinking machines would be better and forced the states to buy them. What America idd not know yet is the companies who would be contracted to make the machines were full of republicans who promised the vote to Bush.

You have been told these facts over and over but are to stupid and dishonest to accept them.

They've been told by MIT, Stanford, Carnagie-Mellon, and the best academic, research, and professional institutions in America of the potential danger for fraud in electronic voting.

However, the real question must be asked of DEMOCRATS.

How in the fuck could democrats allow republican owned and operated voting machine corporations to be the sole proprietor of the vote?

Republicans would NEVER in a million years allow democrats to be the only ones to count the vote.

That ignorance and weak-kneed cowardly motherfucking act by democrats have cost innocent people their lives. Bush was selected as president and democrats did nothing about it.

Yet, here we are, at least 3 years after the vulnerability of electronic voting was conclusively proven ..

... and our votes are still privately owned.
Why can't people just fill in a space on a piece of paper next to the name of the person they want to vote for. Lot harder to get paper to break down.

I agree. We do that........then we run it through a machine that counts the votes. Now we have the vote counted but we also have a paper ballot to go back to if need be. How hard is that?
Why can't people just fill in a space on a piece of paper next to the name of the person they want to vote for. Lot harder to get paper to break down.

We had that process. Actrually people punched holes.

When Democrats lost in 2000, they "discovered" that the process wasn't perfect, and tried to act like this was news in a country of 300 million imperfect people. Even more hilariously, they tried to pretend that the imperfections were why they lost, not because too few people voted for them. And they screamed for "something different".

Now they have something different, and they're screaming even louder.

With justification, for a change.
Desh and BAC.............

are just making excuses before the is usual for liberals with little or no knowledge of the real world except for google... wiki-wiki-wiki...and wiki is broken also!;)
Look, I am wiht Damo here. You guys see way to much conspiracy here in a state where both the Governor and the Sec of the Commonwealth are dems. Granted they might be Hillary supporters but they have had 2 years to correct the problems they had. They haven't. Why not? You can't tell me that 2 years ago they knew it was going to be close like this and so they kept the machines to make sure the freshman senator from Ill would lose to the inevitable Hillary. Just too much for me swallow all at once.
The Hava vote was pretty much the seal. Dems who voted for it (and some Rs too) had no idea of the entire plan. Then they had no power to do anything after the fact. The DOJ helped hide the problem by not prosicuting any of the claims of fraud. They instead subverted justice and trumped up cases against Dem organizations.

Yes the dems have been chickenshit to some extent but then Others like Conyers have been heros.
As to the cospiracy thing.........I am with Damo and Socrtease. As to the need of fixing a paperless voting system.....well, yes we need to do it.
How in the fuck could democrats allow republican owned and operated voting machine corporations to be the sole proprietor of the vote?

Some of the real losers are the ones who keep screeching that Republicans have somehow tainted or altered the vote after it is cast... without ever citing the slightest evidence of their doing so.


When these people lose, they get ever more desperate... to the point where they are truly comical.
Look, I am wiht Damo here. You guys see way to much conspiracy here in a state where both the Governor and the Sec of the Commonwealth are dems. Granted they might be Hillary supporters but they have had 2 years to correct the problems they had. They haven't. Why not? You can't tell me that 2 years ago they knew it was going to be close like this and so they kept the machines to make sure the freshman senator from Ill would lose to the inevitable Hillary. Just too much for me swallow all at once.

Who has examined the source codes in the programs to make sure no one is subverting the elections?
Look, I am wiht Damo here. You guys see way to much conspiracy here in a state where both the Governor and the Sec of the Commonwealth are dems. Granted they might be Hillary supporters but they have had 2 years to correct the problems they had. They haven't. Why not? You can't tell me that 2 years ago they knew it was going to be close like this and so they kept the machines to make sure the freshman senator from Ill would lose to the inevitable Hillary. Just too much for me swallow all at once.
Yeah, pretty much my point. At some point you begin to blame the person who has physical control of the machines rather than some conspiracy.