VP Picks

I heard that before I ever started following politics closely. It was my first perception of Biden, and I assure you it is fairly widely held among quasi-politicos who do not follow the day to day developments but do hold opinions about politicians.

Ok. I’m assured. Thanks.
Hell a fellow Democratic Senator, Mike Gravel, even called him arrogant.

Well, you know, several Republican Senators are on record stating that the idea of McCain, whom they claim has a murderous and frightening temper, as president gives them chills up their spines.

I didn’t see you freaking out and posting 100 blogs about that, nor do I see it talked about in the MSM.

I personally don’t have a problem with a bit of arrogance. And I don’t even view Biden that way. I think you are making a mountain out of molehill. My question is, why do you care this much?
Biden/Obama! Elitists '08!

Yeah and McCain is the common man all the way around, Son and Grandson of Admiral's, and you KNOW how much like the common sailor those guys are, Naval Acadamy grad, hubby of a millionaire wife, member of the senate for 20 years. I forgot what a commoner he is.
Being so strong on foreign policy, it is true that he is not the left’s favorite. Though they will take him over Keane. Maybe that’s the whole point of floating Keane’s name. Hmmm.

Anyway, I think you’re spending too much time on blogs Epic, and I disagree with your insistence that because some blogs see him that way “everyone” does. He simply is not viewed this way in the general electorate, to my knowledge he is viewed there as someone with real gravitas. I understand that it upsets the conventional wisdom apple cart when the dems have someone like that – but that’s not an issue for me. Calm down.

I don't know if you are considering the NYC area to be the "general electorate" or what, but I have pretty substantially proven my point that such a perception of him exists, so I will chill.

On a purely non-partisan note though, it's just very weird to me that you've never heard that. That's been a common refrain among voters since I was a kid. I remember hearing it when I was 10. Biden was on TV and I asked who it was. A friend of my father laughed and said, "The most arrogant prick alive."
Well, you know, several Republican Senators are on record stating that the idea of McCain, whom they claim has a murderous and frightening temper, as president gives them chills up their spines.

I didn’t see you freaking out and posting 100 blogs about that, nor do I see it talked about in the MSM.

I personally don’t have a problem with a bit of arrogance. And I don’t even view Biden that way. I think you are making a mountain out of molehill. My question is, why do you care this much?

I don't care, I just like to correct misperceptions and mistatements when they are advanced.

Your schtick of comparing everything and everyone to McCain is growing extremely old.
Yeah and McCain is the common man all the way around, Son and Grandson of Admiral's, and you KNOW how much like the common sailor those guys are, Naval Acadamy grad, hubby of a millionaire wife, member of the senate for 20 years. I forgot what a commoner he is.

Yes, because if I am criticizing Joe Biden I must be voting for McCain.

Soc it's sad to see you in the intellectual gutter today. You're normally much better than this. You know I'm not voting for McCain, I just don't want to see Obama lose by choosing an easily-stereotyped caricature of the "Elitist Democrat" like Joe Biden.
Love the comment, Darla. It put me in mind of the ancient Greek story about the blind prophet Tiresias, the one who tried to warn Oedipus away from investigating his family background.

Tiresias was changed into a woman for seven years by the gods to teach him a lesson not to mess with coupling snakes (long story!). During those seven years as a woman Tiresias learnt the greatest secret of womankind. At the end of seven years he was changed back to a man and after a while was asked by Zeus to reveal this secret. The secret was that women enjoy sex ten measures more than men do. For revealing this secret Hera, Zeus' wife and sister, struck Tiresias blind.

Maybe there really is something in becoming transgendered! I think that the one thing we can assume about Tiresias is that of all the things he missed about being a woman it was his vagina (and its bits and pieces, no doubt).

I would masturbate all the time if I were turned into a woman. I doubt, however, that I would bother to do the things required to know that women enjoy sex ten times as much as men.
I don't know if you are considering the NYC area to be the "general electorate" or what, but I have pretty substantially proven my point that such a perception of him exists, so I will chill.

On a purely non-partisan note though, it's just very weird to me that you've never heard that. That's been a common refrain among voters since I was a kid. I remember hearing it when I was 10. Biden was on TV and I asked who it was. A friend of my father laughed and said, "The most arrogant prick alive."

I love how because I live in NY I have no clue what is going on with “normal” people. And you live in a red state, yes? It never occurred to you that you were hearing these things from con pricks, who resented there being a Democrat who can kick ass on Foreign policy?

Honestly you haven’t proved anything. SF said he never heard any such thing either, and he’s a Republican living in Colorado.

The bottom line is, if it can’t be Edwards, and I don’t think it can be anymore, than Biden is the guy I like best.
I disagree about McCain's temper Darla. I see that discussed quite a bit in the media. But I really don't think it has anymore relevance to his ability to govern than Biden's arrogance would for him. What they do in both cases, however, is affect their ability to be elected.
Reality check. This is what is called a "trial balloon" dude isn't picking this guy. Unless he has an unhealthy desire to make things difficult for himself and nobody wants a President with that malfunction.
Yes, because if I am criticizing Joe Biden I must be voting for McCain.

Soc it's sad to see you in the intellectual gutter today. You're normally much better than this. You know I'm not voting for McCain, I just don't want to see Obama lose by choosing an easily-stereotyped caricature of the "Elitist Democrat" like Joe Biden.
I NEVER said that. But to compare a black kid with roots in Kenya and Kansas with a guy who has lived his whole life as an officers son, who probably would not have gone to the Naval Acadamy without his dad and granddad being Flag Officers, is just a ludicrous comparison.
Reality check. This is what is called a "trial balloon" dude isn't picking this guy. Unless he has an unhealthy desire to make things difficult for himself and nobody wants a President with that malfunction.

A trial balloon is something a campaign, or an administration does when it actually wants to do a particular thing, but isn’t sure how it will be received.

I am hoping that it is more of a bait and switch. He wants someone that the left won’t jump up and down over, but if they are anticipating this smack in the face, they will breathe a sigh of relief over.
I NEVER said that. But to compare a black kid with roots in Kenya and Kansas with a guy who has lived his whole life as an officers son, who probably would not have gone to the Naval Acadamy without his dad and granddad being Flag Officers, is just a ludicrous comparison.

Yeah well I wasn't doing that, if you'll reread my post.

I think you're making wild assumptions and going into Attack-McCain-Autopilot Mode while I'm trying to discuss the perception of Joe Biden.
Yeah well I wasn't doing that, if you'll reread my post.

I think you're making wild assumptions and going into Attack-McCain-Autopilot Mode while I'm trying to discuss the perception of Joe Biden.
you posted Biden/Obama Elitist 08. One elitist on a ticket, if Biden is that does not an elitist ticket make.
you posted Biden/Obama Elitist 08. One elitist on a ticket, if Biden is that does not an elite ticket make.

Show me where I compared Obama to McCain, or in any way touted McCain's credentials as a Joe Schmoe.

Like I said you're reflexively going into Defend Obama mode when I am not even discussing him.