VP Pick

Well, as I said, from what I have gleaned over the past several months, he appears to be one of the few names who does not piss off large parts of the base. That’s what we got to worry about, not what you think Epic. I feel the same way about you and Biden as Water does about Hillary and Chap – if he can help us win it, we can do without your vote. And if Hillary can help us win it, we can do without Chaps.

You like it because it will bring Obama's candidacy leftward, which you see as a good thing.

I dislike it because I believe it will do the same thing, and also make him more unelectable at the same time.
You like it because it will bring Obama's candidacy leftward, which you see as a good thing.

I dislike it because I believe it will do the same thing, and also make him more unelectable at the same time.

How does Biden bring Obama leftward? I don't understand that at all.

And what's with your dislike of Biden? Why?
You like it because it will bring Obama's candidacy leftward, which you see as a good thing.

I dislike it because I believe it will do the same thing, and also make him more unelectable at the same time.

Wow, I don’t see Biden as bringing him leftward at all. I am way to the right of Biden. You are way off. I view Biden as being one of the very few Democrats who can kick loudmouth, belligerent John McCain right up his ass and off the stage. I thought Obama could do it originally. But I misjudged him. He needs someone with foreign policy gravitas and who is an ass kicker of epic proportions. I know of only two democrats who can kick ass like that and are also qualified to be President: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.
Who would you like to see as his VP?

I really don't think Biden would be a horrible choice I just like sparring with you about him because you were so ready to jump on his bandwagon despite not knowing anything about him.

Chuck Hagel, Richard Lugar, Jim Webb would have been great.

Biden will do, but he won't bring the excitement of a Unity ticket.
My biggest problem with Biden is that he was basically does the bidding of credit card industry in Congress (Bank of America, nee MBNA, is one of the biggest employers in Delaware along with a host of others) including voting for that horrendous bankruptcy bill. But, since he's running against Republicans, that dog won't hunt.

Biden's got warts, but so does everyone else. There is no perfect candidate for any office anywhere.

I agree with this completely.
I really don't think Biden would be a horrible choice I just like sparring with you about him because you were so ready to jump on his bandwagon despite not knowing anything about him.

Chuck Hagel, Richard Lugar, Jim Webb would have been great.

Biden will do, but he won't bring the excitement of a Unity ticket.

So you want the Democratic candidate for president to pick a Republican as a VP nominee? Fuck that. And why Hagel or Lugar, because they're just like Joe Biden on foreign policy but without Joe Biden's liberal leanings on other issues? That's stupid.

As for Webb, he already said he didn't want it.

You're something, I'll tell ya. Two Republicans and one guy who said no.

As for a Unity ticket. Fuck a Unity ticket. It's the Democratic ticket.
How does Biden bring Obama leftward? I don't understand that at all.

And what's with your dislike of Biden? Why?

A Biden-Obama ticket is just easily caricatured.

As far as issue positions, I don't actually dislike Biden that much more than any other Democrat.

Sometimes I just argue with Darla for no good reason.

Biden serves on the following committees in the 110th U.S. Congress[10]

Committee on Foreign Relations (Chairman)
As Chairman of the full committee Biden is an ex officio member of each subcommittee.
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Antitrust Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, (Chairman)
Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law
Subcommittee on Immigration Border Security and Citizenship
Subcommittee on Technology Terrorism and Homeland Security
Caucus on International Narcotics Control (Co-Chairman)
I really don't think Biden would be a horrible choice I just like sparring with you about him because you were so ready to jump on his bandwagon despite not knowing anything about him.

Chuck Hagel, Richard Lugar, Jim Webb would have been great.

Biden will do, but he won't bring the excitement of a Unity ticket.

No, that's not true though. I am not jumping on his bandwagon. Other than Edwards, I have longed viewed him as the best possible VP pick, but only becasue, well, who else?

I know I will take a huge amount of heat over this, and that there are problems, but there is a part of me that believes that Hillary makes this unbeatable and blows McCain out of the water as far as excitement and star power go. But, I would be concerned over the level of just hatred expressed by some in the netroots. How widespread that is I don't know.
So you want the Democratic candidate for president to pick a Republican as a VP nominee? Fuck that. And why Hagel or Lugar, because they're just like Joe Biden on foreign policy but without Joe Biden's liberal leanings on other issues? That's stupid.

As for Webb, he already said he didn't want it.

You're something, I'll tell ya. Two Republicans and one guy who said no.

As for a Unity ticket. Fuck a Unity ticket. It's the Democratic ticket.

Darla asked me who I would have liked to see, not who was likely.

A Unity ticket at a time like this would give the Democrats an opportunity for the kind of epic, once-in-a-generation landslide that they are obligated, as Democrats, to let slip away.
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A Biden-Obama ticket is just easily caricatured.

As far as issue positions, I don't actually dislike Biden that much more than any other Democrat.

Sometimes I just argue with Darla for no good reason.

It doesn't matter who Obama picks. It will be caricatured. This is the same mistake that people make over and over and over again. They think that their decisions should be guided by what the opposition will say or do in response without realizing that the opposition will respond the same way regardless of what they choose.

Back in the primaries people kept saying that Clinton would be a poisonous candidate since the Republicans hate her so much and that the base would be fired up against her. In reality, it didn't matter. The Republicans will learn to hate anyone with a D after their name.
They will demonize war heros and call brillient people too snobby because they are smart.

They dont want the best person for the job they want the person they can control for the job.
It doesn't matter who Obama picks. It will be caricatured. This is the same mistake that people make over and over and over again. They think that their decisions should be guided by what the opposition will say or do in response without realizing that the opposition will respond the same way regardless of what they choose.

Back in the primaries people kept saying that Clinton would be a poisonous candidate since the Republicans hate her so much and that the base would be fired up against her. In reality, it didn't matter. The Republicans will learn to hate anyone with a D after their name.

I genuinely believe that nominating Hillary Clinton would have lost the Democrats this election.

As for the comments about learning to hate Obama, I'm sure you see that on an activist level, but among average voters (even Republicans) Obama has the best bipartisan reputation a Democratic presidential candidate has had in some time. Similar situation with McCain among non-politico Democrats.

It is a welcome relief from the stark polarization of lightning rod candidates like Kerry and Bush in '04.
It doesn't matter who Obama picks. It will be caricatured. This is the same mistake that people make over and over and over again. They think that their decisions should be guided by what the opposition will say or do in response without realizing that the opposition will respond the same way regardless of what they choose.

Back in the primaries people kept saying that Clinton would be a poisonous candidate since the Republicans hate her so much and that the base would be fired up against her. In reality, it didn't matter. The Republicans will learn to hate anyone with a D after their name.

I agree with your last sentence though I wouldn't use hate as in personal hate just that they will be against whoever the opponent is.

The day I see a political party come out and praise their opponents Presidental or VP selection is the day I join Fred Sanford's wife Elizabeth in heaven.