VP Picks

The funny thing about this thread is I even like Biden. I think he is extremely intelligent. I supported his three state solution for Iraq with oil revenue distribution. Even the Democrats wouldn't get behind that one, but it really would be the best thing we could do there.

I just also know that he is commonly thought of as arrogant, so I had to respond when Darla acted like that was a farfetched notion.
I know that you guys are going to think that I'm crazy, but, I was watching Countdown and Olbermann had Howard Fineman on, and they talked only about Tim Kaine, right? And they talked about every little thing. Gun control, the environment, race relations, the economy, the death penality, you name it, they had Kaine's position on it.

Not one whisper about abortion.

The lefty men don't want the women to know. Didn't they tell us to shut up and sit down once already this season? Lest all our fussin and carrying on over that witch Hillary should end up giving McCain the next Supreme court pick? Is that what you want girlie? You better just watch your mouth then, you are getting uppity!

Now they want to sneak an anti-choice guy, and put him one heartbeat away from picking the next, and the deciding, supreme court nominee, by us. They don't want hear no fussin! Don't let them have to tell us again! Do we want to put John McCain, who has made some lunatic statements about birth control, in the white house? We better just shut up then, girlies! Obama must be elected. The lefty men have told us so. So it has been spoken, so shall it be.
Show me where I compared Obama to McCain, or in any way touted McCain's credentials as a Joe Schmoe.

Like I said you're reflexively going into Defend Obama mode when I am not even discussing him.
Well, if the road doesn't go to Mohamed, you bring Mohamed to the road.
This makes little sense for Obama. Kaine might help him take VA... but what else does he bring to the ticket? I still think he ends up with Biden, but I wouldn't mind him putting Kaine on the ticket for the reasons you mention.

How do you think the female Hillary supporters would take that?

Sure it makes sense. Kaine is a moderate or Blue Dog democrat and gives Obama credibility with moderates and centrist and southerners. Obama can't build a ruling coalition from just the left. He has to build a broad coalition. Besides, just because Kaine isn't a pro-choice candidate doesn't mean that Obama isn't. Besides, one should be leary about being a one-trick poney when it comes to politics.
I know that you guys are going to think that I'm crazy, but, I was watching Countdown and Olbermann had Howard Fineman on, and they talked only about Tim Kaine, right? And they talked about every little thing. Gun control, the environment, race relations, the economy, the death penality, you name it, they had Kaine's position on it.

Not one whisper about abortion.

The lefty men don't want the women to know. Didn't they tell us to shut up and sit down once already this season? Lest all our fussin and carrying on over that witch Hillary should end up giving McCain the next Supreme court pick? Is that what you want girlie? You better just watch your mouth then, you are getting uppity!

Now they want to sneak an anti-choice guy, and put him one heartbeat away from picking the next, and the deciding, supreme court nominee, by us. They don't want hear no fussin! Don't let them have to tell us again! Do we want to put John McCain, who has made some lunatic statements about birth control, in the white house? We better just shut up then, girlies! Obama must be elected. The lefty men have told us so. So it has been spoken, so shall it be.

Like I said long ago... Olbermann is a complete tool. He is a hack. Though he does read well from a teleprompter.
Sure it makes sense. Kaine is a moderate or Blue Dog democrat and gives Obama credibility with moderates and centrist and southerners. Obama can't build a ruling coalition from just the left. He has to build a broad coalition. Besides, just because Kaine isn't a pro-choice candidate doesn't mean that Obama isn't. Besides, one should be leary about being a one-trick poney when it comes to politics.

Those one-trick ponies, (pro-choice women) are among the most loyal Democratic voters the party has.

Kick them in the mouth with some caution.
Stop trying to get Tiana after me!

Why would she be after you? I am the one that mocked the tool. Though, if she does come after you, please have one of your boytoys make a video of it and then place it on youtube for our enjoyment.

Thanks in advance.
Gotta keep
One jump ahead of the breadline
One swing ahead of the sword
I steal only what I can't afford

One jump ahead of the lawmen
That's all, and that's no joke
These guys don't appreciate I'm broke

[Crowd:] Riffraff! Street rat! I don't Buy That!

Just a little snack, guys
I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
You're my only friend, Abu!
[Crowd:] Who?
Oh, It's sad Aladdin hit the bottom
He's become a a one-man rise in crime
I'd blame parents except he hasn't got 'em
[Aladdin:] Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Tell you all about it when I got the time!

One jump ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time gonna use a nom de plume
One jump ahead of the hitman
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block

[Crowd:] Stop, thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!

[Aladdin:] Let's not be too hasty
[Lady:] Still I think he's rather tasty
[Aladdin:] Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Otherwise we'd get along