VP Pick


It seems as if the general consensus is that it’s going to be Biden. Apparently republicans are all ready to blast a Biden pick as “proof” that Obama is so inexperienced he needed to pick someone who has been in the Senate longer than John McCain, and that doesn’t represent change. And I’m surprised to hear this, because I thought they would flatter and praise whoever Obama picked as VP.

We’ll know this week, maybe tomorrow morning. So on this last day, let’s just think for a minute – the say that Obama wants a safe choice, and not a game-changer, but that McCain is being pressured to go the opposite and pick a surprise and so-called game-changer. (Lieberman, Ridge, rather than Romney, Pawlenty). But what if Obama goes for a game-changer and picks Hillary? He has to get an ass-kicker, in my opinion the campaign so far has showed us all that. He could not afford to go with Edwards even if Edwards was still Edwards. I can only finger two ass-kickers who qualify and they are Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.
Hasn't Biden been in a scandal or two?

I want to say at least one was about plagarism.
Hasn't Biden been in a scandal or two?

I want to say at least one was about plagarism.

I don't know the details, but that's very old, and no one cares. I'd be more concerned over McCain's apparent stealing of war stories...if that gains traction he's dead. Biden can take care of himself.
Biden has several.

His 1988 run was marred by plagiarism, more recently he has made some remarkably racist comments about Indian Americans.

The so-called “plagiarism” thing is a joke, and that’s going nowhere. The other issue, obviously Biden is not a racist, but that is where he got the rep for putting his foot in his mouth. He certainly has said a couple of stupid things. That could come up again.
That "so-called plagiarism thing" is the reason that prick wasn't President in '88.

From Wiki:

In 1987, at age of 45, Biden became one of the official candidates for Democratic nomination. Because of his experience and moderate image, he was initially mentioned as one of the frontrunners, and ran several television ads. However, Biden's campaign was short-lived.

Controversy emerged during Biden's candidacy ; he ended his presidential campaign on September 23, 1987 after being accused of plagiarism. Though he had correctly credited the original author in all speeches but one, the one where he failed to make mention of the originator was caught on video. In the video Biden is filmed repeating a stump speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock with only minor modifications. “Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go a university? Why is it that my wife . . . is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? . . . Is it because they didn't work hard? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It's because they didn't have a platform on which to stand.” After Biden withdrew from the race it was learned that he had correctly credited Kinnock on other occasions. But in the Iowa speech that was recorded and distributed to reporters (with a parallel video of Kinnock) by aides to Michael Dukakis, the eventual nominee, he failed to do so. Dukakis fired John Sasso, his campaign manager and long-time Chief of Staff, but Biden's campaign could not recover.[1][2][3]

As a part of this controversy, it was revealed that Biden had been involved in a similar incident during his first year at Syracuse University Law School in 1965. Biden initially received an “F” in an introductory class on legal methodology for writing a paper relying almost exclusively on a single Fordham Law Review article, which he had cited. Biden was allowed to repeat the course and passed with high marks.[4] After ending his Presidential campaign, Biden requested the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Delaware Supreme Court review the issue. The Board concluded on December 21, 1987, after Biden had withdrawn, that the senator had not violated any rules, although Biden did not release this result until May 1989.[5]

Because of this scandal, Biden quit the race early, in December 1987 and did not participate in the 1988 caucuses and primaries, in which Governor Michael Dukakis defeated Jesse Jackson, Senators Al Gore, Paul Martin Simon and other longer-standing contenders.

In 2004, Biden was mentioned frequently as a possible Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate, but he chose not to run.[citation needed] Biden did declare his candidacy for the 2008 Democratic primaries, but struggled with low poll numbers against a younger field which included Senators Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and former Senator John Edwards. Following sub-2% finishes in the 2008 Iowa caucuses, Biden and fellow Senator Chris Dodd both ended their presidential runs.
"Though he had correctly credited the original author in all speeches but one, the one where he failed to make mention of the originator was caught on video."

I think that’s the important part, and while it may have been a big deal then, probably due to overexcited accusations from other candidates and the media, it isn’t today. You don’t like him personally, and while that is of note to you, he is actually widely liked by Democrats today. In fact, if you read the various liberal sites, the big ones, out of the people said to be under consideration, he is the only one who is not a deal-killer to large portions of the base.
Though I think that at this point, Hillary would be an exciting pick. But I’ll tell you, they talk a lot about the Pumas, I have not seen such bitterness and hatred than what is displayed by the Obama supporters towards her. (i mean like on huffpo and places like that) So, I don’t know. I am just waiting to see who he goes with. I think it’ll be Biden, and I have no problem with that. But I’d be interested if he went with someone out of the box too. And, nobody’s perfect.
these complaints are so fricking rediculous when compared to all the things elected republicans have gotten away with that it is just sad.
these complaints are so fricking rediculous when compared to all the things elected republicans have gotten away with that it is just sad.

There are two things McCain doesn’t want to come up in this election – marital infidelity and plagiarism. That’s going nowhere. Epic has a personal dislike of Biden, and this thread was not supposed to be about Epic’s personal dislike of Joe Biden. But whatever.
Lots of people dislike Joe Biden. I'm far from the only one. I even think he's smarter than most Democrats I just don't agree that he would be a good choice for Obama.
Lots of people dislike Joe Biden. I'm far from the only one. I even think he's smarter than most Democrats I just don't agree that he would be a good choice for Obama.

Well, as I said, from what I have gleaned over the past several months, he appears to be one of the few names who does not piss off large parts of the base. That’s what we got to worry about, not what you think Epic. I feel the same way about you and Biden as Water does about Hillary and Chap – if he can help us win it, we can do without your vote. And if Hillary can help us win it, we can do without Chaps.
My biggest problem with Biden is that he was basically does the bidding of credit card industry in Congress (Bank of America, nee MBNA, is one of the biggest employers in Delaware along with a host of others) including voting for that horrendous bankruptcy bill. But, since he's running against Republicans, that dog won't hunt.

Biden's got warts, but so does everyone else. There is no perfect candidate for any office anywhere.