
You mean dcjunkies? What's there to be sorry about? Too many afflicted with TARD turned it into a trollfest. Good riddance.
ya. but I lost the Libyan Civil war thread...over 10k views..it was pretty cool.

I should have banned everybody.. but me :)
I guess different forums have different rules.

I suppose posting pics of a filthy, naked Ukranian whore is enough to shut some forums down.

Well ol' ratfuck had a very severe TARD infection, n' found it hard to corntrol hissef. There is a lot of that on yer side of things...
I guess different forums have different rules.

I suppose posting pics of a filthy, naked Ukranian whore is enough to shut some forums down.

Did you post nude pictures of one of your family members, on another forum, and it closed??