we had to put to sleep our beloved cat charcoal

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
he had advanced kidney disease and was suffering

he was one of four rescue cats that we took in, we estimate that he was 17 years old, we had him for his last 12 years
he had advanced kidney disease and was suffering

he was one of four rescue cats that we took in, we estimate that he was 17 years old, we had him for his last 12 years

I'm so sorry man...losing a pet can be painful. Take heart...he's waiting for you on the other side...
I'm so sorry to hear this, Don. It's the worst feeling when your beloved pet is suffering and there's nothing you can do.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you.....
I loved you so --
'twas Heaven here with you."
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]--by Ilsa Paschal Richardson[/FONT]
I'm so sorry to hear this, Don. It's the worst feeling when your beloved pet is suffering and there's nothing you can do.

Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you.....
I loved you so --
'twas Heaven here with you."

--by Ilsa Paschal Richardson

thank you so much
I'm sorry...

My beloved Angel (maltese) had to be put down at 14 1/2 on Jan 2nd. In April, the better half adopted two kittens for me. We found out they were born on that day.
My sympathies Don. If it helps he had a long life and you rescuing him lade his last moments comfortable.