Walz defends his service record.

Why does he need help?

Dems love the guy, he's a great speaker, he gets crowds fired up, and the polls keep flipping in favor of the Harris/Walz ticket. They're doing fine right now.

In terms of who needs help, I'd probably say it's the guys who still seem to have no idea how to counter Harris' momentum, and who keep offending women almost every time they speak.

Maybe that's not a big deal, though. Women don't make up too much of the electorate or anything.

But, it's good to know that "thank you for your service" has become as meaningless for Republicans as "we're the party of law & order."
Hey if the Dems want to vote for a fraud that is up to them. The Independents may not like the fact that he is a fraud though. And I doubt that most of those that served honorably will like it either.
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Hey if the Dems want to vote for a fraud that is up to them. The Independents may not like the fact that he is a fraud though. And I doubt that most of those that served honorably will like it either.

Walz didn't serve honorably?

Actually, I've heard the opposite. The vast majority on the military side that I've heard speak on this think it's a disgrace that Republicans are attacking his service for political gain.
Of course he did, but again, as has been explained to you umpteen times, he didn’t say it to glorify himself but rather to make a point about the dangers of semiautomatic weapons, he was speaking about gun control, not his experiences in war

And again, I guess you can not recognize your own hypocrisy, you are attacking a guy who served the country for over two decades for three misquotes he gave during that time yet worship a guy who dissed McCain as a hero, referred to veterans as suckers, and refused to visit a veterans cemetery because the rain might mess up his combover
How long have you been a clairvoyant.

Three misquotes? One they aren't "misquotes" Two he has misrepresented his retirement rank MULTIPLE times.
Did he misprint the congressional coins he handed out? No one is disrespecting his service.Just the fact that he misused it ...which is against the creed that he took...
The country spend BIG BUCKS training him. He signed a contract. But when the bill came due and the country wanted his battalion to serve in Iraq he cut and ran.

How long of a warning do you think the NG gives a group of citizen soldiers to get their lives in order to deploy to war. Everyone knew they were deploying for months before they left. Walz didn't even complete the enlistment he had signed that he would do. He didn't even finish his Command Sargent Major course. He was so anxious to get out of the service he knew he would be busted back in rank and yet he did it anyway.

JD Vance served honorably and did EXACTLY what his country asked of him to do including going to a war zone. He has never once misrepresented what he did.

Walz is a pompous liar who has misrepresented his service and avoided going to a war zone.
Let's not rewrite history. Read and reread the dates in Walz's timeline. His unit didn't get the "alert order" until two months after Walz retired.

"In May 2005, Walz, then 41, officially retired from the Minnesota National Guard to campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District. He filed his statement of candidacy paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005.

Walz’s unit received an “alert order” for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005,
Army Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, Minnesota National Guard’s director of operations, told PolitiFact in a statement.

The unit received the official Department of the Army mobilization order Aug. 14, 2005, and mobilized Oct. 12, 2005, Rossman said.

The unit deployed to Iraq in March 2006 and was deployed for 19 months, according to an October 2007 congressional resolution."

Hey if the Dems want to vote for a fraud that is up to them. The Independents may not like the fact that he is a fraud though. And I doubt that most of those that served honorably will like it either.
Oh yeah? Let's see proof that he got a dishonorable discharge, otherwise you're full of it.
You're talking about it like it's a calculated lie. I've done what he did - I wanted to make a larger point about something, so I rushed to it. He wanted to talk about weapons of war, so he went for "carried into war" - he carried them PREPARING for potentially going to war. He just abbreviated it.

It's a tempest in a teacup. You'll ridicule what I just said, but everyone does this - including some other prominent candidates for office.
So, you lie like Tampon Tim.

He said “…like the weapons I carried in war.” There is a video that has been posted dozens of times.

He lied about his retirement rank too…a stone valor thief…no matter how you spin and shuck and jive.
The country spend BIG BUCKS training him. He signed a contract. But when the bill came due and the country wanted his battalion to serve in Iraq he cut and ran.

How long of a warning do you think the NG gives a group of citizen soldiers to get their lives in order to deploy to war. Everyone knew they were deploying for months before they left. Walz didn't even complete the enlistment he had signed that he would do. He didn't even finish his Command Sargent Major course. He was so anxious to get out of the service he knew he would be busted back in rank and yet he did it anyway.

JD Vance served honorably and did EXACTLY what his country asked of him to do including going to a war zone. He has never once misrepresented what he did.

Walz is a pompous liar who has misrepresented his service and avoided going to a war zone.
He spent 24 years in the service. He quit to run for Congress. He is still serving America.
He spent 24 years in the service. He quit to run for Congress. He is still serving America.
Two weeks a year and one weekend a month. Hardly 24 years. As soon as he was to be deployed tampon Timmy got his period. Why do you people think everyone is as stupid as you?
So, you lie like Tampon Tim.

He said “…like the weapons I carried in war.” There is a video that has been posted dozens of times.

He lied about his retirement rank too…a stone valor thief…no matter how you spin and shuck and jive.

Eh - there is a big difference between misspeaking, and lying.

See, a lie is like when an insecure man sees a huge crowd for his opponent, and insists that it's fake & AI-generated. THAT is an actual, calculated lie. Walz just misspoke.

But it's great that you guys are hyping it up. It only appeals to MAGA's, and lets everyone else know that the party that used to support the military has turned their back on those who serve, starting w/ Trump completely disparaging the service of a true war hero in John McCain and w/ the latest entry of trying to make hay out of a single comment made by someone who served for 24 YEARS.
Eh - there is a big difference between misspeaking, and lying.

See, a lie is like when an insecure man sees a huge crowd for his opponent, and insists that it's fake & AI-generated. THAT is an actual, calculated lie. Walz just misspoke.

But it's great that you guys are hyping it up. It only appeals to MAGA's, and lets everyone else know that the party that used to support the military has turned their back on those who serve, starting w/ Trump completely disparaging the service of a true war hero in John McCain and w/ the latest entry of trying to make hay out of a single comment made by someone who served for 24 YEARS.
You mean like someone claiming they graduated near the top of their law school but in reality they were very near the bottom? Or claiming they were arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison? Or that the truck driver who accidentally killed your first wife was drunk at the time even though he wasn't? Like that?
Walz didn't serve honorably?

Actually, I've heard the opposite. The vast majority on the military side that I've heard speak on this think it's a disgrace that Republicans are attacking his service for political gain.
His exit from the military was less than honorable. His representation of himself as a rank he does not hold is not honorable. And saying he carried a weapon in war when clearly he did not is not honorable. Men that he served with do not think what he did in avoiding service in Iraq was honorable. There was a portion of his service that was just fine but his lying about it was dishonorable. Also I seem to remember Democrats attacking JD Vance's service for political gain.
You mean like someone claiming they graduated near the top of their law school but in reality they were very near the bottom? Or claiming they were arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison? Or that the truck driver who accidentally killed your first wife was drunk at the time even though he wasn't? Like that?
or claiming her boss was sharp as a tack. When he has dementia.
Eh - there is a big difference between misspeaking, and lying.

See, a lie is like when an insecure man sees a huge crowd for his opponent, and insists that it's fake & AI-generated. THAT is an actual, calculated lie. Walz just misspoke.

But it's great that you guys are hyping it up. It only appeals to MAGA's, and lets everyone else know that the party that used to support the military has turned their back on those who serve, starting w/ Trump completely disparaging the service of a true war hero in John McCain and w/ the latest entry of trying to make hay out of a single comment made by someone who served for 24 YEARS.
Single comment???? :rofl2: He even had coins with his Command Sargent Major rank on them to distribute in Congress.

His exit from the military was less than honorable. His representation of himself as a rank he does not hold is not honorable. And saying he carried a weapon in war when clearly he did not is not honorable. Men that he served with do not think what he did in avoiding service in Iraq was honorable. There was a portion of his service that was just fine but his lying about it was dishonorable. Also I seem to remember Democrats attacking JD Vance's service for political gain.

Honestly, to say his exit after 24 years was "less than honorable" is completely misleading, inaccurate and disgraceful.

Can you cite "men he served with" aside from the one guy?

Honestly, this is a surreal discussion. Trump got what...5 deferments? We're talking about a guy who served this country for 2 decades+.

I honor & appreciate everyone who serves this country. I don't sit back and disparage honorable service to America from my keyboard.
Honestly, to say his exit after 24 years was "less than honorable" is completely misleading, inaccurate and disgraceful.

Can you cite "men he served with" aside from the one guy?

Honestly, this is a surreal discussion. Trump got what...5 deferments? We're talking about a guy who served this country for 2 decades+.

I honor & appreciate everyone who serves this country. I don't sit back and disparage honorable service to America from my keyboard.
If you contracted with a builder to build you a 4,000 foot home but he just quit after building 2500 feet of your home. Would you consider that being honorable. Walz signed a contract to serve 6 years and just served 4 years. He promised to finish Command Sargent Major training school he did not complete it. Then he went around telling everyone he was a Command Sargent Major. He even went to far as to mint coins bragging that he was a retired Command Sargent Major. His service prior to his abrupt retirement seems honorable enough but his actions since that time are not honorable.
If you contracted with a builder to build you a 4,000 foot home but he just quit after building 2500 feet of your home. Would you consider that being honorable. Walz signed a contract to serve 6 years and just served 4 years. He promised to finish Command Sargent Major training school he did not complete it. Then he went around telling everyone he was a Command Sargent Major. He even went to far as to mint coins bragging that he was a retired Command Sargent Major. His service prior to his abrupt retirement seems honorable enough but his actions since that time are not honorable.

Good luck w/ the "served for 24 years but came up short on a contract that no one really understands."

No one is even talking about this anymore except the MAGA's.