
^ no bromance required to say someone does a good job..

naked breasts...
we tried to run a very libertarian type site - it descended into chaos,and kindergarten type "banter"
any modding action was called "fascist/oppressive' - so after awhile the tendency was to let it fester in it's juices.
I lost interest long ago as a mod, and moved here - but I should have moved my Libyan war work here too.

as you said, it was no great loss in that respect.

Also, I should remind you that this site is largely run by libertarians. Damo, Grind and Billy are. Socrtease is fairly libertarian. Past moderator Beefy was a libertarian (on previous forums his name was IHateGovernment). Rana is the lone mod who is not.
I'm not begging to post in one forum. I've behaved.
The only political message board I've ever been permanently banned from was democraticunderground after one post .Something to the effect of: " If Berniebros are disenchanted with hrc, they should consider Johnson. "

You will not be missed
I'm not begging to post in one forum. I've behaved.
The only political message board I've ever been permanently banned from was democraticunderground after one post .Something to the effect of: " If Berniebros are disenchanted with hrc, they should consider Johnson. "

Who in the hell, said anything about "begging"!!! :dunno:
Why do I even have to ask nicely?
I never flame.
If I don't behave there just ban me from it.

Because it's one of the few rules that Damo has for this board.

Why is it so hard just to ask to be allowed to post in the APP forum?
It's not like you have to undergo a background check or anything. :palm:
Also, I should remind you that this site is largely run by libertarians. Damo, Grind and Billy are. Socrtease is fairly libertarian. Past moderator Beefy was a libertarian (on previous forums his name was IHateGovernment). Rana is the lone mod who is not.
this (DCJ) was quasi-anachist, but the host Pro-Boards was not. I doubt we ever banned anyone -if so it was just a time out.
Also, I should remind you that this site is largely run by libertarians. Damo, Grind and Billy are. Socrtease is fairly libertarian. Past moderator Beefy was a libertarian (on previous forums his name was IHateGovernment). Rana is the lone mod who is not.
Didn't Billy fall off his barstool?

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