VP Pick

Oh that is an album cover and not you?

I thought you were black.

I think Dixie thinks that too! Because last week he told me that I should feel stupid because "all of the black posters disagreed with me". And the only black poster I knew of who had, was bac, and what is new there? So I laughed, but then later I realized he must think that epic is black too, because epic also, surprisingly, disagreed with me. It was funny.
While fans kick the shit out of each other in the stands. I'm not saying that McCain hates Obama. What I am saying is that McCain and his campaign team and 527s promote intense hatred among his supporters towards Obama. It's the same thing Bush did with Kerry in '04.

Ok, and do you think Democrats aren't trying to do the same thing with the Republican candidates?
I'm sad to hear that anyone of that generation is still in that mindset.

It's the minority viewpoint now, but it still exists.

I'm sure it fits right into your predispositions, but I was really shocked to see a paid organizer calling his political opponents n****s. That's the sort of thing I would expect to see online, not among actual operatives.

The guy was older than me by maybe five years or so. That's way too young to have any excuse for slinging that word around.
I think Dixie thinks that too! Because last week he told me that I should feel stupid because "all of the black posters disagreed with me". And the only black poster I knew of who had, was bac, and what is new there? So I laughed, but then later I realized he must think that epic is black too, because epic also, surprisingly, disagreed with me. It was funny.

LOL wow. I was wondering about that at the time.
Lots of people dislike Joe Biden. I'm far from the only one. I even think he's smarter than most Democrats I just don't agree that he would be a good choice for Obama.

I disagree. He is the best choice for Obama. He shores up Obamas biggest weakness.... experience...especially foreign policy experience. He is a fighter which Obama clearly needs. He is generally respected by both parties. The one "downside" is that he is obviously a Washington insider... which may be the reason Obama doesn't pick him. But hands down Biden is the best VP choice in my opinion.

The plagarism thing is ancient history and will be a moot point in this election should he indeed be the VP.
I disagree. He is the best choice for Obama. He shores up Obamas biggest weakness.... experience...especially foreign policy experience. He is a fighter which Obama clearly needs. He is generally respected by both parties. The one "downside" is that he is obviously a Washington insider... which may be the reason Obama doesn't pick him. But hands down Biden is the best VP choice in my opinion.

The plagarism thing is ancient history and will be a moot point in this election should he indeed be the VP.

Among likely choices, I will agree Biden is not bad.
Can you seriously not see how you and desh have been made to hate John McCain? It's the same thing the right has done with there supporters about Obama.

HaHa, it's why Desh doesn't believe you are voting for Obama because unless you are as partisan as her you aren't a true believer.
Desh that's retarded. I've said for a long time I was voting Obama you just don't listen.

nope you've been lying for 3 months to TRICK everyone! You clearly have motive, seeing as how doing something like that accomplishes so much.
Can you seriously not see how you and desh have been made to hate John McCain? It's the same thing the right has done with there supporters about Obama.

No way, I despise all right wingers, period. And I was never on the “McCain is a maverick” bandwagon. I can remember fighting with some liberals, and you would be shocked if I mentioned a name who was supporting this…about Kerry picking McCain as his VP back in 04. Nobody made me hate anybody, it’s just how I am. And John McCain is a belligerent liar. I only can wish Obama was hitting him on that and “making people hate him”. But sadly, I had to pick that up on my own.
HaHa, it's why Desh doesn't believe you are voting for Obama because unless you are as partisan as her you aren't a true believer.

Your teams assholes like Rush use this kind of crap all the time.

Dont you remember him calling for his minions to become dems and vote for hillary.

when was the last time you heard that kind of crap from a lefty?
Ok, and do you think Democrats aren't trying to do the same thing with the Republican candidates?

No, I don't. You cannot point to a single instance of a Democratic candidate questioning a Republican candidate's patriotism. You can't point to a single instance of a Democratic candidate suggesting that a Republican would prefer to lose a war to win an election. You can't point to a single instance of a Democratic candidate saying that his Republican opponent doesn't put his country first. There is no Democratic equal to Jerome Corsi. There is no Democratic equivalent to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. There is no Democratic equivalent to purple band-aids.

That's how Republicans campaign. There was a time when a certain Republican named John McCain, once a target of this type of stuff, spoke out against it. Then he ran for President and embraced it.
Your teams assholes like Rush use this kind of crap all the time.

Dont you remember him calling for his minions to become dems and vote for hillary.

when was the last time you heard that kind of crap from a lefty?

lots of lefties decided to vote for mccain in the primaries.
I enjoyed it immensely. He joked about his relationship with Cheney. I was on my feet clapping through most of his speech, as was the rest of the 11,000 strong crowd.

I came away reassured about what I had initially assumed: that Obama would be the Democratic candidate most in line with my views. He reiterated the need to withdraw from Iraq, restore habeas corpus, and close Guantanamo.

Things I disagreed with: He hinted at overturning the Bush tax cuts, and instituting a universal healthcare program.

However if the choice is 4 more years of war or universal healthcare, I'll choose the latter immediately.

Then you need to realize you are voting for a democrat and he will not deside his platform for your convinience and his VP pick will reflect the party.