
Oh great another racist mysoginist pretending to be progressive and tolerant.

I'm not a Progressive. I don't particularly even like Progressives.

I'm a Democrat mainly because Republicans and other conservative types are such ignorant idiots.

And I'm tolerant of most people, but not greedy, self-interested wealthy asshole politicians who seek to stick it to the poor and middle class just to shove more money into their own pockets, nor am I tolerant of simpletons and willing tools who are dumb enough to support them based on solely on social conservatism.

Melanoma Trump married that orange piece of trash for his money so that makes her as bad as he is.

Worse, even.

But then again, once a whore always a whore I guess.
You mean dcjunkies? What's there to be sorry about? Too many afflicted with TARD turned it into a trollfest. Good riddance.

Hey, any more talk like that & we will send a letter to your gov up there & have you deported back to NOLA!!!!.:(

You trashed that board.

No wonder all the cnservatard cunts showed up here all of a sudden.
sure. I was a mod at that zoo -yet it's my fault for trashing it,
and losing all the Libyan Civil war info I documented..\ You're as stupid as you are vindictive..
That's twice now.......:( You need to set up a private server??? lol
looking back i would have.. what's the saying "all things must pass?" It was a nice little news magazine but it served it's purpose.
Libya is in dithers -it can't get a government still.
I mostly kept it going out of habit,and as proof for the interventionists/apologists who claimed that "humanitarian war" was righteous.

It was a great screw up to this day by Obama/Hillary/NATO -but they no longer (mostly) matter..Oh well I leaned a lot from it.
looking back i would have.. what's the saying "all things must pass?" It was a nice little news magazine but it served it's purpose.
Libya is in dithers -it can't get a government still.
I mostly kept it going out of habit,and as proof for the interventionists/apologists who claimed that "humanitarian war" was righteous.

It was a great screw up to this day by Obama/Hillary/NATO -but they no longer (mostly) matter..Oh well I learned a lot from it.

Anyone that read it did. Very nice job Anatta.
Anyone that read it did. Very nice job Anatta.
ty sir. you are an officer and a gentleman

^ no bromance required to say someone does a good job..

It's not even allowed to post porn on this wild west forum, although, Damo would simply ban the poster and be done with it.
naked breasts...
we tried to run a very libertarian type site - it descended into chaos,and kindergarten type "banter"
any modding action was called "fascist/oppressive' - so after awhile the tendency was to let it fester in it's juices.
I lost interest long ago as a mod, and moved here - but I should have moved my Libyan war work here too.

as you said, it was no great loss in that respect.
^ no bromance required to say someone does a good job..

naked breasts...
we tried to run a very libertarian type site - it descended into chaos,and kindergarten type "banter"
any modding action was called "fascist/oppressive' - so after awhile the tendency was to let it fester in it's juices.
I lost interest long ago as a mod, and moved here - but I should have moved my Libyan war work here too.

as you said, it was no great loss in that respect.

i need to talk to you anatta
^ no bromance required to say someone does a good job..

naked breasts...
we tried to run a very libertarian type site - it descended into chaos,and kindergarten type "banter"
any modding action was called "fascist/oppressive' - so after awhile the tendency was to let it fester in it's juices.
I lost interest long ago as a mod, and moved here - but I should have moved my Libyan war work here too.

as you said, it was no great loss in that respect.
It's definitely better here. But there will never be another Bill Maher board. That was classic.
^ no bromance required to say someone does a good job..

naked breasts...
we tried to run a very libertarian type site - it descended into chaos,and kindergarten type "banter"
any modding action was called "fascist/oppressive' - so after awhile the tendency was to let it fester in it's juices.
I lost interest long ago as a mod, and moved here - but I should have moved my Libyan war work here too.

as you said, it was no great loss in that respect.

Our mods would just say "tough shit," and start swinging the ban hammer.