we had to put to sleep our beloved cat charcoal

Not always.

Again, it isn't the fact that it is a VPN that would mask you... It is like saying that you read the library.. You don't. You read a book, and it isn't even necessarily true that you get most books from a library.
Do you two realize that you have completely hijacked the thread over whether I am Alias using a proxy at the library reading books on a VPN or some shit?
Do you two realize that you have completely hijacked the thread over whether I am Alias using a proxy at the library reading books on a VPN or some shit?

I think that hijacking is preferable to the remarks you made. I mean, we get that you don't understand the emotional attachment. I understand you cannot comprehend that he loved this cat.

But you decided to go one step beyond that and mock the pain of his loss. And that is more despicable than I can express.

Right with God? You intentionally cause pain to someone for no other reason than you can, and you have the audacity to talk about being right with God?

He isn't Alias. Only SM, of the posters I have known, would be this bad.
I think that hijacking is preferable to the remarks you made. I mean, we get that you don't understand the emotional attachment. I understand you cannot comprehend that he loved this cat.

But you decided to go one step beyond that and mock the pain of his loss. And that is more despicable than I can express.

Right with God? You intentionally cause pain to someone for no other reason than you can, and you have the audacity to talk about being right with God?

He isn't Alias. Only SM, of the posters I have known, would be this bad.

SM now? OK go with that
SM now? OK go with that

I don't really give a rats ass who you are. You are a worthless excuse for a human being. That much is abundantly clear.

I mean, why post that shit? Its obvious the guy was torn up by the loss of a beloved pet. You couldn't just leave it alone? You couldn't just let his friends try and provide a tiny bit of comfort? Noooo, you have to try and show what a cool badass you are and throw those vile comments out.
I don't really give a rats ass who you are. You are a worthless excuse for a human being. That much is abundantly clear.

I mean, why post that shit? Its obvious the guy was torn up by the loss of a beloved pet. You couldn't just leave it alone? You couldn't just let his friends try and provide a tiny bit of comfort? Noooo, you have to try and show what a cool badass you are and throw those vile comments out.

It is funny that people post some pretty mean things around this place, but pets are over the top. I would argue that to be "torn up" over a pet is a hot over the top, but that is just me. Sort of like taking this place so seriously and claiming friendships on a message board. Seems sort of odd to me. But, hey I'd it has your knickers all in a twist, I am sorry that you were offended by my words
It is funny that people post some pretty mean things around this place, but pets are over the top. I would argue that to be "torn up" over a pet is a hot over the top, but that is just me. Sort of like taking this place so seriously and claiming friendships on a message board. Seems sort of odd to me. But, hey I'd it has your knickers all in a twist, I am sorry that you were offended by my words

What's actually funny is that Damo is very tolerant of a lot that goes on here in his forum and from what I've seen he allows a lot. I'm the same on my forum. I've never even had to ban anyone.

You, however, I'd ban just because I just don't fucking like you.
thank you, no matter how many times that we have lost one of our cats, it always hurts
Yes, it does. But we eventually go out and get another. Even if we swear we'll never do it again.

I lost one to kidney disease. Poor guy couldn't stop drinking water. And then he was stumbling around, wasted. It's sad.

Lost a 7 year old to a cracked jaw last Nov. It's tough.

Sorry to hear about Charcoal.
Because he isn't?

I mean, it's pretty clear that when we ban someone permanently, we don't just say fuck it after a couple of months. At least I'd think it was clear.

Here is a list of similarities between the two:

They are both Republican/right winged
They might both be male.

That's it. They're on opposite ends of the country, and I doubt Alias would move several thousand miles to get around being banned here. Hell, ID and USL haven't done that yet and they can't stop trying to get around their bans.

you said you had reason to believe he was an old poster. Were you wrong?
Again, you are talking about use of a proxy, that you used the VPN as the proxy doesn't change that. The fact it was a VPN isn't what was important and has little to do with your IP other than if you used it as a proxy. Now most VPNs, being for business, do pass through information; because of that we get to see the real IP. It is an anonymous proxy you will want to use...

Your originating IP doesn't change, and unless you use a proxy that will not pass your information you will be caught just as easily.

You keep saying "VPN" as if that was what was important... It is the proxy that they need, and they need it to be anonymous.

This would be like saying you used a library to read. Yeah, there are books there, but you aren't reading the library... you are reading the books...

You may use a VPN as a way to get a proxy IP... and some may even be nice enough to block information passthrough (most are not)... but you are using them as a proxy...

"This place is full of multiple accounts. It's impossible to get banned here.

If I do get banned, I'll be back under a different name. I can't be banned anywhere. "

"I have a pic of you and your daughter prepare yourself"

Just a reminder of his promise to return and his belief that he could get around your ban, and finally, why i might be interested. But be that as it may...he'll eventually fuck up. I really don't care if he does post it. After the incident it occurred to me that the only monsters posting here already have it. What's going to happen? he's going to post it and WB and SF and Onceler are going to see my niece? Who cares. You'll delete it right away and they aren't interested in looking at it. I really don't give a crap anymore.

But I am convinced it is him, and Bijou became convinced independently. IN fact when I saw her say "hi alias" i was shocked because I did not know how she could know him. I was already convinced it was him. I PM'd her and asked, and that's when I found out she knows him from another board. A board he went to after you banned him here. There was no collusion. Which was pretty striking to me.
What's actually funny is that Damo is very tolerant of a lot that goes on here in his forum and from what I've seen he allows a lot. I'm the same on my forum. I've never even had to ban anyone.

You, however, I'd ban just because I just don't fucking like you.

Fortunately I will survive your displeasure.
"This place is full of multiple accounts. It's impossible to get banned here.

If I do get banned, I'll be back under a different name. I can't be banned anywhere. "

"I have a pic of you and your daughter prepare yourself"

Just a reminder of his promise to return and his belief that he could get around your ban, and finally, why i might be interested. But be that as it may...he'll eventually fuck up. I really don't care if he does post it. After the incident it occurred to me that the only monsters posting here already have it. What's going to happen? he's going to post it and WB and SF and Onceler are going to see my niece? Who cares. You'll delete it right away and they aren't interested in looking at it. I really don't give a crap anymore.

But I am convinced it is him, and Bijou became convinced independently. IN fact when I saw her say "hi alias" i was shocked because I did not know how she could know him. I was already convinced it was him. I PM'd her and asked, and that's when I found out she knows him from another board. A board he went to after you banned him here. There was no collusion. Which was pretty striking to me.

You sure are wasting a tremendous amount of bandwidth trying to convince yourself that I am Alias or Legion or well just pick one.

I can assure you dear lady, I am neither. I am a completely different asshole.

A for these pictures you bring up, I don't know what to tell you. You shouldn't let these things get in the hands of anonymous individuals in te Internet. But I can say this is all rather amusing. The paranoia is amazing to behold

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming
It is funny that people post some pretty mean things around this place, but pets are over the top. I would argue that to be "torn up" over a pet is a hot over the top, but that is just me. Sort of like taking this place so seriously and claiming friendships on a message board. Seems sort of odd to me. But, hey I'd it has your knickers all in a twist, I am sorry that you were offended by my words

I'm sure the notion of loving a pet and having friends is 'over the top' to you, Alias.

Tell us about God again. I need a laugh this morning.
I'm sure the notion of loving a pet and having friends is 'over the top' to you, Alias.

Tell us about God again. I need a laugh this morning.

Au contraire. I just don't look to an anonymous message board for friendship. Maybe you do. I am merely amusing myself while in an airport.

I can understand loving a pet, but it is just a pet. It is just an animal. Too many humans substitute their pets and online relationships for actual human interaction. You are obviously one of them.

All the best and may God be with you
Au contraire. I just don't look to an anonymous message board for friendship. Maybe you do. I am merely amusing myself while in an airport.

I can understand loving a pet, but it is just a pet. It is just an animal. Too many humans substitute their pets and online relationships for actual human interaction. You are obviously one of them.

All the best and may God be with you

:rofl2: Jig's up, Alias.
This Alias character sure did a number on you libs. ROFLMAO.

Your paranoia is your issue. I can't do anything about it. I can't prove a negative. But I can laugh my ass off at you.

Yeah, paranoia - don't flatter yourself. The reason everyone thinks you're Alias is because Alias was a pathetic little attention whore who claimed to be Christian and in the next breath spewed racist filth and sexual innuendo. I'm sure the innuendo's coming soon. The pattern's the same. True, there are plenty of other losers who post like you, but there are certain tells with you.

A "number" on the libs. In your dreams, lightweight.

Hey, Don, sorry for your loss. I used to have a cat named Ash, so I couldn't help but grin when I saw Charcoal. Ash was about 15, but my dad had a cat named Saniva that died when I was about 7, and he was somewhere around 17-20.

At least you helped your cat achieve some good longevity!!