we had to put to sleep our beloved cat charcoal

It is funny that people post some pretty mean things around this place, but pets are over the top. I would argue that to be "torn up" over a pet is a hot over the top, but that is just me. Sort of like taking this place so seriously and claiming friendships on a message board. Seems sort of odd to me. But, hey I'd it has your knickers all in a twist, I am sorry that you were offended by my words

And I have argued that the meanness is a problem. That point aside, I appreciate your apology.

For some of us, pets are a big part of our lives. It is not a substitute for human friendships. It is an addition to our lives that makes it richer. I can say, without shame, that I have shed tears at the loss of every dog I have ever had. They are more than just an animal that lives with us. Much more.

As for claiming friendships, I do not "claim" anything. I have friends here. That I have not met these friends face to face changes nothing. They are still my friends. I recently had some crap go on in my personal life. Several of my friends here know about it. One has expressed concern and passed on some kind words. Another friend has contacted me several times to make sure I am doing ok. He offered sound advice and comfort. I am selective about who I call a 'friend'. But some people here are certainly my friends.

Again, I appreciate the apology.
Just wondering...what forum is this Alias on now? PM me if you need to...

I am right here. I cast a confundus charm on their servers to confuse them so you wouldnt really know it is me. I am also Legion.

Look!!!! Over there!!!! It is another one!! No over there!!!!!

"This place is full of multiple accounts. It's impossible to get banned here.

If I do get banned, I'll be back under a different name. I can't be banned anywhere. "

"I have a pic of you and your daughter prepare yourself"

Just a reminder of his promise to return and his belief that he could get around your ban, and finally, why i might be interested. But be that as it may...he'll eventually fuck up. I really don't care if he does post it. After the incident it occurred to me that the only monsters posting here already have it. What's going to happen? he's going to post it and WB and SF and Onceler are going to see my niece? Who cares. You'll delete it right away and they aren't interested in looking at it. I really don't give a crap anymore.

But I am convinced it is him, and Bijou became convinced independently. IN fact when I saw her say "hi alias" i was shocked because I did not know how she could know him. I was already convinced it was him. I PM'd her and asked, and that's when I found out she knows him from another board. A board he went to after you banned him here. There was no collusion. Which was pretty striking to me.

Allow me to put Bijou's paranoid delusions to rest. How in the fuck could I know that this Alias has pictures of her and her daughter? Well, maybe because she fucking told me?

he had advanced kidney disease and was suffering

he was one of four rescue cats that we took in, we estimate that he was 17 years old, we had him for his last 12 years

so sorry to hear about your kitty.

nothing like the unconditional love of an animal.