Voting machines in PA are breaking down

No standards, No open source codes, exit polls being the reverse of outcomes, Compies the make the machines being run by one party, Machine count elections being differnt than caucuses and so many other things make it so obvious.

I just dont understand why people refuse to see it?
No standards, No open source codes, exit polls being the reverse of outcomes, Compies the make the machines being run by one party, Machine count elections being differnt than caucuses and so many other things make it so obvious.

I just dont understand why people refuse to see it?

Cognitive dissonance sister.

We are an invented people.

Notice that no one has any challenge to the evidence presented.

All they have is the word "conspiracy"

Welcome to the Matrix.
I still say its going to break wide open.

That is why they are fighting Obama so hard. They know people are going to prison under his watch.

Its going to get very ruff. I still think they will try to kill him.
My Girlfriend just Messaged me that lots of newly registered voters are saying they were given the wrong information about where their voting precinct was.
I still say its going to break wide open.

That is why they are fighting Obama so hard. They know people are going to prison under his watch.

Its going to get very ruff. I still think they will try to kill him.

Obama is not a plutocrat, not owned by corporation .. Hillary is, and so is Bill.

Obama represents a threat to the plutocracy.
Yes but after 4 years will Obama just be another member of the Plutocracy? Politics tends to be all about catering to those that will get you elected and re-elected. Having just finished watch the HBO miniseries John Adams, I find that I really wish politicians were as honorable as they were at the beginning. Serve your country, do what you can for it and then go back home and farm, or work a business or something. Jefferson was right when he referred to his contemporaries as gods.
Yes but after 4 years will Obama just be another member of the Plutocracy? Politics tends to be all about catering to those that will get you elected and re-elected. Having just finished watch the HBO miniseries John Adams, I find that I really wish politicians were as honorable as they were at the beginning. Serve your country, do what you can for it and then go back home and farm, or work a business or something. Jefferson was right when he referred to his contemporaries as gods.

My brother .. you watched a characterization of John Adams invented by Hollywood.

How is politics to get done without politicians?

If you believe that all politicians become plutocrats, why are you voting, or are you?
State of Denial, Part 1

"With fifty-one of its most populous counties still voting on completely paperless Direct Record Electronic machines, Pennsylvania remains one of the last twelve states to have passed no law requiring every vote to be backed up with a voter-verified paper record or ballot.

Time and time again Pennsylvania has had to replace failed electronic voting machines, bailing out counties and vendors at taxpayer expense. Pennsylvania has been plagued with a rash of problems caused by failures of paperless, unverifiable voting machines. These problems ranged from extremely high levels of undervotes (indicating a large number of voters are not having their votes counted), to faulty programming and ballot preparation, to outright loss of votes due to machines being set up improperly on Election Day.

With huge party machine politics entrenched on both the Republican and Democratic sides, Pennsylvania had a long history of election irregularities and difficulties long before the rise of electronic voting. And although one of the state’s most prominent suppliers of voting machines and supplies was convicted of election fraud, the paperless electronic voting machines his company originally developed continue to count the votes of nearly two and a half million Pennsylvanians to this very day.

But despite past problems and current warnings from computer scientists and neighboring states, Pennsylvania officials from County Commissioners and Election Directors to the Governor himself inexplicably continue to embrace paperless electronic voting. Their public mantra is that Pennsylvania elections on paperless electronic machines are secure and accurate.

How did The Keystone State become The State of Denial? To understand better, one first needs to look at Pennsylvania itself."

--- much more at link.
My brother .. you watched a characterization of John Adams invented by Hollywood.

How is politics to get done without politicians?

If you believe that all politicians become plutocrats, why are you voting, or are you?
Of course I am voting. I hope that he remains detached from the machinations of politics. Doesn't mean I am a doey eyed optimist.

As for Adams he was as unpopular a president as just about any man could be. He refused to rush to war with France, and was in favor of laws that would punish people for speaking out against the government. There was a good scene in there where Jefferson warns him of treading on the freedoms of the people even at a time when the US might be at war. I wonder if they have HBO in the whitehouse. There are a few people in that place that could benefit from that history lesson.
Of course I am voting. I hope that he remains detached from the machinations of politics. Doesn't mean I am a doey eyed optimist.

As for Adams he was as unpopular a president as just about any man could be. He refused to rush to war with France, and was in favor of laws that would punish people for speaking out against the government. There was a good scene in there where Jefferson warns him of treading on the freedoms of the people even at a time when the US might be at war. I wonder if they have HBO in the whitehouse. There are a few people in that place that could benefit from that history lesson.

You don't have to be a "doey-eyed optimist" to understand both the nature of politics and humans. Obama, like all politicians and leaders including Adams, is human and prone to human frailities. But like all great leaders and politicians, he can have a focus and a mission that changes the staus-quo and advances our society.

Politics is about incrementalism. It's the best you can hope for.