Well, it has been one month...


Staff member
Today the site has been open for one month. For a made-on-the-fly quick board I think we are doing well...

Threads: 497, Posts: 9,949, Members: 75, Active Members: 75
Welcome to our newest member, Gaffer

Nearly 500 threads and 10,000 posts in one month!

Thanks for making this a great place there people!

Thanks for not being an insane dictatorial power-hungry asshole who thinks he owns us!

That would be my title! Sorry Dixie, I'm here to ruffle some feathers and I may steal a bit of your thunder along the way!:cof1:
:lolup: :lolup:

Darn, the superiority level here his incredible! Orney, is that one all your own or did ya get a helping hand coming up with it?........:cof1:
The day I need help with something like that is the day they can plant me. I do wish I could've come up with a better synonym for "thunderous" but I was composing on the fly, as usual.

So, what's your excuse?
The day I need help with something like that is the day they can plant me. I do wish I could've come up with a better synonym for "thunderous" but I was composing on the fly, as usual.

So, what's your excuse?

No excuses here Ornery, my feeble attempts at one liners would fall well short of the superiority level they are used around here! I bow to you oh one liners, I'm not worthy!.....:cof1:

Hey it was a good one, don't sell yerself short!
Congrats Damo! You stepped up to the plate when we needed you. You're efforts are greatly appreciated.
That would be my title! Sorry Dixie, I'm here to ruffle some feathers and I may steal a bit of your thunder along the way!:cof1:

Nah, I doubt that, many have tried... but hey, if you can do your part to help educate the Pinhead masses, more power to ya! There are enough ignorant people to go around, I am sure we will both be content.
Nah, I doubt that, many have tried... but hey, if you can do your part to help educate the Pinhead masses, more power to ya! There are enough ignorant people to go around, I am sure we will both be content.

Oh, no doubt. Ignorance is bliss, and you two should be bout the happiest pigs in the poke for sure.
Yeah, I have to agree Damo, I'm surprised at how much I've taken to this site. For whatever reason, I just never really did to FP. And there's no reason I can explain for it. But I really like it here, as much as I liked my old and first board when I first found it, before it turned into troll heaven. It's comfortable here, I really like the people, and I can be "off-topic" as much as I want to without getting yelled at. Thanks for it!
Yeah, I have to agree Damo, I'm surprised at how much I've taken to this site. For whatever reason, I just never really did to FP. And there's no reason I can explain for it. But I really like it here, as much as I liked my old and first board when I first found it, before it turned into troll heaven. It's comfortable here, I really like the people, and I can be "off-topic" as much as I want to without getting yelled at. Thanks for it!
Not a problem and thanks for using the site. It makes it worth the effort I put into it. I think this is going to be one fun hobby...