Was Barracks drug use and 'alternative' lifesytle limited to his childhood?

From what I have been told, if you smoke Herion it is not as addictive, also I guess that it has become so pure that you can snort it now with out fear of killing yourself on everything else in it. But for the most part I agree with you Ep.
From what I have been told, if you smoke Herion it is not as addictive, also I guess that it has become so pure that you can snort it now with out fear of killing yourself on everything else in it. But for the most part I agree with you Ep.

Well, of course. It's still not safe. And smoking Heroin eats away the white matter in the brain. I don't know why smoked heroin does it and injected doesn't, but it does. But generally, if you inject any drug, it's a lot more addictive than if you snorted or ate it. And a little more addictive than if you smoked it.
Just saying keep in mind the guy isn't the patron saint he's made out to be... A former cocaine user, 'alternative' lifestyles, the most liberal member of the Senate, it's just way out of the mainstream of America. It's funny though to hear this JFK talk...

Anyone the Democrats ever nominate will be called the most liberal member of ____. Kerry was the most liberal senator, and Gore was the most liberal vp we ever had. As long as this crap works, the Republicans will keep making it up!
From what I have been told, if you smoke Herion it is not as addictive, also I guess that it has become so pure that you can snort it now with out fear of killing yourself on everything else in it. But for the most part I agree with you Ep.

It is not as addictive, but it is also not as efficient a way to use it.

More bang for your buck by injecting, and inevitably even the strongest-willed heroin smokers will be drawn to do so out of curiosity or necessity.
It is not as addictive, but it is also not as efficient a way to use it.

More bang for your buck by injecting, and inevitably even the strongest-willed heroin smokers will be drawn to do so out of curiosity or necessity.

Injecting provides more band for your buck with anything. But because it gets to your brain so much faster, it will always be much more addictive.

If cocaine were injected instead of snorted, for instance, it would be a lot more of a problem than it is now. But since most people think it's impossible or retarded (including you), cocaine isn't as bad as it would be. That's one of the biggest problems with heroin. It was introduced into the market by injection (by doctors), and that's the only way a lot of people think it should be done.
Injecting provides more band for your buck with anything. But because it gets to your brain so much faster, it will always be much more addictive.

If cocaine were injected instead of snorted, for instance, it would be a lot more of a problem than it is now. But since most people think it's impossible or retarded (including you), cocaine isn't as bad as it would be. That's one of the biggest problems with heroin. It was introduced into the market by injection (by doctors), and that's the only way a lot of people think it should be done.

Just so we're clear I don't think I've ever said it's impossible. I've never done it and never will, but my neighbor does it everyday so unless I was just trashed one day I doubt I said it was impossible.
Just so we're clear I don't think I've ever said it's impossible. I've never done it and never will, but my neighbor does it everyday so unless I was just trashed one day I doubt I said it was impossible.

You said it was retarded. Which is the one good thing about cocaine users, they rightfully know that injecting something directly into your veins is retarded, while heroin users don't.
You said it was retarded. Which is the one good thing about cocaine users, they rightfully know that injecting something directly into your veins is retarded, while heroin users don't.

Yeah when you wake up one day and think "I can't fucking wait to stick a needle in my own vein!" you need to start reconsidering your drug habits.
Yeah when you wake up one day and think "I can't fucking wait to stick a needle in my own vein!" you need to start reconsidering your drug habits.
The injecting itself becomes addictive. Some needle users inject ice water just to get a rush.
Unfortunately, WRL's ignorance is with him for life.

I wonder if he was as concerned about Bush being a lush well into his 30's, even as a father?

If you're going to use this as a hit-job on Obama, you're going to have to successfully explain to me why marijauana should remain illegal, and no one has had much luck with that yet.

Is this why it is still 'Illegal'?...not a bright or intelligent college boy resonse!
He was a lush.............

Unfortunately, WRL's ignorance is with him for life.

I wonder if he was as concerned about Bush being a lush well into his 30's, even as a father?

as a 'father' just how does one do that anyhoo? Are you speaking from experience?l
Your response just did!

Well you're not a bright or intelligent person now are you?

So why would I bother wasting one on you?

Dimwit! as for bright...well I completed my turn in the proverbial barrel of life and am enjoying the returns...by your own arguments on this board I would say your spouse and you will be 'bag ladies'...taking cool hits on mary jane as you reminisce of days long ago...tie dying your new found discarded 'T' shirts found in the dumpster!:cof1: oh yeah while listening to 'gangster rap'
Dimwit! as for bright...well I completed my turn in the proverbial barrel of life and am enjoying the returns...by your own arguments on this board I would say your spouse and you will be 'bag ladies'...taking cool hits on mary jane as you reminisce of days long ago...tie dying your new found discarded 'T' shirts found in the dumpster!:cof1: oh yeah while listening to 'gangster rap'

Read: Garagjfhe! Young whippersnapper gangsterrapping potsmoking hippy! IM akjsdf;lHGgonna godrnk.
as a 'father' just how does one do that anyhoo? Are you speaking from experience?l

To me, that is much more of a character issue. "Youthful indiscretions" are what they are, and almost everyone has 'em.

But when you're in your 30's, and are responsible for children, and still can't give up booze or whatever it is? That's revealing, imo.

I happen to think Bush is a self-centered, low-character guy, anyway. Spoiled rich kid who has had everything handed to him his entire life, and has a gargantuan sense of entitlement.
Question now becomes..........

As long as they lay off the blow while in office I give a shit what they did before as far as drug use goes. I have used Coke, I have smoked dope, did acid and peyote, took speed and have smoked opium once. I give a shit if a politician did drugs. I don't care that W had a DWI. Hell drunk drivers help pay the bills around here.

Did you do all of the above while serving in the Army?..Inquiring minds want to know counselor!:shock: