Well well well the Dad if the 8 year old

Family separations was a policy you guys started in April of 2018.

Prior to April 2018, no families were separated.

You can't even lie convincingly.

That's why I call him Volscrock, and Bullshit McGee. I've never seen him honest, and clearly from his pic, he's just here to stir things up, and blast his bigoted opinions. That's what happens when they allow open racism on site. It's also what likely sends everyone, but forum regulars, and junkies away. I enjoy it here in some ways, but can't stand it in others.
That's why I call him Volscrock, and Bullshit McGee. I've never seen him honest, and clearly from his pic, he's just here to stir things up, and blast his bigoted opinions. That's what happens when they allow open racism on site. It's also what likely sends everyone, but forum regulars, and junkies away. I enjoy it here in some ways, but can't stand it in others.

All Conservatives do is lie.

I truly think they've spent most of their adult lives lying, so they simply don't know what it's like to not lie anymore.
Thank you for noting that you appreciated some things about Canada. Maybe come to B.C. when you get a chance for an even better experience. Our climate around the coast where I live is somewhat similar to coastal Norther California and Qualicum beach is considered to be perhaps the most desirable place in the world to live!

And I think you may like our political atmosphere in B.C. too!

Was on a cross country tour. Went to all the parks, and some wineries in Kelowna, before finishing in Vancouver. I chronicled the trip with photos, and updates here, while on vacation. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?97864-Jade-s-vacation-pics-6-25-7-20/page3
I miss Canada. Even all the hotels had recycling, and things were friendly. Just talking to the people who run a gas station in Canmore was pleasant.

When you build a society upon the glorification of competition and the denouncement of societal cooperation while the power structure pits the unsubstantial people against each other, the pathology of american society is the result. And if your economic system is predicated upon resource colonization and endless wars of occupation, your society will become the equivalent of the Mongol hordes with more modern weaponry which in time will be brought to bear upon the population at home, as we see in our police depts..
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White fragility is quite endemic isn't it.
Yes, white and every other race, apparently. It is psychological and not racial to think our lives our being dictated by forces beyond our control and we are helplessly being manipulated by those evil forces--astrology, the Deep State, the vast right-wing conspiracy, the "liberal media," the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, Trilateral Commission, the "power structure," the oligarchy, or other conspiracies from the 1950's mentality or reading Marx as college sophomores. But it seems to be a growing attitude--low self-efficacy
No way.

Deal's off the table now.

Now is the time for Pelosi to put her stiletto on the throat of the GOP.

She is negotiating from the position of strength.

She is the captain now.

And she'll probably be the President by the time 2020 rolls around...
That bi partisan bill from '13 was pretty comprehensive. I think it makes more sense than arguing over a stupid wall.
That bi partisan bill from '13 was pretty comprehensive. I think it makes more sense than arguing over a stupid wall.

At this point, no fucking way.

At this point, the Democrats should propose an immigration reform that basically grants amnesty and citizenship within a year's time; no red tape, no hoops, just simple and streamlined.

You're in this country illegally? Simply apply for citizenship, and if you pass the background check, you're a citizen.

You applied for citizenship years ago but are slogging through the process? Your application is approved - welcome to America.

You're a refugee from a nation we fucked up with our foreign and/or climate policy? We're really fucking sorry, so as restitution you now have automatic citizenship.

You're here on a work visa? You got dual citizenship now.

That's how it should be anyway.
At this point, no fucking way.

At this point, the Democrats should propose an immigration reform that basically grants amnesty and citizenship within a year's time; no red tape, no hoops, just simple and streamlined.

You're in this country illegally? Simply apply for citizenship, and if you pass the background check, you're a citizen.

You applied for citizenship years ago but are slogging through the process? Your application is approved - welcome to America.

You're a refugee from a nation we fucked up with our foreign and/or climate policy? We're really fucking sorry, so as restitution you now have automatic citizenship.

You're here on a work visa? You got dual citizenship now.

That's how it should be anyway.

Looks like LV (the Living Victim) is triggered. :laugh: